nashville Archives - Homestead Holly (Wholesome Words of Wisdom from a Witty Warrior Woman) Fri, 03 Jan 2020 23:52:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Year, New Space:  2020 Design Tips & Trends with Dawn D. Totty Fri, 03 Jan 2020 23:52:18 +0000 As we know, new years’ resolutions seldom last.  It’s in our nature to set goals for the new year, but by and large, so many of them fall by the wayside. However, this year, let me make a suggestion:  How

The post New Year, New Space:  2020 Design Tips & Trends with Dawn D. Totty appeared first on Homestead Holly.

As we know, new years’ resolutions seldom last.  It’s in our nature to set goals for the new year, but by and large, so many of them fall by the wayside.

However, this year, let me make a suggestion:  How about updating your space and enjoying it all year long? 

Now, it’s important to note that when I say “new year, new space,” I am not talking about spending a lot of money.  I am referring to simple, yet exciting ways you can improve your residential or commercial space.  Lucky for me, I happen to be friends with a top interior designer.  Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs was named “Best Interior Designer” in Chattanooga’s 2020 “Best of the Best Awards.”  Lucky for all of us, Dawn has graciously agreed to share some of her greatest design secrets with us.

First, let’s talk about the most-defining 2020 design trend: 

Minimal is still in, folks.  There has recently been a wave of purging, downsizing and minimizing going on in America:  Let’s continue to welcome it.  Less really is more.  As we declutter and resist purchasing random knick knacks everywhere we go, we can better showcase the pieces and designs we cherish most.

Without further ado, here are some of Dawn’s ways in which you can spruce up your space in the new year:

#1 Fresh coats of paint:  Paint is one of those small upgrades, which makes a huge difference.  “Paint is a $30 refresher with 2-4 hours of labor,” expresses Totty.

How to implement:  “If you don’t want to commit to painting an entire room, pick a focal wall.  In your living room, it would preferably be the wall where your television sits. Choosing this wall will help camouflage the obvious large black box in the center of the wall.  Paint this wall 3 or 4 shades darker than the other walls in that room,” she reveals.


The 2020 paint colors of the year are as follows:  First Light (Benjamin Moore), Sun God (Kelly-Moore), Back to Nature (Behr), Minty Fresh (Dunn-Edwards), Songbird (Pratt & Lambert), Whirlwind (Glidden), Chinese Porcelain (PPG Paints) and Naval (Sherwin-Williams).

#2 Wall coverings:  “To add some character to your space, consider some wallpaper.  Wallpaper looks fabulous in bathrooms, living rooms and on your focal point wall,” shares Totty.

How to implement:  Head to a shop with quality wallpaper.  Dawn who resides in the Chattanooga area, recommends “Associated Fabrics” on Dodds Avenue.  They do have a website and online shop as well.


#3 Customizing with accessories:  Accessories are yet another way to make your space uniquely yours.  Your accessories should be a direct reflection of your personal style.  The more customized and uniquely you your accessories are, the more you will feel at home.

How to implement:  The best place to accessorize is in your local small shops.  In the Nashville area, the possibilities are endless.  Some of my Dawn’s personal favorites closer to her home are 1866 Revival in Sewanee, Area 61 (Broad Street – Chattanooga), as well as local art galleries.

“How about creating your own gallery wall?  Perhaps you could do a black and white wall of your own family photos,” she suggests.

#4  Textiles:  Again, textiles are small changes that make a big difference.

How to implement:  Change out bedding, shower curtains and pillows.  Perhaps you could also do some fresh new window treatments.  Yet again, Associated Fabrics is also among her favorite places to shop for textiles.

#5 Furniture:  Swapping out furniture is another way to make your space feel fresh and new.  Like Dawn’s other tips, this doesn’t have to be overly pricey or detailed.

 How to implement:  You have an endless amount of furniture options out there:  From local shops, to antique stores to Facebook Marketplace, you can reasonably achieve both comfort and style in 2020. When it comes to textiles and furniture, bold colors and patterns can really make your environment pop.  Also among some of this year’s biggest sofa trends are the color white, soft corners, curved-backs and round legs.


So there you have it.  Design doesn’t have to be overly complicated or time consuming.  Small changes can truly make a big difference.  Happy 2020 and happy designing!

Keep up with Dawn’s lastest designs by following her on Facebook

& Instagram!

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Jamie Burke: Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks Thu, 30 Aug 2018 00:55:47 +0000 When Jamie Burke made the move to Nashville, she had big plans and big dreams in the entertainment industry. In fact, her latest song and video, “Drive” describes her journey quite well.  Today, she still plans, but she hands God

The post Jamie Burke: Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks appeared first on Homestead Holly.

When Jamie Burke made the move to Nashville, she had big plans and big dreams in the entertainment industry. In fact, her latest song and video, “Drive” describes her journey quite well.  Today, she still plans, but she hands God the eraser.  She still dreams, but her greatest dream is fulfilling God’s purpose for her life.

Though Jamie has undoubtedly enjoyed success and celebrated accomplishments, she has also experienced a great deal of curveballs, detours and adversity along the way.  She was first known for her high energy performances and breakup songs.  Then, she thought she finally found her Prince Charming….but then, it came to a screeching halt.

To top it all off, it happened very publicly.  Friends starting choosing sides, but Jamie chose the high road.

When 2018 brought her some of the most difficult challenges of her life, she knew she ultimately had two choices:  1.  Give up. OR 2.  Give it all to God.

……….She chose and continues to choose #2.

“God has truly manifested Himself into my life and my heart this year. I have had to rely on Him more than ever before. I whole-heartedly believe this was the year that God humbled me and made me realize not only am I not in control of the world around me, but that it’s ok, because He IS! As a definitive type A woman, this took me a while to be okay with,” reflects Burke.

As part of the “let go and let God” process, she found herself having to set free more than she ever envisioned.  Doors were closing and pages were turning, and in all of that uncertainty, she was reminded of her greatest certainty:  Jesus Christ.

“I have also lost a lot of relationships I was holding on to – some of these for too long.  I got to a place of wondering why I was alone.  Then, I found myself relying on Him for strength and direction, then realizing I would rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies when it came to relationships and friendships,” says Burke.

As she grows closer to the Lord and continues to remind herself of his promises, she feels the strong pull to purposely use the gifts he’s given her for His glory.  She knows he’s given her the gift of music to connect and to encourage.  She isn’t going to allow her adversities to happen to her in vain – she is going to allow Him to use the bad for the good.  She plans to be a light and to allow even her art and songwriting to go through the transformation process with her.

“2018 has been a year of growth, opportunity, and change. I have had some very high highs and some not so fun lows. I feel like I have grown a lot this year as not just a songwriter and artist, but as a woman.  I have learned to really respect myself, to be more empathetic and perceptive towards others, to appreciate little moments and to be more in the moment. As a writer I have learned to be okay with not sticking to one genre as well being more vulnerable and experimental with my lyrics and story telling,”  shares Burke.

Like most singers and songwriters in Music City, Jamie once felt the pressure to reach a certain level to consider herself “successful.”  Today though?  She is also free from that pressure.

“I believe God has spoken to me and worked in my heart in a very clear and obvious way that FAME is not something any of us should be seeking, which I think is something that is easy to do in the music/entertainment industry. He has really made me realize that while He has given me gifts and talents that should be used, it should never be about the fame that could and can come with it,” says Burke.

“I’ve had my eyes opened to really understand the impact of my music/art, and to really appreciate those moments where a stranger reaches out and says I inspire them or that they really love one of my songs.  Making a difference has become what matters to me,” she continues.

Speaking of encouraging strangers, Jamie has a lot to add.  She wants her fellow women to know that not only does fame not bring validation, but neither does our beloved social media world.

“I’d really like other women to know that social media really doesn’t validate you. Just because your photo didn’t get X amount of likes or you don’t have as many followers as this girl or that person, does not mean you are less beautiful, less valuable, less talented, or less interesting,” she encourages.

With her new chapter, has come new confidence…….but not the kind of confidence that happens from social media compliments or human approval.  In fact, she’s taken notice to not just how pressure-filled, but also how shallow, social media can really be.

“I see so many women my age who are just flat out trying so hard to look important, rich, skinny, fabulous, pretty or sexy.  They’re not even promoting a product or anything – just women trying to validate themselves.  I imagine a world where POOF….instagram is gone, BOOM….Facebook is gone.  Are you suddenly not important?  We allow ourselves to get sucked into that world and frankly, it’s almost like a double-life.  It’s all fake and manipulated,” Jamie says emphatically.

She wants other women to know that their real friends will call them, that their family loves them without or without filters and that check-ins aren’t vital.

“For me, this is another BIG area God has worked in me.  I now feel like social media is just a means of promotion and business marketing, but as far as airing every second of my personal life?  Dunzo.  Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt,” she says with certainty.

There are a few areas of her personal life that she doesn’t mind airing, however:  She has been knocked down, but she got right up.  She has been hurt, but she is allowing herself to heal.  She has been the subject of gossip, but she chooses to press on.  Most importantly, she chooses to love and she chooses to trust her healer and her helper. As a result, she is pressing on, enjoying the simple things and looking forward to the future.

“I feel like I am starting on my comeback! I’ve had a lot of setbacks this year. For example, people can get very brave online and post whatever they want about you, which is really disheartening at times. Most of it is not true…the rest is a misconstrued version of the truth. That has been hard for me. I wanted to fight back against allegations and gossip, but I decided to stay quiet, let things pass over, and just talk to you about it after the dust settles. Have I made mistakes? Yep. I’m human. We all have. I just got lucky and had things broadcast under a microscope. Have I learned from those mistakes? Yep…and I didn’t need any outside opinions or influence,”  shares Burke.

Though she had reason to become angry, she instead chose to build a strong foundation with the bricks thrown at her.  She also didn’t accept the invite to get bitter – she instead chose to get better.

“Those who know me know all the things I’ve struggled with – serious and heavy setbacks, but I’ve tried to maintain a positive attitude.  Most importantly, I’ve tried to be QUIET and LISTEN to God. What is He wanting me to do? Where does He want me to go? When I started listening is when big things began to happen. God picked up all the broken pieces of my heart and my life and said ‘these pieces are a great foundation to build something awesome on’. In doing this, I started to feel JOY and feel like I gained a lot of perspective on life, relationships, and the world around me,” says Burke.

As she began to experience a peace and joy unlike ever before, God began to talk to her about some of the other dreams he’s given her.

“I started my fashion line called 40 East. This is something I’ve always wanted to do,” reveals Burke.

Since she sincerely wants to design for the right reasons, she also donates a portion of each sale to St. Jude.

“I make custom tees, tanks, accessories and more and design everything, solely by myself,” says Burke.

In addition to to pouring herself into design, her passion for music is as strong as ever.

“I’ve also written more songs in the last 6 months or so than ever before and am halfway done with my upcoming 3rd EP/CD,” announces the Nashville entertainer.

“As I keep writing, the ‘problem’ has become ‘ok, what do I want to put on this record, what stories do I want to share, and production wise, where do I want this all to go?’  I’ve noticed that I am not just writing country anymore. I feel like I have grown as a songwriter and artist and used to put myself in a box of ‘I’m going to write this kind of music, I’m going to sound like this artist or that artist.’  Now, I’m just like, ‘I really like the way this sounds’ or ‘ya know what, I’m in a rock mood today’ or ‘I’m feeling this EDM track a lot.’  Collaborations and getting out of my comfort zone are more fun and more appealing,” she explains.

Alongside her love for the arts, she remains active in other various adventures.

“I’ve also been really fortunate to be modeling and doing all kinds of other projects now which I believe has come with the confidence and place I’m at right now,” says Burke.

“As this year or so has come to fruition, I feel like people have noticed a change in me…the way I carry myself has just become a more confident and self-aware person. I don’t believe this has anything to with my appearance! I believe this is 100% confidence in knowing God’s got this, confidence in who I am and what I can not only just offer in relationships and business opportunities, and an overall new approach to my health and fitness,” she continues.

Though her year was full of challenge, Jamie ultimately has come out victorious.  She’s turned her trials into triumphs and her fears into faith.  Rather than looking in her review mirror, she remains focused on the road ahead.

“When you are a genuinely happy person who is ok with who she is, I think the world can see from the inside out. I am staying busy on music and other projects, focusing on healing and health, listening to God and being open to whatever life is going to offer me. I am excited to see what the rest of this year and next year have in store for me…because while I’ve had some mountains to climb and major setbacks…I’ve learned…A setback is just a set up for your comeback!”

To learn more about Jamie and to listen to her music, visit her website.

To keep up with Jamie, follow  her Facebook pages for both her music and latest fashions.

The post Jamie Burke: Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks appeared first on Homestead Holly.

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