Musings of a Multi-tasking Mommy

Musings of a Multi-tasking Mommy

In order to be a blogger of any value, I must be transparent.  I know how this works.  America is craving authenticity, so I am going to try to give you EVEN MORE of that from now on.  So, please allow me to reintroduce myself, and to welcome you to the musings of a multi-tasking mommy.

Hi.  I’m Holly Tong-Cokkinias.  My maiden name, as well as my married name puzzles everyone I meet.  I never get through explaining or spelling.  I am thankful for the perfect built-in ice breaker, however.  I’ve also always liked to be a little unique.  So, when it comes to last names – I’ve quite possibly hit the jackpot.  (Yes. I’m already thinking about the day I try to teach our daughter how to write her full name).

Photo by Kat Bradshaw

I am sometimes messy, and I truly hate it.  I am somewhat unorganized.  With that said, I am all the same obsessive about a clean, orderly house.  Go figure, right?  I love the idea of purging, yet I still somehow have way more in this house than I should.  Sometimes I feel like I’m going in circles and going no where fast.  I haven’t done anything to my hair in 3 days.  Needless to say, I currently only wear makeup once a week, on a good week.  I see zero point of wearing my contacts, unless I’m heading out for a special occasion or event.  My current work-from-home attire is usually pajamas for the first half of the day, before making the big transition to an oversized t-shirt and yoga pants.

I am a full-time mommy, and a full-time quality specialist in a legal realm.  I work both jobs, at the same time.  I also am one of those women who take on multiple side gigs.  Lately, I’ve realized I need to get my priorities in check, as my plate is starting to cave in.

BUT….how do you prioritize when everything seems like a priority?  Do you hear me, sister?

Right now, I’m looking at the dog hair on the floor that needs swept up, because I’ve been too busy to run the shark.  Yes, too busy to run our self-operating shark.  I mean, after all, you need to pick all of your cords and junk up off the floor, first.  And frankly, I haven’t found the 5 minutes to do it.  I could be doing that right now instead of writing this blog, but then, maybe my whole purpose would be defeated.  Last night, I loaded what I could into the dishwasher.  Still, the sink is full of dishes that need hand-washed.  I turned a blind eye last night, because Clara needed me more.

…..She’s growing up before my eyes, and I don’t want to miss these once-in-a-lifetime moments.  Every little step she takes (both literally and metaphorically) amazes me.  I’m still awestruck that I get to be her mommy.  She is everything I dreamed of, and so much more.

Soon, I will be starting my work day. I like to have that first hour or so to myself before Clara gets up.  The disadvantage of that?  If  I let her sleep too long into the morning, she will then subsequently decide we should have a play-a-thon at midnight.  Then, if we are sitting in the recliner together, I risk falling asleep before her……which results in a risk of broken glasses and pulled out hair.  (At least I awake to that little 8 tooth smile).  Still, I like that hour or two of serenity I get in the morning.  Now, to weigh the pros and cons.  It’s a balance.  A true balance.

Right before she gets up (or I wake her up), I get her scrambled eggs going.  I’ve been making myself eat an egg or two with her each morning, which is a big achievement for me.  She takes a LONG time to eat those eggs.  The pediatrician says she is at a self-feeding age.  But, would you like a strong dose of honesty?  I don’t have time to give her 3 showers a day, so I still do a lot of her feeding for her.  (You know, the old-fashioned way where mommy holds the spoon).  And have you seen her head of hair?  I don’t think ANYONE who has a daughter with as much hair as mine would advise self-feeding.  (Unless of course THEIR toddler LOVES the washing out shampoo process).  Oh, and no, I cannot just pull her hair back these days.  Let me stop you there.  She now takes it down as soon as I pull it up.  Remember “Cousin It?”  Enough said.

(But when I push her hair out of her face, I can still see this sweet little smile).

Okay, okay.  So, I let her self-feed here and there.  When it comes to her morning eggs though?  I will continue to be the feeder.  I have work to do.  When I place her in the pack n’ play to watch Veggie Tales….I’d rather her eggs only be in her belly, rather than all over her play station.  I guess maybe that makes me a bit of a “control freak.”  I also guess that according to the “American Association of Pediatrics,” that may make me some sort of a parenting failure.  I guess I was also supposed to start her on solid foods before 12 months as well, but I insist (not to their face of course), that I know my tot better than they do.  I knew my sensitive girl (who overcame a pretty intense milk protein sensitivity) was too much of a choker and a gagger for anything besides puree before 12 months.  I’m probably overprotective, but I won’t apologize for it either.  My motto is “better safe than sorry.”  So, here we are:  She loves her eggs, fruits and veggies, but she also loves Chick Fil-A, Italian and Mexican foods.  A girl after my own heart…

(In this birthday picture, she was most definitely not a fan of self-feeding.  Leave it to my child to not want to participate in the smash cake era).

Photo by Kelley Hartzfeld

Anyways….as she she slowly takes each and every little bite on those work mornings…..I sit by my laptop and make sure I don’t have any urgent assignments or e-mails coming in.  If I need to reply to an e-mail or research a case, I flip around my chair and do so.  In between, my neat little eater looks at me as if to say, “I’m waiting.”

That’s the thing.  Sometimes I feel like everyone is waiting on me for something.  What few know is I’ve been “waiting on me” for a good year now.  I’ve been waiting to feel really good and sort of like me again.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I like this new mommy version of me, but I haven’t exactly liked the physical changes that have come with it.  No, I’m not trying to lose weight. Truthfully, “body image” is kind of the last thing on my mind right now. I’m currently trying to NOT lose any more weight than I already unintentionally did.

Let’s just say, I didn’t feel well for the longest span of time I’ve ever experienced this past year.  Now, not to worry.  My diagnosis is not life-threatening, but some days it can be a bit life-altering. Though they say it’s chronic, I feel myself getting better every day.  With an altered diet, the proper supplements and a ton of electrolytes, I am believing for God’s full healing.  I believe his promises are for ME and for YOU.  As the woman who grabbed the hem of Jesus’ garment and received healing, I am doing the same.  I truly believe my persistence will pay off.  This hasn’t been an easy ride alongside being a new mom, but little by little…..I’m getting there.

I can see some of you rolling your eyes.  I only have one child.  I know, I know.  Some of you are balancing 2, 3, 4, 5 and more.  Your hair and makeup look fabulous, as do your high heels. (I recently donated most of mine).  Your home looks like it belongs on Pinterest.  While mine has infinite potential, my decorating skills just don’t measure up.  I think you’re a superhero.

Now, I can honestly say I DO cook most of our meals at home, but don’t expect every single one of them to be super healthy every single night.  Though the husband is easy-going, he really likes hearty dinners.  Sometimes mama needs to pop in that frozen lasagna, and sometimes she really just wants a Chick Fil-A night.  (Yes, this is the second time I’ve brought up Chick Fil-A).  It’s all about balance and moderation, right?

And then, I’ve changed “socially.”  As a child, I was super shy.  Then, I became the super outgoing adult for a good decade of my life.  Now?  I’m still outgoing, but I’ve realized how introverted I really am.  Most of the time, I feel as if I’d rather be home……yet feel like I shouldn’t rather be home.  Does that make any sense?

Maybe I am an example of what happens when you become a mom in your mid-30’s and try to balance #momlife with your full-time work.  Or maybe, this is just who I am.

With that said, saying “no” is not one of my greatest strengths.  It’s a weak area for me.  While I’ve improved over the years, it’s still a struggle.  All in one breath I say “no” to my daughter, and then give in a second later. (Have you seen her face)?  Just wondering.

“No, we cannot read right now.  I need you to spend a few minutes in your pack n’ play while I get some work done.”

And then the tears start.

And then I pick her up.  How can I not?  There’s something about watching those little hands “pat the bunny,” pull back the lift-a-flaps, and turn each page one by one.  So, the house must wait.  After all, story time with her is a huge highlight for me.  If it brings both of us joy…..why not?

Maybe I have a long list of improvements I need to make.  Maybe I need to find that balance you’re supposed to have when you’re a working mom and wife.  But maybe, there isn’t such a thing as a balance.  Maybe “balance” is nothing more than a human-created opinion.

Just maybe, I’m actually doing pretty great….

My daughter smiles a lot and steadily gains weight.  From 5 1/2 pounds to 22, I like to think I’m doing something right.  In fact, sometimes she can (and does) eat more than me. She laughs when I play peek-a-boo and act like a total goof, and as just mentioned, cherishes our story time.  She enjoys her baths so much that she cries about getting out.  She likes my singing (she’s my only fan).  She always has clean clothes to wear, and she seems to like my cooking.  Best of all?  She already dances to praise and worship music.

My husband seems pretty dang content as well…..along with our dog who has been with me for 5 years now.

I was also very pleased with my recent workplace evaluation.  I give God all the glory.

Meanwhile, I still manage to keep up with my family and friends.  I even manage to make it to events and ministry assignments, whenever I can.

No matter how I feel in the mornings, I get up and log-in for work (and until March, I was getting up and driving to the office each day).  Maybe I’m in pajamas and sporting a messy bun these days, but does anyone really care just as long as you’re successfully serving those you’re being paid to serve?  Does it really matter if my floors currently need swept, and I have a few dishes in the sink?  Or does it matter most that those who are in my home are healthy and happy?

And sometimes life is hard….really hard.  Sometimes you just can’t have it all, all the time.  And maybe we aren’t supposed to.  Maybe that’s where faith comes in.  Maybe this is how we really recognize our need for Jesus:  When we allow him to be our strength….and when we give our shortfalls to Him.

As 2 Corinthians 12:10 says, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Maybe my multi-tasking is working out pretty well after all.  Maybe just maybe….I’m exactly right where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to do, and being exactly who God wants me to be.

And maybe just maybe….I’m speaking to you too, Mommy.

Are You Living a Well-Rounded Life?

Are You Living a Well-Rounded Life?
“A well-rounded life is a life well lived.”
These are the words God recently placed on my heart.  There are a lot of things I’m not and never will be in this life.  However, I like to believe I’m beginning to better understand the well-rounded life.
I’ve always been busy and used to living a life of many facets, but I haven’t necessarily always enjoyed the journey.  In fact, I would go as far as to say I once “endured” it.  Thankfully my Pastor often reminds us that we are not to endure the Christian journey, but rather to enjoy it.
“I’ve also grown to understand, “busy doesn’t always mean productive and productive doesn’t always mean purposeful.”
Though I struggle to maintain balance in my life every day, I’ve learned there are times for “yes” and times for “no.”  God has helped me with this.
I also have finally realized it is more than okay to kick back and to enjoy the people around me, without every single day being incredibly career focused and life-changing.
“Not every single day is meant to be full of revelation or overly significant, though every single day is meant to be an appreciated blessing.”
I was once the girl who thought if the door was open, I should probably walk through it.  If the opportunity was there, I should probably seize it. I was right sometimes and wrong other times.  Some of my yesses added to my life, but others greatly subtracted from it.
I found myself living out my dreams, surrounded by the well-known and the wealthy.  I was consistently adding credits to my resume.  What I didn’t find was time to relax, time to just be me, time for a successful relationship and time to maintain my health.  Worst of all though?  I didn’t find peace at that pace.
“When you’re not experiencing peace, it may be time to adjust the pace.”
I’ve learned a lot from the woman I was.  Now, I’m still very much her to some degree.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m always going to be reaching for more, helping, learning, exploring and looking for new opportunities. I’ve just learned how to say “no” when I don’t want to do something that isn’t required of me.  By saying “no” to the things I don’t want to do, I’m able to say more “yesses” to the things I “do” want to do.  By saying “no” to the same old, same old, this year, I’ve allowed myself time to fall in love.  I’ve allowed myself to take time to plan my wedding and time to enjoy the experience of being engaged.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime season in my life after all!
“I’ve also learned that being well-rounded isn’t about taking on everything, but  more about doing what you love, loving what you do and doing those things well.”
It’s about being knowledgeable in many areas, but most importantly, in the areas that matter.  For me, I have found these areas to contribute to my getting a better feel for the “well-rounded life.”
1.   Meet new people whenever you can, but don’t be afraid to have your “inner circle.”  Find a balance of allowing new people in, but first, nurture your already established relationships: It’s a big world full of so many fascinating people with so many fascinating stories.  Be a listening ear.  Be transparent when you feel led.  Whether you’re in an airplane, at a convention, waiting in line or at a concert, don’t be afraid to meet the stranger next to you.  You just may meet a new person who adds something small but special to your day.  You just may add something small to their day. You may exchange a business card which results in a future partnership.  You may meet a new friend.  You may change that person’s life….or they may end up changing yours. My pastor always urges us to walk through crowds slowly.  Our stories and the stories of others bring an immeasurable amount of healing and inspiration to the world.  In that same sense though, be sure to nurture the already beautiful friendships and the relationship you have.  Don’t forget about your family, your children, your spouse and your oldest friends in the process of serving others.  Not everyone is meant to be part of your inner circle.  Be open and loving to the outside world, but don’t be afraid to draw the line between acquaintances and close friends as well.  You can’t be everything to everyone, but you can certainly be something to someone!  2.  Have friends of all ages:  I like to think my friends range from 9 months to 99 years old, and in all honesty, that’s all been true at some point in my life.  Age doesn’t matter when it comes to being friend of mine.  In fact, different ages bring so many different facets, revelations and stories to my life.  Children remind me to still find beauty in the simple things.  Teenagers remind me of who I was not long ago.  They remind me to keep a young energy.  I enjoy inspiring them.  While some make me want to yank my hair out, I find many who I believe will grow up to make an incredible difference in the world.  I find many I can relate to, laugh with and hopefully encourage whenever possible.  Friends my own age help me celebrate who I am today.  We can relate.  We can share similar struggles, victories and general commonalities.  Friends slightly older than me give me a good idea of what’s to come.  They help me to stay mature and to plan ahead.  They have a wisdom I admire.  Speaking of wisdom, anyone who doesn’t befriend the elderly is doing a serious disservice to one’s self.  These individuals have truly “been there, done that.”  They can serve as an adopted parent or grandparent figure in our lives.  I have several of them, and they mean the world to me.  They tell stories of the past and give us a sneak peek into the future.  I can’t say enough about having friends of all ages.  I think that should be a blog post in itself.  Oh…and never underestimate making friends with animals.  They teach us much more than what some are willing to believe.  A life without dogs is a life not reaching its potential…..just saying.  Back to friends of all ages though:  It’s been one of my greatest keys to success in life.
One of my favorite young friends – my niece Christina.

3.  Do what you love and love what you do:  I write this knowing full well that not all of us are currently able to work full-time at our God-given passions. The creative world isn’t exactly a financially sound world for the majority, but that doesn’t mean the creative mind can’t embrace and enjoy the results of a creative mind.  It also doesn’t mean one should assume that a delay is God’s denial.  Good things take time.  A slow growing oak tree is always better than a fast-growing, brittle one.   It goes back to the old saying, “bloom where you are planted.”  I think of Luke 16:10 – “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”  I fully believe that God wants to see how we treat non-dream jobs, little opportunities and our humble beginnings before he brings us to higher levels.  A grateful and appreciative person continuously sows positive seeds into their talent knowing it will reap a harvest in due time (check out Galatians 5:7).  Whether you have 15 minutes a day or 15 hours a day to focus on your passion, I truly believe what matters most is how you spend that time and the attitude you have during that time.  I believe God makes creative people creative for a purpose, just like he makes business analysts and accountants analytical for a purpose.  I think life comes together when we simply know what we want and know how to go about getting it.  For some that means a certificate, a Bachelors, a Masters or a PHD. For others that may mean starting their own business or being a flight attendant who travels the world.  Just trust that your talents are a gift from Him, bloom where you are planted and consult with Him for wisdom concerning your career path.  Never stop setting goals.  (Note to self).

Yours truly sowing into her musical passion during her college days.

4.  Take care of yourself:  I don’t know about you, but while I’m taking care of everyone and everything, sometimes I forget to take care of me.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that it’s okay to sit on the couch, sip my favorite hot tea and just do nothing.   I also have to remind myself that I’m probably always going to feel much better after a grilled chicken and steamed broccoli meal than I ever will after eating a big piece of chocolate cake for my dinner (though sometimes I just have to).  Taking care of ourselves covers a broad spectrum.  When one isn’t fully taking care of oneself, they are unable to give to others in the way they could and should.  For some, taking care of oneself may mean a monthly pedicure, a movie night, setting aside time to write a blog or to browse a flea market. For many, taking care of oneself will put them in mind of exercising and general healthy living.  Whether it’s a long walk, a trip to the gym or working hard around the home, it all typically makes a person feel active.  Meal plans, natural remedies and juicing machines – whatever healthily works for you, do it.  Craving a quiet weekend at the beach?  Do it. Oh, and here’s the best way to take care of yourself:  Spend time with Jesus.  A life that aspires to be healthy spiritually has already taken the first big step to a well-rounded life.

Quiet time is one of the best ways we can take care of ourselves.

5.  Get organized and de-clutter your life:  I know I mentioned this in a previous blog, but it just happens to apply to so many life principles.  I know this because I’ve struggled with organization and clutter for much of my life.  God has been dealing with me concerning this for the past year.  Too much “stuff” gets in the way, creates stress and wastes a whole lot of time.  I’ve been cleaning closets, bagging, boxing, pitching, selling and giving away.  My rec room right now should probably be called a “wreck room,” but it’s because I’m going through all the junk and filtering through what will be kept, sold and donated.  Though “stuff” may seem harmless it can hinder and hurt many aspects of our lives.  An organized person will always be one step ahead of a disorganized person, allowing more time for a purposeful, peaceful life.  I truly believe our home lives can either make or break our lives.  I believe treating our homes lives right is key to having peace in our outside lives.

Maybe I still have too many shoes, but they’re organized, right? LOL 😉
A happy home is the start of a happy life.











6.  Do good for others:  We were created to love and to do good for others.  God’s word encourages us to be a helping hand over and over again.  I’ve always believed that one should give away whatever it is they’re needing.  (IE – if a hug is needed, give one.  If some encouragement is needed, give some).  Pastor always reminds us to “live to give.”  It’s also true that we must remember to take care of ourselves in the midst of our giving, as I mentioned above.  Interestingly though, I love giving so much that it feels like I’m doing it for “me,” and I almost feel selfish for how good it makes me feel (Lol).  Giving is just good for everyone.  Always has been….always will be.

One of my old favorite ways to give of my time: I used to have the pleasure of assisting a couple different food pantries in the Nashville community.  Oh the memories!

7.  Try something new:  Whether it’s skydiving or a new recipe, never deprive yourself of adventure.  See new places….try new activities.  Again, meet some new people. If you cross off your entire bucket list….find some things to add to it.  A well rounded, well lived life never stops discovering, learning, exploring and enjoying.

Flying in a 6 seat plane was certainly a bucket list item for me.
Ziplining was also on my bucket list!








Though it may not be “new” to many….Florida was new to me last year. What a great first trip to Panama City!




8.  Celebrate and take in your success:   While we should never stop setting new goals, I think it’s equally important that we stop to celebrate and take in our successes.  Over the years, I had the “never stop setting goals” thing down, but I really didn’t have the celebrate and take it in thing down.  In fact, I never stopped, took in or celebrated any of it, period.  It became a “more, more, more” thing for me, which was certainly not God’s will for me.  I think when we don’t stop to simply take in success and be thankful, it becomes more difficult to be thankful in general.  If we simply see success and reaching a new level as the norm, rather than as a blessing, our thankfulness depletes.  In the long run, this non-stop pace causes passion to fade out and discontentment to fade in.  Then, guess what happens?  Total burnout.  Eventually the burnt out individual will wonder what they even really got out of all their hard work in the end.  They are likely to even question their calling and God-given talents if not careful.  Their success won’t feel lasting, and it won’t feel fulfilling.  Don’t ask me how I know.  I’m learning just like you…

9.   Live more, spend less:  The bible warns against a love of money.  It’s God’s design that we be good stewards and not be bound by lenders.  Materialism is everywhere in our culture.  It’s promoted in the magazines, on the internet, on our television screens, in the movies and everywhere we look.  Sadly, they don’t show us how it feels to struggle to put food on the table or to keep our lights on.  On that same note, it’s hard to experience new things and “live” with zero money to our names.  I believe that if we spend less, we will in the long run, live more.  Sometimes sacrifices have to be made and trade-offs have to happen, but it’s hard to truly live when we’re living far far beyond our means.  When nothing is changing financially, it’s time to look at what you can change:  Get it on sale, use the coupon, pray before making the large purchase, think before getting another credit card, wait to buy the new vehicle you’re not quite ready for and ask yourself if you’re financially in a good position to do what your heart is currently desiring.  Your future self will thank your current self for this. Again, don’t ask me how I know.  Also, remember, just because something is free or cheap doesn’t mean it isn’t fun and just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it is fun.  There are plenty of entertaining activities that don’t cost you your first born.  Don’t be afraid to pull out an old board game, to set up your corn hole boards, to cook at home or to re-watch a movie on your dusty DVD shelf, sometimes.  Oftentimes the best times are the most simple times.

Who says a fire pit at home can’t be more fun than a night out on the town?



And who says hitting golf balls on the farm with your dad can’t be a complete blast?


Oh…and playing games with your niece and nephew? That’s where it’s at.


















10.  Seek first his kingdom:  “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33:  It all comes down this, folks.  If we seek first his kingdom, we don’t really have to worry about if we’re being “well-rounded” or not, because if we seek first his kingdom, he has a way of letting everything else fall into place.  When we put him first, we are blessed and highly favored:  Doors are opened, the wrong ones are closed, burdens are eased, direction is given and the right people and opportunities are introduced.  We just have to be willing to move our feet, to work hard, to be responsible and to joyfully go where he sends us.

Leading a well-rounded life starts and ends with Him.  It’s the only kind of life that fulfills.  Again, don’t ask me how I know….