A Time of Fine Lines: Welcome to 2021

A Time of Fine Lines:  Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021, friends.

During these chaotic times, I’ve been a bit in chaos with myself.

I know who I am, and who God has called me to be.

From a very young age, I knew he called me to write.

I knew he called me to encourage & to lend a hand.

…But…at the same time, I knew he called me to stand for his truths & to defend his word.

I knew my assignment wasn’t always going to be fun or easy.

I knew I would eventually experience persecution.

His word said I would.

I knew people wouldn’t always like what I had to say…

….But I don’t think I ever anticipated this.

January 13, 2021.

For years, I’ve been preparing for perilous times.

I’ve been eternally-minded since 2005, despite some detours and “trying to forget who I am” a few times.

And for the last 16 years, I find myself constantly thinking 4 words.  And they may not be the 4 words you’d expect.  They are, “It’s a fine line.”

What do I mean?

I tell myself I’m not afraid, and most of the time, I’m not.

…But a little bit of uneasiness causes me to strongly rely on the Lord for my peace.

It’s a fine line.

…..And I’ll admit, I feel angry today.

A little righteous anger is okay, I remind myself.

…But unrighteous anger and placing the world above the word is not okay.

It’s a fine line.

….I’m constantly having to check myself before I wreck myself.

“It’s a fine line.  It’s a fine line.”  These words keep coming to me over and over again.  I always thought these words were just for me, but today, I feel like they may be for all of us.

….There are so many fine lines I know I must walk.  And as I walk those fine lines, they make me depend on Christ that much more.  I rely on him to tell me how far to go, and I rely on him to tell me when to scale it back.

…I allow him to discipline me, to humble me and to pull me back in.

So many fine lines.

Do I listen EVERY single time?

Of course not.  He never took away my “humanity” when I gave my life to him.

…But I still remember these fine lines in the back of my mind.

I’m called to lift others up…..but not called to pretend there isn’t a real enemy in the world.

It’s a fine line.

“All bliss” isn’t realistic or authentic, and we should stop pretending it is.

At times, I’m called to a little bit of neutrality…..but never to apathy.

It’s a fine line.

Apathy is weak and dangerous….and makes us all the more easy to devour.

It’s one of my pet peeves.  But sometimes I know I’m not supposed to “get involved.”

It’s a fine line.

I’m called to love….but love doesn’t mean agreeing with everyone.

In today’s America…..that’s a REALLY fine line, and one of the biggest misunderstandings there is.  I’ve said it one thousand times before.  Love doesn’t = agreeing.  And disagreeing and following God’s word doesn’t = hate.  God’s word is not hate speech.

I’m called to be meek…..but not timid.

I’m called to be bold….but not mean.

I’m called to speak out….but not to just be noise.

More fine lines.

I’m called to forgive…..but not to forget or turn a blind eye to everything around me.

I’m called to be a light that doesn’t hide under a bushel…..but not to be a strobe light that blinds other’s visions.

I’m called to unite (with people)……but good must never unite with evil.

I know addressing this even now is another one of those “fine lines.”

Folks, please hear my heart:  It isn’t “people” we are fighting in America right now.  It is the rulers of darkness – the unseen world.

“Ephesians 6:12, NLT: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

While people should certainly come together and treat one another with kindness…..there is an evil in this world.  We have to acknowledge the ugly.  There is an evil that actually has nothing to do with politics in of itself…..it just happens to make its way into politics, because it can accomplish so much in that realm.  Evil isn’t clueless.  It wants to be seen.  It wants to make a large impact.

Evil knows it can make it’s largest impact in politics and in entertainment.  Evil wants to work through public figures.  It wants to affect the masses.

[What better place for evil to exercise its power than in politics?  Whether you love politics or hate them, they have an affect on your life and your family’s lives].

…But still, there is a fine line. We shouldn’t become inundated or ever start trusting man above God.  No matter who is in the white house, we know who is on the throne.  Just don’t try to tell me Christians should be apathetic here.

….And I now must return to DIVISION:

….I’ve been thinking a lot about the fine line surrounding “division.”

….Not all division is diabolical.

….I said, “Not all division is diabolical.  Sometimes division is necessary.”  Let me explain.

…..I’m called to unite (with people)……but good must never unite with evil.

…..People should unite with people as people…but that doesn’t mean compromising on morals, values, or the word of God.

….Both good and evil will exist in this world until Jesus returns.  Blame it on Adam and Eve and the apple.  We live in a fallen world.  The love and healing we put into this world can certainly make it a more beautiful place….but it doesn’t drive out ALL evil.  It just makes it harder for evil to have its way.  Evil never likes “losing people.”  It always wants to have its way.

Good should always unite with good. People should always unite with PEOPLE.

….But good must not ever unite with evil.

….Uniting with people, but not with ideals can feel like a fine line sometimes, but they are not one-in-the-same.

….I hope we can learn that difference.

…Again, we are not fighting people.  We are fighting agendas, evil plans, corruption, lies……which is ultimately, the rulers of darkness.

…Democrat or Republican, we are seeing the rulers of darkness working in each party right now.

….God is calling us to love and be kind, certainly.  But he isn’t telling us to toss his word, and to unite with evil, either.  

What am I really saying?

I’m saying we should all watch what we say.  There’s never been a more important time than now.

Having a mission of causing trouble on social media isn’t exactly the best use of our time. 

And while it’s much nicer, rightfully garners more approval and certainly doesn’t cause any harm, making “love others and be kind” posts right now aren’t exactly going to just stop all of the evil at work..


While there is certainly nothing “wrong” with your post (in fact there is so much right about it),  perhaps it’s the powers-that-be at the top knowing nothing about love and kindness that is the biggest problem here. 

Maybe you and I already know quite a bit about love and kindness…but…maybe, just maybe, THEY are incredibly corrupt….and perhaps they are the ones fueling all the “hate and division” that is so often talked about.  

Love and kindness though does have to start with us though, yes.

Once again. It’s a fine line.

We shouldn’t be getting into pointless arguments, deleting people we love out of our lives, taking each other off Christmas card lists and damaging our relationships with one another.  We shouldn’t be cursing, name-calling or making hurtful accusations.  We also shouldn’t be constantly pushing forward stories and memes that may very well not be true (and that goes for everyone).  There’s already enough confusion out there.

We shouldn’t claim to know everything about anyone’s heart, or exactly where they stand with God.

…..But, the word does say we will know them by their fruit.  So again, it’s a fine line.  We may not see the evidence, but God sees it all.

Yes, the word says we will know them by their fruit.  But this doesn’t mean we should pretend to know everything about their relationship with God, or where they’re going when they die.

And back to social media….

Fighting on social media accomplishes nothing.  We all know this.  No one’s mind gets changed.  [Actually taking action and being the change you want to see in the world is what DOES do something].

….But, remember this doesn’t mean you should become a weakling either.  This doesn’t mean your rare “stance post” is pointless, argumentative or not impacting a life for the better.

And as the old saying goes, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.”

Again, apathy is so dangerous.

Perhaps, some of us have had to speak out.  Maybe we are just fed up.

…..But as I said, there remains a fine line.

…There is a TOO MUCH, and there is a TOO LITTLE..

….That isn’t to say EVERY single person should speak out.  You really cannot go wrong with sitting back and holding your peace.  When you don’t know what to say….saying nothing is always the better option.

…If someone doesn’t feel led of the Lord, or feel knowledgeable about such topics…..silence remains much better than noise and incorrect information.  We should never post just to post, or speak just to be heard.  Lord already knows we have enough of that on the internet and on our televisions.  Again, if you don’t know what to say, saying nothing is always a respectable choice.

I think we all know what TOO much looks like….but….

What is TOO little then?  My thoughts:  KNOWING God has called YOU to speak out, to share your stance, to take some kind of action…..and either ignoring or disobeying that call.

As I’ve been saying, there is a time to speak and a time to stay silent.

I was mostly silent for 4 years, except an occasional “neutral” public statement.  After November 3rd, I realized my time had arrived.  And I feel confident saying that.

As a Pastor I respect recently shared:  Do not become angry with God’s messengers. “If they are wrong, let him deal with them.  And then watch how they deal with being wrong.”

I believe I am in the right by speaking out right here, right now, BUT if I’m wrong (and I’ve been before)….I guarantee you, he will show me.

If I’m wrong about the political climate right now, I’ll eventually humbly come to you all when the timing is right…..and let you know.  You can hold me to that.

I believe I was wrong about politics 20+ years, and even as little as 6 years ago.  I’ve already shared that with you…but I do not feel wrong now.  The young me hadn’t truly done her research and didn’t yet know how to think objectively.  I just knew my side, and I really didn’t want to know the other side.  It wasn’t comfortable for me.  I had to allow myself to become uncomfortable and to challenge myself.

I hung my head at times, but I realized the value of learning from my mistakes.

I’m sure I’ll be wrong on parts of what I’m saying, but I’m talking about the big picture here.  Love me or hate me for that…..but you happen to believe you’re right as well, right?  I still have that right too, correct?

I never claimed to believe I was right about EVERYTHING.  I hope no one on this earth honestly believes they are right about EVERYTHING….but sometimes it kind of looks that way, huh?

Now, to wrap all of this up, here are a few other things on my heart:

  • Those who profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ need to remember not to destroy their witnesses during this time.  There isn’t any post or statement that is worth destroying your witness over.  However, if worded properly and prayed over, you can be bold, while still being kind.  You don’t have to destroy anything.  You may make someone angry or hit a nerve in the short-term for sure, but a TRUE God-led “speak-out” will never truly DESTROY your witness in the long-term.  That would be a contradiction, and I don’t believe that.
  • People need to refrain from saying hurtful things they will regret later.  Some things you just can’t take back…
  • No matter how much you believe someone to be wrong, deceived, or misguided, they probably passionately feel that way about you in return.  Remember that.  Again, the battle is not between people.  I’m not friends with anyone who I think is “evil,” and I sure hope no one is viewing me that way.
  • No matter how much you believe what you support to be a stance of love, justice and truth and the direct opposite of hate, injustice and lies……those who believe differently also think their stance to be that.
  • Remember the “fine line” as you go through life.  It’s made a difference in mine, and after years of trying to follow this way of thinking….I decided it was time to share.

The fine line just keeps getting finer.  But hey, the finer the line….the more we can look above for help and wisdom.  (James 1:5).  

We are all a work in progress and America is one big construction site.  Let us just remember who is in the center of it all.

Jesus, Love, Tolerance & America: The Unpopular Truth

Jesus, Love, Tolerance & America:  The Unpopular Truth
Alright….it’s time we just cut to the chase here.  I’ve been gone from this blog for far too long.
Go ahead and get mad at me, but God has really been placing some things on my heart:  Some things that are going to be considered unpopular in the eyes of the world.
I’ve hesitated to post this blog because Facebook (and the internet in general), is becoming such a war zone, and I HATE conflict.  However, after days (actually months) of not obeying him on sharing these words, I’m going to now.
In fact, I’m going to start blogging more. I started this “Strong With Holly Marie Tong” blog months back out of obedience to him, and I must confess I got lazy. I knew specifically what God was leading me to do with it, but I was afraid: Afraid of losing friends, afraid of saying the unpopular thing, etc.
……But today? I feel completely convicted. I know I’ve been putting it off. I know I’ve lacked boldness. I know it’s time for me to step up to the plate. So here’s just a small, small sample of what’s been on my mind:
No one is perfect and we all have our struggles. I know I don’t deserve God’s grace. I’m thankful for it every day.  <—- Let’s establish that first.
We’re all a work in progress and America is one big construction site. Let’s just remember who is in the center of it all.
I guess I’m just baffled by how deceived so many people currently are. There’s so much twisted logic. I see so much being “added” to God’s word and “taken away” from God’s word, as I scroll through the Facebook newsfeed, watch TV, read articles and just listen to people talk.
It’s one thing to struggle with sin (as we all do), but it’s quite another to ignore what the word says completely, to praise sin, to encourage sin and to flat out promote it. Whether I “like” EVERYTHING the word tells me to do or to not do….and whether I even always “do” everything it tells me to do or not to do..I *still* know what it says. WHY is this becoming such a hard concept for believers suddenly? I’m not even referring to non-believers here. I’m referring to believers.
Also, this tolerance stuff that is CONSTANTLY being preached:  In God’s word, we are 110% told to love one another.  Make no mistake. Love was what Jesus mentioned most in the Bible. YES! 110% yes…..but as part of that love, he NEVER said, “and please ignore the rest of my word, please trust everyone you meet without question and while you’re at it….make sure you praise and glorify false religions which are contrary to my word.”
Listen folks, we can 110% LOVE without agreeing with people or praising things contrary to the word.  We can also love without automatically trusting every single person we meet.  The Bible also tells us to be careful of the company we keep and to go to him for wisdom. Disagreeing with someone or calmly pointing to what the word says does NOT equal “hate.”  In fact, the word “hate” is becoming WAY overused. The media has fueled this and has loved every minute of it.  I think it is one of satan’s most clever schemes that these lines get blurred and that we mix all this up.  I think it is one of his most clever schemes that our loving Jesus suddenly appear as a tolerant Jesus who gladly tolerates sin and false teachings.  This is not the case, friends.  If you don’t believe me, please get into the word as I’ve had to.
I’ve heard my Pastor often say the reason God is so against sin is BECAUSE HE LOVES US and he’s against anything that hurts his children. With that thought in mind, are we REALLY loving someone when we encourage or praise them on the wrong path? A path that’s leading to destruction?
(IE – If I have a close friend that tells me they’ve decided they don’t need God, and they begin cheating on their spouse and lying to their children….is is really “love” if I tell them that I support them 110% in what they’re doing, all while knowing they’re on the path of destruction?)
Sure, we need to be extremely careful in how we handle one another. More often than not, I usually don’t “call out” anyone, unless they’re a very close friend of mine and we keep one another accountable.  Many times I just show kindness, try to be a positive example and hope I get through in some way. However, I also certainly don’t encourage people to live it up on a destructive path either. I can’t do that in good conscience. If anyone were to ask me how I feel about any given topic, I’m going to lovingly be honest with them. I believe that’s what we’re supposed to do. Oftentimes, the “opening” never quite happens, but when it does, that’s our chance to point to God’s word. And since GOD IS LOVE….kindly pointing them to his word is what I consider “love.”  If I’m out of line, I want to be told I’m out of line.  I’m glad my closest friends can be honest with me, rather than praise my sins!
I also keep noticing that some of the “love” and “tolerance” posters on social media….just happen to be the ones spewing the most hate and intolerance.  They’re the ones constantly posting, while some of us who truly do love others, but simply completely disagree, sit back and feel like we’re being lectured for simply believing the Bible.
It reminds me of Madonna’s recent speech: “I’ve really thought about blowing up the White House……….But I choose love.”
Let’s be clear about another thing too: Referencing the Bible is not “hate speech”…never has been, never will be. If you want to believe what the word says about “love”….then why don’t some of you believe anything else it says?  It’s as if a marker has scribbled out everything, except the word “love,” for some of you.
Just for the record:  This post is NOT directed towards any one single person. I have a wide variety of people on my newsfeed from all over the place and my head currently hurts from reading far too many statuses. For months, I’ve been holding back on posts like this.  As I conclude this blog, I see that I have 2,085 friends.  I fully expect to see that number decrease when I hit share….but you know what?  That’s okay.  I know my inner circle, and I know that those who truly love me will stick around.
For those of you that don’t like this…guess what? I’ve seen your relentless posts for MONTHS.  I haven’t agreed with many of you, but I’ve scrolled on past. I’ve continued to show you love and respect by not arguing with you and by continuing to treat you the same as I always have.  The question is, will you show me the same?
Those of you that keep preaching love, but yet appear to “hate” our president: Just remember while preaching love and tolerance that love and tolerance should also be available for people who actually support President Trump. Love and tolerance should also be extended to Christians who believe in the whole Bible.
Phew….That’s enough for tonight.  Just know that I’m BACK!  Stayed tuned for my next upcoming blog.