Jamie Burke: Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks

Jamie Burke:  Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks

When Jamie Burke made the move to Nashville, she had big plans and big dreams in the entertainment industry. In fact, her latest song and video, “Drive” describes her journey quite well.  Today, she still plans, but she hands God the eraser.  She still dreams, but her greatest dream is fulfilling God’s purpose for her life.

Though Jamie has undoubtedly enjoyed success and celebrated accomplishments, she has also experienced a great deal of curveballs, detours and adversity along the way.  She was first known for her high energy performances and breakup songs.  Then, she thought she finally found her Prince Charming….but then, it came to a screeching halt.

To top it all off, it happened very publicly.  Friends starting choosing sides, but Jamie chose the high road.

When 2018 brought her some of the most difficult challenges of her life, she knew she ultimately had two choices:  1.  Give up. OR 2.  Give it all to God.

……….She chose and continues to choose #2.

“God has truly manifested Himself into my life and my heart this year. I have had to rely on Him more than ever before. I whole-heartedly believe this was the year that God humbled me and made me realize not only am I not in control of the world around me, but that it’s ok, because He IS! As a definitive type A woman, this took me a while to be okay with,” reflects Burke.

As part of the “let go and let God” process, she found herself having to set free more than she ever envisioned.  Doors were closing and pages were turning, and in all of that uncertainty, she was reminded of her greatest certainty:  Jesus Christ.

“I have also lost a lot of relationships I was holding on to – some of these for too long.  I got to a place of wondering why I was alone.  Then, I found myself relying on Him for strength and direction, then realizing I would rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies when it came to relationships and friendships,” says Burke.

As she grows closer to the Lord and continues to remind herself of his promises, she feels the strong pull to purposely use the gifts he’s given her for His glory.  She knows he’s given her the gift of music to connect and to encourage.  She isn’t going to allow her adversities to happen to her in vain – she is going to allow Him to use the bad for the good.  She plans to be a light and to allow even her art and songwriting to go through the transformation process with her.

“2018 has been a year of growth, opportunity, and change. I have had some very high highs and some not so fun lows. I feel like I have grown a lot this year as not just a songwriter and artist, but as a woman.  I have learned to really respect myself, to be more empathetic and perceptive towards others, to appreciate little moments and to be more in the moment. As a writer I have learned to be okay with not sticking to one genre as well being more vulnerable and experimental with my lyrics and story telling,”  shares Burke.

Like most singers and songwriters in Music City, Jamie once felt the pressure to reach a certain level to consider herself “successful.”  Today though?  She is also free from that pressure.

“I believe God has spoken to me and worked in my heart in a very clear and obvious way that FAME is not something any of us should be seeking, which I think is something that is easy to do in the music/entertainment industry. He has really made me realize that while He has given me gifts and talents that should be used, it should never be about the fame that could and can come with it,” says Burke.

“I’ve had my eyes opened to really understand the impact of my music/art, and to really appreciate those moments where a stranger reaches out and says I inspire them or that they really love one of my songs.  Making a difference has become what matters to me,” she continues.

Speaking of encouraging strangers, Jamie has a lot to add.  She wants her fellow women to know that not only does fame not bring validation, but neither does our beloved social media world.

“I’d really like other women to know that social media really doesn’t validate you. Just because your photo didn’t get X amount of likes or you don’t have as many followers as this girl or that person, does not mean you are less beautiful, less valuable, less talented, or less interesting,” she encourages.

With her new chapter, has come new confidence…….but not the kind of confidence that happens from social media compliments or human approval.  In fact, she’s taken notice to not just how pressure-filled, but also how shallow, social media can really be.

“I see so many women my age who are just flat out trying so hard to look important, rich, skinny, fabulous, pretty or sexy.  They’re not even promoting a product or anything – just women trying to validate themselves.  I imagine a world where POOF….instagram is gone, BOOM….Facebook is gone.  Are you suddenly not important?  We allow ourselves to get sucked into that world and frankly, it’s almost like a double-life.  It’s all fake and manipulated,” Jamie says emphatically.

She wants other women to know that their real friends will call them, that their family loves them without or without filters and that check-ins aren’t vital.

“For me, this is another BIG area God has worked in me.  I now feel like social media is just a means of promotion and business marketing, but as far as airing every second of my personal life?  Dunzo.  Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt,” she says with certainty.

There are a few areas of her personal life that she doesn’t mind airing, however:  She has been knocked down, but she got right up.  She has been hurt, but she is allowing herself to heal.  She has been the subject of gossip, but she chooses to press on.  Most importantly, she chooses to love and she chooses to trust her healer and her helper. As a result, she is pressing on, enjoying the simple things and looking forward to the future.

“I feel like I am starting on my comeback! I’ve had a lot of setbacks this year. For example, people can get very brave online and post whatever they want about you, which is really disheartening at times. Most of it is not true…the rest is a misconstrued version of the truth. That has been hard for me. I wanted to fight back against allegations and gossip, but I decided to stay quiet, let things pass over, and just talk to you about it after the dust settles. Have I made mistakes? Yep. I’m human. We all have. I just got lucky and had things broadcast under a microscope. Have I learned from those mistakes? Yep…and I didn’t need any outside opinions or influence,”  shares Burke.

Though she had reason to become angry, she instead chose to build a strong foundation with the bricks thrown at her.  She also didn’t accept the invite to get bitter – she instead chose to get better.

“Those who know me know all the things I’ve struggled with – serious and heavy setbacks, but I’ve tried to maintain a positive attitude.  Most importantly, I’ve tried to be QUIET and LISTEN to God. What is He wanting me to do? Where does He want me to go? When I started listening is when big things began to happen. God picked up all the broken pieces of my heart and my life and said ‘these pieces are a great foundation to build something awesome on’. In doing this, I started to feel JOY and feel like I gained a lot of perspective on life, relationships, and the world around me,” says Burke.

As she began to experience a peace and joy unlike ever before, God began to talk to her about some of the other dreams he’s given her.

“I started my fashion line called 40 East. This is something I’ve always wanted to do,” reveals Burke.

Since she sincerely wants to design for the right reasons, she also donates a portion of each sale to St. Jude.

“I make custom tees, tanks, accessories and more and design everything, solely by myself,” says Burke.

In addition to to pouring herself into design, her passion for music is as strong as ever.

“I’ve also written more songs in the last 6 months or so than ever before and am halfway done with my upcoming 3rd EP/CD,” announces the Nashville entertainer.

“As I keep writing, the ‘problem’ has become ‘ok, what do I want to put on this record, what stories do I want to share, and production wise, where do I want this all to go?’  I’ve noticed that I am not just writing country anymore. I feel like I have grown as a songwriter and artist and used to put myself in a box of ‘I’m going to write this kind of music, I’m going to sound like this artist or that artist.’  Now, I’m just like, ‘I really like the way this sounds’ or ‘ya know what, I’m in a rock mood today’ or ‘I’m feeling this EDM track a lot.’  Collaborations and getting out of my comfort zone are more fun and more appealing,” she explains.

Alongside her love for the arts, she remains active in other various adventures.

“I’ve also been really fortunate to be modeling and doing all kinds of other projects now which I believe has come with the confidence and place I’m at right now,” says Burke.

“As this year or so has come to fruition, I feel like people have noticed a change in me…the way I carry myself has just become a more confident and self-aware person. I don’t believe this has anything to with my appearance! I believe this is 100% confidence in knowing God’s got this, confidence in who I am and what I can not only just offer in relationships and business opportunities, and an overall new approach to my health and fitness,” she continues.

Though her year was full of challenge, Jamie ultimately has come out victorious.  She’s turned her trials into triumphs and her fears into faith.  Rather than looking in her review mirror, she remains focused on the road ahead.

“When you are a genuinely happy person who is ok with who she is, I think the world can see from the inside out. I am staying busy on music and other projects, focusing on healing and health, listening to God and being open to whatever life is going to offer me. I am excited to see what the rest of this year and next year have in store for me…because while I’ve had some mountains to climb and major setbacks…I’ve learned…A setback is just a set up for your comeback!”

To learn more about Jamie and to listen to her music, visit her website.

To keep up with Jamie, follow  her Facebook pages for both her music and latest fashions.

You Were Made For More: The Unpopular Truth (Part 1)

You Were Made For More:  The Unpopular Truth (Part 1)

As we draw closer and closer to Christmas, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things.  Among the topics I’ve been thinking about, God keeps reminding me, “You Were Made For More.”  Over and over again….those words have been on my heart.

As we look at this day, this hour, and the spiritual condition of the world we’re living in, there isn’t any doubt in my mind that God wants to be heard.  I believe, “you were made for more” is something he wants all of us to hear right now.  “You were made for more” comes packed full of meaning for me.  To me, he’s partially reminding us that there is so much ahead that we cannot see.  We were made for so much more than our short, temporary lives here on earth.  We are eternal beings, and as the Bible clearly shows, our real lives begin after this one is through.  I also believe we were made for so much more than just the mundane and just for mere existence.  God is too big and too good to simply create anyone for mere existence, or to just simply hang out and “suffer.” It’s easy to get caught up in a routine, but God is way too powerful and loving to simply just be a “routine God.”  We aren’t here to just simply pay bills, push paperwork, mop the floors and to go through the motions.  While how we handle those responsibilities matters greatly to the Lord, he didn’t put us here just for that.  Our lives have purpose….a purpose far greater than any of us can fathom.

We were made to learn his word, to live it out and to teach it.  We were made to be lights and beacons of hope.  We were made to help rescue others from their oppression, to bring smiles to the hurting and to be the friend someone is praying for right now.  We were made to deliver the good news….the news of the deliverer. We were made to lead others to Christ, and to lovingly warn others of oncoming danger.  We were made to encourage, to love, to give, to advise and to shine for Him.  We were made to utilize our gifts, and to solve problems that only we can solve.  We are unique….we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  (Psalm 139:14)

God only made ONE of YOU for a reason.  Though we may not ever fully understand all of the reasons for our personal existence, it’s up to us to live like we were made for more anyway.  As we rest on that fact, trust him, and go where he sends us, he will beautifully reveal purpose, reason and plans along the way. (Look up Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 3:5-6, Proverbs 19:21, 1 Peter 2:21, 1 Thessalonians 4:7).


Today….whether you were feel like you’re in a valley or on a mountaintop…..you were made for more.

Whether you feel like a hero or a zero…..you were made for more.

Whether you’ve said the right things or the wrong things this week……you were made for more.

Whether you feel completely healthy or completely ill today….you were made for more.

Whether you know where life is heading or you haven’t a clue…..you were made for more.

Whether you’re wealthy or whether you’re poor…..you were made for more.

Whether you’re a top of the totem pole CEO or a stay-at-home mom…..you were made for more.

Whether you have the best relationships or whether you’re doubting some of them….you were made for more.

Whether you live in a shack or the mansion on the hill…..you were made for more.

What got me here today?  I’ve been thinking about how often we sell ourselves short, all while being the children of a limitless God.

I’ve been thinking about something even worse than that though:  How often we sell God short.  How we underestimate our Lord and what he can do.

Then, I’ve been thinking about how we settle for less in life.  How we give up too easily.  How we fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  How we sometimes wrongly believe he’s the source of our pain, when in actuality, he’s the SOLUTION.  How we refuse to see the truths that are so boldly in front of us.

………And still, WE WERE MADE FOR MORE.

There’s life beyond our struggles.  There’s hope beyond our doubts.  There’s a strength beyond our own.  There’s purpose beyond our comprehension.

You’re not here to simply just exist.  You’re not here to be just a number or statistic.  You’re not here to be just another story.

You were made to serve the most high.  You were made to live, love, think and to be more like Jesus. You were made to make a significant difference in this hurting world.  You were made for a Christ-centered purpose…made for a mission….and made to have vision.

Stay tuned for more of my blog series:  “You Were Made For More.”  Until then….I hope you’ll choose to walk in that truth today and in the days ahead.


10 Simple Reasons Your 30’s Are Better Than Your 20’s

10 Simple Reasons Your 30’s Are Better Than Your 20’s

I was once terrified of the big 3-0.  Terrified.  Believe me when I say, I have since gotten over that.

Maybe you’re an amazingly satisfied 20-something-old who has just clicked on my post for humor.  Maybe you’re thinking you can’t possibly be convinced that 30 is better.  Well…give me a few minutes to at least try.  First of all, don’t be mad at me.  I’m not telling you that your present isn’t awesome.  I’m simply telling you your future can be even better.  I’m telling you to be excited and optimistic for what’s ahead.

I was once you.  Believe it or not, I was you just a few years ago.  Now, I’m not just 30.  I’ve been a member of the 30’s club for over 3 years now.  In 2 years, I’m going to be halfway through this age bracket.

It’s funny how much I love the very time period in my life I was once so afraid of.  It’s funny how I thought I was losing something.  Little did I know, when I let go of one decade, I was letting go to gain something greater.

Some may look at my social life from 5-10 years ago and say….”But, Holly!  Your life used to be SO much more eventful!”

To them I would say, “You’re right….and that’s why I don’t really miss that time in my life.”

Did I have some incredible times in my 20’s?  YES!  I have stories galore, and I could go on and on and on…..  I would never take back those years, but here are some standard reasons why I have come to believe that 30’s are even better.

  1.  You worry less about what people think.  Do I still care a LITTLE sometimes?  Sure, but not NEARLY as much as I did as a 20-something-year-old.  As long as I’m being a good representative for Christ, I’m pretty much good with whatever people think, whether it’s that I gained a few pounds, or that I have a few more wrinkles than I used to.  They can even think I’m weird or speculate about my personal life while they’re at it for all I care. Unless they’re paying my bills or determining my future in any big way…..I’m not losing a wink of sleep at night.
  2. You’re simply more secure in your own skin.  While I still believe in looking my overall best (and I’m not suggesting you don’t), there comes a point when you realize there is so much more to life than outer beauty.  Maybe you’re younger than 30 and already there, but for me, I feel like the huge earth-shaking revelation came in my 30’s.  It’s what going on inside that matters most, and if I’m secure with my inside and secure in Christ….I’m secure in general.  Enough said.
  3. You become better at picking and choosing your battles.  There comes a time when you realize what matters and what doesn’t…..what will matter five years from now and what won’t.  You grow to discover that not every battle is yours to fight.  Let the Lord fight your battles for you.  (Exodus 14:14)
  4. Better financial situation.  Now, maybe this doesn’t apply to everyone.  This of course depends on what you take on and when.  However, by their 30’s, the average person is at least seeing their college loans on the decrease (if of course they’ve been consistently paying since their 20’s).  Though the light at the end of the tunnel may still be dim….it’s now a light, nonetheless. They’re also getting rid of credit card debt and working on that credit score.  We typically grow into better jobs and pay scales at this time in our lives, or at least have the confidence to begin the transition from unhappy situations.  We’ve had some time to prove ourselves and time to build experience. It’s a good time to be an even stronger professional than ever before.
  5. You know who you are or are almost there.  At this point, you’ve likely at least figured out who you’re not, even if you’re still working “that job.”  You are more self-aware.  You are aware of your likes, your dislikes, your hopes, your dreams…..and the fact that you can’t stay up until 2 am or handle spicy foods like you used to.  😉
  6. Maturity in the relationship department.  Okay, so maybe it’s just me, but my 30’s REALLY changed my approach to relationships.  By your 30’s, you’ve hopefully figured out your worth if you didn’t in your 20’s.  For me, I met every kind of guy in my 20’s.  It was a time of lesson learning.  Certain career pursuits didn’t match up well with my life.  I learned how important it was to be on the “same page.” By my 30’s, I really knew what I was looking for and what I wasn’t.  I could quickly discern who was serious and who wasn’t. I decided what my red lights and green lights were….and I knew what I was willing to compromise on and what I wasn’t.  Consequently, I tied the knot at 33.  I still have a lot of unmarried friends in their 30’s, but I can guarantee, like me, they didn’t come this far to settle on anything less than what they deserve.  When I got to my 30’s, I decided I was only going to get married if I felt that person added a lot of value and smiles to my already fabulous/comfortable life.  I decided my now husband did….and does.
  7. 30’s are a wiser time….yet you’re still young.  It’s like having the best of both worlds.  Though you feel a little more seasoned and experienced in your 30’s….you still look young and are considered young.  You may not be able to stay out or up all night like you used to….but you’re still young.  The only person who thinks you’re even remotely old is a teenager, and who cares what they think about “age” anyways? Are they paying your bills?  (Refer back to #1) 😉
  8. You begin to enjoy and appreciate the little things more.  I’m now entertained by things I never would have been entertained by 10 years ago.  I love simplicity now and it’s a beautiful thing.  I like listening to the rain while cuddled up under the covers, and I actually notice the fall colors more now.  Years back, I was way too busy to notice or to enjoy anything.  I actually get excited when I get a drawer organized, or receive some great new kitchen supplies.  I hated history as a kid, but I love it now.  I enjoy visiting with the elderly and inspiring the young.  I officially realize how blessed I really am for everyone and everything I have.
  9. If you haven’t figured out who your friends are and who they’re not….you’re just about there.  By the time you hit 30, high school is a distant memory.  Even college mostly becomes a distant memory.  By this time in your life, you’ve likely figured out who is who in your life:  Who is meant to stay in your boat, and who is meant to be only an acquaintance from here on out.  By now, you’ve had enough time to figure out loyalty and trust levels.  You also have had enough time to know who is like-minded and who isn’t….who encourages you and who brings you down.  Since 30’s are that time where you care less….quality becomes so much more important than quantity.  If you’re in 30’s and your life is still full of drama brought on by your friends….you’re doing it wrong.
  10. The value of life becomes even more clear.  As you notice time flying by, you become more aware of the value of life.  You realize it’s moving fast, that everyone around you is getting older, and you’ve finally grasped that life really is short.  As a result, all of the above ^^^^ takes place….and somehow, worrying about unimportant things becomes less important.

If you’re in your 30’s and you disagree with this list, well, now is a good time to start enjoying your best life.  Maybe you’re older than 30 and these things took you longer.  That’s okay too.  It varies for everyone, but this has been my general experience and the experience of many around me.

The bottom line is…  Laugh more, worry less, stay open to love if you haven’t yet found it, let go of the past, set new goals and remember HE will direct your path.  (Proverbs 3:5-6).  If you’re a teen or in your 20’s……you’re welcome in advance.  Your best days are still ahead of you.  🙂

No Courage In Conformity: (Standing For Truth Even When You’re Standing Alone)

No Courage In Conformity:  (Standing For Truth Even When You’re Standing Alone)

There isn’t any courage in conformity.  

No courage in conformity.

No courage.

In conformity….

These words have been running through my mind a lot these days.  Maybe “courage” is always on my mind because of what is currently going on in our world today.  So many are so afraid to stand for the “truth” and the “right” that they already know.  I have a confession:  Sometimes I am too.

As it’s been said a million times before, “courage is not the absence of fear, but being afraid, and doing it anyway.”

If one isn’t a little “afraid”…..then where’s the courage in anything we do?  So that is what I am doing today:  Having the courage to post this blog, though I’m slightly afraid of being bashed for it.

There are a lot of things I am and a lot of things I am not, but I know one thing I do want to be, and one thing I do not want to be:  I want to be courageous, and I don’t want to be conformed to the world.

Sometimes my flesh really wants to be conformed to the world though.  It’s much easier, you know?

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

God created me as an original.  I don’t want to die a copy.  He also created you as an original ….so why would you want to die a copy?

There isn’t any bravery in fitting in with the crowd, blending in and looking like all the rest.

As much as we may like to tell ourselves it does, it doesn’t take any courage to make secular decisions, or any courage to follow the pop culture favored way.  I promise you that.

It’s easy and comfortable to live and look like the rest….but how much of a difference will we really make in the world?

Those who follow the crowd usually don’t go much further than the crowd.

God created you to stand out….so why live to blend in?  He has better for us than that.  To say that he doesn’t is to underestimate Him.

Have courage.

Have the courage to pursue your God-given talents rather than simply choosing the major or the pathway all of your friends are.

Have the courage to dress to your heart’s content rather than settling on what is simply trendy, or what the cool people are “wearing.”

Have the courage and the integrity to pay back what you owe others.  By all means, don’t make them ask for it.  It’s just plain awkward.  Do more than what’s expected.

Have the courage to stand up for the ignored, forgotten and the “least of these.”  Have the courage to be “seen” talking to these people and have the courage to actually befriend them.

See, it doesn’t take courage to choose the same career path all your friends are choosing….unless of course it’s your God-given passion.

It doesn’t take courage to simply dress trendy or to copy another person’s style.  What does take courage is dressing according to your roots and your heart’s content…..whether or not it’s in style at the moment.

It doesn’t take courage to ignore your dues or to hope your “debt” to someone just goes away.  What does take courage is admitting what you owe and working until that person is paid back in full…and maybe even a little extra.

It doesn’t take courage to hang out with the “popular in crowd.”  It doesn’t take courage to get plastered drunk along with the 40 other people at the party you’re at, when they’re doing the same exact thing.  What does take courage is being the odd one out and saying, “I’ll take a water.  Who needs a ride home?”

It doesn’t take courage to laugh at dirty jokes, or to join a group of non-believers in a “Christian bashing conversation.”  What does take courage is sharing the gospel, inviting someone to church and bringing Jesus into your conversations.

I love sports just as much anyone, but it doesn’t take courage to cheer loudly for the winning team along with everyone else in the stadium (especially when it’s the home team), but it does take courage to cheer for Jesus, to be baptized and to show your commitment to him publicly.

It doesn’t take courage to wear a team logo.  But it does take courage to boldly wear the cross.  (Well, okay, maybe it takes a LITTLE bit of courage to wear the logo of a team with a bad record…..and a little bit of courage to wear, say, a Michigan shirt in Ohio).  Still, you get my point.  🙂

It doesn’t take courage to use God as a spare tire:  To ask others for prayer and to acknowledge God only when things are going badly.  What does take courage is praising him in the storm and speaking good of him all the time.

It doesn’t take courage to want to “be” another person.  What does take courage is owning “who” you are and trying to make the best of “who” you are.

Plain and simple….it doesn’t take courage to blend in.  It never has and never will.  Whether to stand out or to blend in is perhaps one of the hardest choices all humans must face.  We want to be well-liked.  We want to respected.  We want to be cool.  Ultimately, “conforming” seems so much easier.

Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

This verse pops up for me frequently.  I’ve had to really take in what it’s telling me….even when I don’t feel like it.  Even when I know it’s so much easier to join the inappropriate convo and so much easier to blend in. Notice God COMMANDED us to have “courage.”  Nearly every reputable bible translation I’ve found uses the word “command”….King James included.  He’s not just asking or suggesting we have courage….HE IS COMMANDING we have it.

Have some individuality, friends.  I’ve heard it said that if you want to make a difference in the world….you have to be different.

It’s easy to spot authenticity and courage in the world, because honestly, there’s more counterfeit and cowardice in the world than anything.  When we see authenticity and courage…..we know it.

Lack of courage in choosing your desired career path or even lack of courage in joining an inappropriate conversation alone certainly isn’t going to keep you out of heaven.  No.

However, those who refuse to come to the Lord often refuse to do so because of a lack of courage.  Those who simply say the sinner’s prayer, yet never really explore their relationship with God, because of a lack of courage, greatly limit their present and future. Cowardice is our worst enemy on many, many fronts.  It stops us from being all that we should be, and it ultimately robs us of our callings.

It’s when we have courage to step outside of our comfort zones and dare to be different when we have a real lasting impact.

Ironically enough…..lack of courage is what took me so long and posting this blog. I had a lack of courage in talking about a lack of courage.

But here is is.

What the Lord did for us on the cross was the ultimate act of courage:  “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

I know I’ll never be as courageous as Him, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t strive to be more like him.

Clearly, I have a long, long way to go…..but I do know what I desire to be and what I do not desire to be.

How about you?  Do you stand for truth even when you stand alone?

Do you choose the conforming easy way, or the courageous way?

If you’ve been choosing the conformed way, just remember it’s a new day, and God always welcomes a new courageous decision to start again.  🙂

When God speaks through rain

When God speaks through rain

Dear Rain,

I have a confession.  I used to kind of hate you.  I used to feel incredibly annoyed nearly every time you started pouring down.

You always had a way of interfering with important events in my life.  You always had a way of messing up my already difficult hair.

I used to feel that you hated me right back.  You always had a way of pouring down during the best and the worst days of my life.

When I went through losses…..when I had job interviews…..when I needed to walk clear across campus without an umbrella….when I had to drive 450 miles in rush hour…..there you were.

When I planned (and then had to cancel) my first ever beach trip as an adult….AND every time I sat up for a yard sale……there you were.

You never really seemed to come visit me when I was laying home in bed snuggled under my covers.  I mean, of course you did sometimes, but during my all important events, that was always your favorite time to check in.

It didn’t matter if it was April, July or November….there you were.

When I had just endured a breakup, when I had a flat tire, when my master cylinder went completely out while driving, when I was doing door to door sales all by myself without a car close by, when I would go on 5 mile walks, when I had a modeling shoot, and when I was having the saddest day of my life….there you were.

Yes, in typical fashion, you showed up on the day we were shooting my book cover……. Here I am trying to protect my hair and makeup from your cruelty.

It didn’t matter if the sun was shining when I left or if the forecast had predicted you….there you were.

Frankly, it always kind of felt like insult to injury.  I was already going through hard times in my life.  I was chasing dreams, working multiple jobs and going through trials in nearly every area of my life…..but there you were.

I can recall one time (nearly a decade ago), I was home for a short break with family in Ohio.  You arrived just before I was set to head back to TN.  Because of you, I realized my tires had suddenly gotten really bad while driving through my hometown.

I slid through a stop light and went to the only tire shop open on that holiday.  They replaced my tires before that 450 mile drive.

I decided for five minutes that you just might have been my friend that day, because it was certainly better to realize my tire’s poor condition then, than in the midst of busy interstate traffic.

Still, life was hard, and you just kept pouring down on my drive back.  Why couldn’t you ever let me have one long drive without being so dramatic?

That day on the way back, I prayed, “Lord, in life, please help me to see the rainbow after the rain.”

Would you know that just minutes later (maybe even just a minute), a gorgeous full rainbow appeared in the sky?

It was beautiful, and I knew right then that God was with me.

Though that day was incredibly special, I still didn’t want to give you too much credit, rain.  You would inconvenience me again very soon.

I was right.

You continued to visit me during nearly every important life event following that day.  You messed up my hair, you made my makeup run down my face….and none of my umbrellas could withstand you.

And here’s the kicker?  You decided to even come visit me on my engagement day!  

My engagement day was CHRISTMAS EVE!  I mean, seriously?  Christmas Eve is supposed to bring snow….NOT rain….but there you were.

My fiance had scheduled a photo shoot for us on East Street Bridge that morning….but you just had to pour down.  Just to avoid you, we went inside Union Station Hotel for the photo shoot instead.  You made it in some of our pictures outside, but it’s not because I liked you or anything.

I guess you look kinda cool in this picture, but I’m still shielding my hair and makeup from you.

The photo shoot turned out absolutely beautiful, but I wasn’t going to give you any credit for that, rain.

How dare you try to interfere!?  What was next?  My actual wedding day?

Anyways, my new fiance and I drove back to his hometown to celebrate our engagement with his family…..as you continued to pour while he drove.

Then came time to plan my wedding.  I chose August for various reasons, but I hoped one of them was to avoid you.  August is usually a dry month after all.  You had interfered with too many happy times in my life, and you certainly weren’t going to interfere with the day a little girl dreams of her whole life.

I refused to book at any place that didn’t offer a completely indoor reception, just because of the heat and my previous relationship with you.

I did decide to tentatively book an outdoor ceremony (knowing it will only take about 15 minutes), but not without being assured I had a plan B and C.

Oh rain….don’t you dare.

Coming from a family of farmers and knowing droughts in general are not a good thing, I always had to appreciate you for that much.  And of course for the prevention of wild fires. But just that much. I couldn’t ever find much else to thank you for, however.  You never could water the crops when I was simply inside in my pajamas it seemed.

All through my early wedding planning, I found myself wishing against you.

But then a funny thing happened….

It was inauguration day for President Trump, and when he came to the platform to start his speech, you showed up.

Donald and I must have something in common, huh?  What’s your deal, rain?  Can’t a guy get inaugurated for the most important job in the country without you coming to interfere?

Well, Evangelist Franklin Graham came to the platform and said something I didn’t expect him to say:  “Mr. President, in the bible, rain, is a sign of God’s blessing….and it started to rain Mr. President as you came to the platform.”

Say WHAT!?  You are a sign of God’s blessing?

I had NEVER thought of you as a blessing.  I’ve been in church my whole life and somehow missed that whole concept.  It’s true though.  Ezekiel 34:26 says, “And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.”

What’s more?  Rain is mentioned in at least 58 verses in the Bible.  Rain is actually very significant to God.

I guess this means I was kind of wrong about you.  Yes, you sometimes slow up traffic and make my day more difficult, but I really should have given you more credit.  I will from this day forward.  I just have one favor though:  If you do decide to show up on my wedding day, can you please show up right after the ceremony when we’re all inside for the reception?


Learning to like you.


How often do we do this, friends?  How often do we just find the cursing instead of the blessing in the things around us?

How often are things not quite as they appear or seem?  How often do we misjudge a situation?  Pretty often in this girl’s world.

See, God has used rain to teach me something:  My perspective and perception is often incorrect.  When I feel God has left me, he’s closer to me than ever before.  When I feel the rain pouring down on me, I’m actually growing.  Nothing grows in a drought.  He was with me every step of the journey every day, even when it seemed dark and gloomy.  He was pouring his blessings on me, and I didn’t even know it.  Some of these big rains were even necessary to bring me to today.  They’ve made me stronger, more compassionate and better in many ways.

While I waited in the rain, I found true faith, growth, dreams, accomplishments and the right people.

Yes……I was being showered with God’s blessings, but up until recently, all I could see was wet frizzy hair, tired eyes and MY ruined plans.

God has a sense of humor.  If he can speak to Moses through a burning bush….he can certainly speak to this girl through rain.  He can speak to you too.  Just be willing to listen and willing to dance in the rain.











Treat everything like “new”


“Treat everything like new….and nothing will ever get old.”

Those are the words God placed in my spirit as I climbed into my 2013 Honda CRV yesterday.  Then, I let him deal with me a little more.  Though my car is 3 going on 4 years old, I need to continue to treat it as if it’s new.  I need to especially treat it as new since I’m planning on being car payment free for years to come.  If my car is still looking, driving and feeling great, I’ll be less tempted to trade it in before needed. He’s been telling me to love and care for that vehicle like I did on day one of owning it, but today, he asked me to treat everything as if it’s new.

He placed it on my heart that when we stop treating our blessings as new, it’s possible that we’re subconsciously being a little less thankful than we ought to be.  Maybe this only applies to me, but I was thinking about how sometimes the newness of my possessions wear off for me. When that newness wears off, I can take things for granted, if not careful.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I consider myself a very thankful person.  However, if I’m ALWAYS being as thankful as I can be, why do I eventually get a little careless over time? I always love that new car when I first get it.  I’m washing it, sweeping it, and taking it in for regular maintenance before it’s even time.  But then, I’ve had a habit of gradually caring about it just a little less.  Gradually it gets a little messier.  Gradually I cut down on the washing and the sweeping.  Maybe I’ll go over just a little more on those regular maintenance suggestions than what I did in the beginning.  Then, as the new body styles come out….I kind of wish I had the newer look instead.

It’s not just my car.  Even the newness of my home has worn off just a little.  It’s 2,125 square feet to clean, and unfortunately it doesn’t clean itself.  It wasn’t long after I moved in that it was time to replace a lot of its original amenities.  It looked so new when I moved in.  Now, when I look around, it seems a little older than that first time I walked through it with stars in my eyes.  I love it, and I’m beyond thankful, but that ungrateful attitude occasionally creeps in.

God didn’t stop there though.  I could probably be even more careful with the laptops and iPhones he provides me with.  I need to keep up with the necessary updates and the virus protections.  I should take good care of my screens and clean them regularly.  I need to treat them like new.

And why do I stop putting my glasses in their case?  I’m simply inviting scratches and damages.

Why does my new purse eventually fill up with receipts and other junk?

Why do I start out so excited about a new side business venture, and then just kind of stop working at it?  “Finish what you start,” is another thing He’s dealing with me on, but that’s a whole separate blog in itself.

The point is this, my friends:  When we start getting careless with anything, we’re in the danger zone of unthankfulness, whether we realize it or not.  Someone out there would LOVE to have what we’ve already grown tired of.  When we get careless, stop nurturing and start getting lazy with our regular maintenance, we’re also shortening the lifespan of things that could possibly last longer.  In the long run, it’s that attitude that causes us more time, money and trouble.  In the long run, we are not really being the best steward we can be.

What about your job?  Treat it like it’s new.  Treat it like it pays you double the salary you actually receive.  Someone out there is praying for a job half as good as yours.

Your friendships?  Treat them like they’re new.  Someone out there wishes they had a supportive friend like yours.

Your family?  Treat them like they’re new.  Your children might be driving you crazy, but someone out there is praying to have just one child.

Your rescue dog?  Treat him like he’s new.  He still looks at you as if you’re new.  It’s that same love he felt for you when you rescued him from that lonely kennel of uncertainty. I guarantee it.

Your relationship?  Treat it like it’s new.  I certainly can’t speak for everyone.  In my situation though, I know there’s plenty of women out there that would love to have someone as handsome, sweet, driven, smart, loyal and responsible as my guy.  Therefore, I always want to be thankful without waiver.

I have to honestly say I’ve always treated my relationship, loved ones and my dog as if they’re new.  I may stumble in the “treating possessions like they’re new” area, but I always remain very dedicated to the people in my life.  Even if I sometimes get bad at picking up the phone, my love and loyalty remains the same.  It seems to be a strength of mine, and I pray it stays one.

Interestingly enough, my romantic relationship is part of what inspired me to start treating everything else as if it’s new.  Yes, that’s right.  My boyfriend is so much better at this “treat everything like its new” thing than I am. He takes really good care of everything he owns:  His car, his suits, his sunglasses, his work space, his flash drives and pretty much everything else. I love that about him. He’s been teaching me the “treat everything like its new” concept without even realizing it.  Best of all?  He treats me like I’m new to his life…but we’re of course increasingly more comfortable and know each other on a much deeper level than the beginning of our relationship.  Still, he continues to make me feel just as special and cared about as day one….actually even more so now.

Let the bible be your guide concerning your own relationship.  It says a whole lot about love, loyalty and commitment.  If you need wisdom in this area, just ask God, and he will be glad to give it to you.  (James 1:5)


Yes, many possessions and jobs (NOT good, loyal, committed people) eventually need replacing….but it seems that the longer we treat something as new, the better the chance we stand at it lasting longer (in some cases, forever).  The better we treat anything, the more fulfilling it will be.  Even if something grows too old to keep, we probably made it last longer if we always treated it as new.  The possession may have grown old in years, but it doesn’t have to grow old in our hearts.  If we loved it enough, we’ll dread the day it needs replaced.  We also simply remain more thankful for those possessions and opportunities whether we realize it or not.  Now, don’t hear me wrong here.  I’m certainly NOT  encouraging materialism.  I’m actually encouraging an attitude of thankfulness, appreciation and contentment with what He’s already blessed us with.

When we treat everything as if it’s new….it never gets old.




Key verse:  (In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you).  -1 Thessalonians 5:18


Be there for everyone (but don’t let everyone be there for you)


“Be there for everyone……but don’t let everyone be there for you.”

What does this mean you might ask?

Though this statement may initially sound negative or anti-social, it’s actually just the opposite.  Let me explain.  I’m not at all encouraging us to shut everyone out.  I’m not suggesting we be anti-social, form cliques or live in constant fear that every person we meet is going to hurt us.

The Bible tells us over and over to love one another.  Therefore, it’s our job to help out our fellow humans when we can.  When living a spirit-led life God will speak to us in a variety of ways concerning other people.  Sometimes he may ask us to be a listening ear.  Sometimes he may ask us to hand a struggling stranger that $10 bill in our back pocket.  He also expects us to be respectful, trustworthy and genuine to the people we meet.

One thing God doesn’t instruct us to do, however, is to share every single detail of our lives with every person we meet.  Sometimes we’re meant to be there for someone, but just maybe that person is not meant to be there for us.  Sometimes they need us more than we need them.

Just because you’re genuine, loyal and trustworthy doesn’t mean you can’t sometimes be there for a person who doesn’t quite share your qualities.  Don’t let them be there for YOU though.  You can do one without doing the other.  Just do it as led and hear God on it.  Stay wise in the process.

Still not following me?  Well, to be completely transparent, I’m at the point where I have thousands of acquaintances.  Many, many of these acquaintances I have are incredible people.  They’re the kind of people that I wish I could know better.  However, the reality is, I can’t share my life on a deep level with everyone.  Honestly, I don’t think any of us are meant to.  God knows if I shared the deep details of my life with EVERY acquaintance I have, I would not only have zero time for those closest to me, but I would also have some unnecessary drama.  He knows that in general I’d be spread really really thin.

I’d also receive a lot of conflicting advice from a lot of conflicting viewpoints.  Therefore, I would end up conflicted and confused.  Once we reach that point of confusion, we can rest assured, we have sought worldly counsel instead of God’s counsel.

How do I know?  I know because for the longest time I tried to be a close friend with as many people as possible.

The result?  I got burnt, felt overwhelmed and just really exhausted.


The thing is…..God never asked me to try to have a large quantity of deep friendships.  He did begin speaking to me about quality of friendships, however.

God wants us to be loving to all at all times…..but I believe he also wants us to be wise.  There’s a difference between the two.  We can be completely open, personable, approachable and even transparent on a healthy level, without revealing every single personal detail to everyone.

So back to “be there for everyone…..but don’t let everyone be there for you.”

If God puts a hurting person in our paths, by all means, I believe we are supposed to be there for them.  I absolutely believe we are to lovingly listen to them and to give them biblical advice if they’re there for advice.  Also, I believe that unless they are wanting to harm themselves or someone else, we should keep it confidential.  Their lives are not a reality show, and it’s wrong to gossip about another person’s struggles.

It goes back to Luke 6:31:  “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

If said person confided in you, please be thankful that they see you as someone they can trust and keep your lips sealed.  Then pray for them, encourage them when they pop up or you feel led.  They may keep coming back to you.  They may not.  If you handled them in a Christ-like manner, your positive seeds have been sown and God WILL allow something good to come out of your counsel and your friendship to them.

You may not ever get to witness that good…..but God knows what that good will be and how and when it will play out.

Sometimes we’re just meant to plant a seed.  Sometimes we’re meant to encourage someone long-term.  Sometimes we’re an answer to a person’s prayers for that hour, that day, that week, that month, that year, that decade or that lifetime.  Only God knows which it will be.

Sometimes God puts this struggling person in our lives for a season….a few seasons…..or a lifetime.  I’ve had all types come my way, and I’m just 32.  I wonder how many will be there my whole life.  I wonder how many will pop up again.

Sometimes I’ll find myself wondering what happened to said person.  Sometimes my heart will get a little sad remembering an old random friendship.

“I really thought that person and I would be friends for a lifetime, but we haven’t really talked in four years,” I’ll think.

“I guess life just got busy, and they’ve got other responsibilities now.”

“I guess when someone moves 2,000 miles away, things do change.”

“I briefly remember her, but my memory is fading.”

“It’s funny how we were inseparable for a month, but we just kinda lost touch.”

I can honestly say that 99.9% of my dwindled friendships occur simply because of life.  There’s that 0.1% that ended due to realizing the loyalty or the confidentiality wasn’t reciprocated, but mostly, they dwindle because of life itself.

After watching countless friendships drift apart over the years simply due to seasons of life, busyness or geographical distance, I found myself frustrated.  I also found myself frustrated with that 0.1% where I had trusted and wasn’t paid the same respect in return.

I became tempted to close myself off….and to not let anyone in….but God dealt with me and he still is.

Today, I’m very content with a loving inner circle.  I know who is in my boat.  I know that not everyone belongs in my boat.  I’m not excluding those who are not necessarily in my boat.  I’m all about including them and inviting them into small areas of my life.  I’m certainly all about being a trusting friend to them.

I don’t play the favoritism game, and I’m not bias.  I’ve just had to learn how to be wise.

He’ll never ask you to keep someone in your boat who is trying to sink your boat.  He’ll never ask you to keep around toxic relationships or friendships that steal your joy.

It’s okay to have an inner circle.  In fact, I think that’s very smart.  Just make sure it’s not a closed off clique.  Make sure others feel loved and included.

When we’re showing love and being there for everyone who God places in our path in some small way….we’re doing our jobs.  He never asks us to overexert, to give them ALL our time or to neglect our trusted inner circles in the process.

“Be there for everyone…..but don’t let everyone be there for you.”


You Are Enough


Hey you.

You with the gas gauge flirting with E.  You with the split ends because you can’t afford a haircut every six weeks.  You with the screaming kids making a scene in the middle of the grocery store.  You with the burnt out lightbulbs.  You with the clocks that never quite spring ahead or fall back when they’re supposed to.  You with the broken iPhone screen.  You that completely forgot you had to bake cookies for your child’s bake sale. You that just tripped in front of a fairly large audience. You with the car full of half empty water bottles.  You that struggles to keep a plant alive.  You that just cheated on your diet with the dollar board.  You with the crumbled up receipts in the bottom of your purse.  You that isn’t so successful at love.  You that just received bad news. You that’s struggling paycheck to paycheck.  You that can’t seem to catch a break.

I’m talking to you.  Yes,  you.

God sees your struggles.  He knows when you’re trying.  He knows when you’re giving it your all.  He knows when you’ve surrendered all to him.  He knows when you’re putting others above yourself. He knows life on earth isn’t easy.


However, He’s given us the hope of Heaven and the promise that he will guide us in the here and now.  He wants us to have joy in the midst of our circumstances.  He wants us to focus on Him instead of our problems.  He wants to cover our shortfalls.

Maybe a completely balanced, completely organized life just isn’t going to happen for you. Maybe it isn’t supposed to.  Maybe that’s where faith comes in.  Maybe that’s just another way we humble ourselves before Him and others.  Maybe that’s just another way we partner up with Him and allow him to be the driver.  Maybe He just knows we just can’t do it all no matter how hard we try.

Now, that’s not to say that we can’t improve every day.  That’s not to say we shouldn’t be disciplined. That’s not to say we shouldn’t do serious inventories of our lives as much as possible.  That’s not to say we shouldn’t get organized.  That’s not to say we shouldn’t be good stewards of our finances.  That’s not to say we have an excuse to be lazy or to procrastinate the important things.  That’s definitely not to say that we shouldn’t strive for more overall.  We SHOULD do all of those things.  He does want us to take care of ourselves, however.  He does want to finish the work he’s started in us. His word says so in Philippians 1:6.

Here’s a thought though…..possibly a whole new way of thinking that you’re not quite used to: Stop being so hard on yourself for a change.  Celebrate your successes and praise Him for your progress.  Do what you can in His strength….not your own.  Once you do that, treat yourself to something fun and spiritually positive.  Then go to bed proud of the seeds you’ve sown, believing those seeds will reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9).  Then rise again and repeat.  Remember His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  His grace is sufficient for you, and His strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).  He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

Remember these things as you go through your day.

Hey you.  You are enough…….because He is more than enough.