election fraud Archives - Homestead Holly https://homesteadholly.com/tag/election-fraud/ (Wholesome Words of Wisdom from a Witty Warrior Woman) Thu, 14 Jan 2021 00:18:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 A Time of Fine Lines: Welcome to 2021 https://homesteadholly.com/a-time-of-fine-lines-welcome-to-2021/ https://homesteadholly.com/a-time-of-fine-lines-welcome-to-2021/#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2021 00:11:45 +0000 https://homesteadholly.com/?p=2425 Welcome to 2021, friends. During these chaotic times, I’ve been a bit in chaos with myself. I know who I am, and who God has called me to be. From a very young age, I knew he called me to

The post A Time of Fine Lines: Welcome to 2021 appeared first on Homestead Holly.

Welcome to 2021, friends.

During these chaotic times, I’ve been a bit in chaos with myself.

I know who I am, and who God has called me to be.

From a very young age, I knew he called me to write.

I knew he called me to encourage & to lend a hand.

…But…at the same time, I knew he called me to stand for his truths & to defend his word.

I knew my assignment wasn’t always going to be fun or easy.

I knew I would eventually experience persecution.

His word said I would.

I knew people wouldn’t always like what I had to say…

….But I don’t think I ever anticipated this.

January 13, 2021.

For years, I’ve been preparing for perilous times.

I’ve been eternally-minded since 2005, despite some detours and “trying to forget who I am” a few times.

And for the last 16 years, I find myself constantly thinking 4 words.  And they may not be the 4 words you’d expect.  They are, “It’s a fine line.”

What do I mean?

I tell myself I’m not afraid, and most of the time, I’m not.

…But a little bit of uneasiness causes me to strongly rely on the Lord for my peace.

It’s a fine line.

…..And I’ll admit, I feel angry today.

A little righteous anger is okay, I remind myself.

…But unrighteous anger and placing the world above the word is not okay.

It’s a fine line.

….I’m constantly having to check myself before I wreck myself.

“It’s a fine line.  It’s a fine line.”  These words keep coming to me over and over again.  I always thought these words were just for me, but today, I feel like they may be for all of us.

….There are so many fine lines I know I must walk.  And as I walk those fine lines, they make me depend on Christ that much more.  I rely on him to tell me how far to go, and I rely on him to tell me when to scale it back.

…I allow him to discipline me, to humble me and to pull me back in.

So many fine lines.

Do I listen EVERY single time?

Of course not.  He never took away my “humanity” when I gave my life to him.

…But I still remember these fine lines in the back of my mind.

I’m called to lift others up…..but not called to pretend there isn’t a real enemy in the world.

It’s a fine line.

“All bliss” isn’t realistic or authentic, and we should stop pretending it is.

At times, I’m called to a little bit of neutrality…..but never to apathy.

It’s a fine line.

Apathy is weak and dangerous….and makes us all the more easy to devour.

It’s one of my pet peeves.  But sometimes I know I’m not supposed to “get involved.”

It’s a fine line.

I’m called to love….but love doesn’t mean agreeing with everyone.

In today’s America…..that’s a REALLY fine line, and one of the biggest misunderstandings there is.  I’ve said it one thousand times before.  Love doesn’t = agreeing.  And disagreeing and following God’s word doesn’t = hate.  God’s word is not hate speech.

I’m called to be meek…..but not timid.

I’m called to be bold….but not mean.

I’m called to speak out….but not to just be noise.

More fine lines.

I’m called to forgive…..but not to forget or turn a blind eye to everything around me.

I’m called to be a light that doesn’t hide under a bushel…..but not to be a strobe light that blinds other’s visions.

I’m called to unite (with people)……but good must never unite with evil.

I know addressing this even now is another one of those “fine lines.”

Folks, please hear my heart:  It isn’t “people” we are fighting in America right now.  It is the rulers of darkness – the unseen world.

“Ephesians 6:12, NLT: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

While people should certainly come together and treat one another with kindness…..there is an evil in this world.  We have to acknowledge the ugly.  There is an evil that actually has nothing to do with politics in of itself…..it just happens to make its way into politics, because it can accomplish so much in that realm.  Evil isn’t clueless.  It wants to be seen.  It wants to make a large impact.

Evil knows it can make it’s largest impact in politics and in entertainment.  Evil wants to work through public figures.  It wants to affect the masses.

[What better place for evil to exercise its power than in politics?  Whether you love politics or hate them, they have an affect on your life and your family’s lives].

…But still, there is a fine line. We shouldn’t become inundated or ever start trusting man above God.  No matter who is in the white house, we know who is on the throne.  Just don’t try to tell me Christians should be apathetic here.

….And I now must return to DIVISION:

….I’ve been thinking a lot about the fine line surrounding “division.”

….Not all division is diabolical.

….I said, “Not all division is diabolical.  Sometimes division is necessary.”  Let me explain.

…..I’m called to unite (with people)……but good must never unite with evil.

…..People should unite with people as people…but that doesn’t mean compromising on morals, values, or the word of God.

….Both good and evil will exist in this world until Jesus returns.  Blame it on Adam and Eve and the apple.  We live in a fallen world.  The love and healing we put into this world can certainly make it a more beautiful place….but it doesn’t drive out ALL evil.  It just makes it harder for evil to have its way.  Evil never likes “losing people.”  It always wants to have its way.

Good should always unite with good. People should always unite with PEOPLE.

….But good must not ever unite with evil.

….Uniting with people, but not with ideals can feel like a fine line sometimes, but they are not one-in-the-same.

….I hope we can learn that difference.

…Again, we are not fighting people.  We are fighting agendas, evil plans, corruption, lies……which is ultimately, the rulers of darkness.

…Democrat or Republican, we are seeing the rulers of darkness working in each party right now.

….God is calling us to love and be kind, certainly.  But he isn’t telling us to toss his word, and to unite with evil, either.  

What am I really saying?

I’m saying we should all watch what we say.  There’s never been a more important time than now.

Having a mission of causing trouble on social media isn’t exactly the best use of our time. 

And while it’s much nicer, rightfully garners more approval and certainly doesn’t cause any harm, making “love others and be kind” posts right now aren’t exactly going to just stop all of the evil at work..


While there is certainly nothing “wrong” with your post (in fact there is so much right about it),  perhaps it’s the powers-that-be at the top knowing nothing about love and kindness that is the biggest problem here. 

Maybe you and I already know quite a bit about love and kindness…but…maybe, just maybe, THEY are incredibly corrupt….and perhaps they are the ones fueling all the “hate and division” that is so often talked about.  

Love and kindness though does have to start with us though, yes.

Once again. It’s a fine line.

We shouldn’t be getting into pointless arguments, deleting people we love out of our lives, taking each other off Christmas card lists and damaging our relationships with one another.  We shouldn’t be cursing, name-calling or making hurtful accusations.  We also shouldn’t be constantly pushing forward stories and memes that may very well not be true (and that goes for everyone).  There’s already enough confusion out there.

We shouldn’t claim to know everything about anyone’s heart, or exactly where they stand with God.

…..But, the word does say we will know them by their fruit.  So again, it’s a fine line.  We may not see the evidence, but God sees it all.

Yes, the word says we will know them by their fruit.  But this doesn’t mean we should pretend to know everything about their relationship with God, or where they’re going when they die.

And back to social media….

Fighting on social media accomplishes nothing.  We all know this.  No one’s mind gets changed.  [Actually taking action and being the change you want to see in the world is what DOES do something].

….But, remember this doesn’t mean you should become a weakling either.  This doesn’t mean your rare “stance post” is pointless, argumentative or not impacting a life for the better.

And as the old saying goes, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.”

Again, apathy is so dangerous.

Perhaps, some of us have had to speak out.  Maybe we are just fed up.

…..But as I said, there remains a fine line.

…There is a TOO MUCH, and there is a TOO LITTLE..

….That isn’t to say EVERY single person should speak out.  You really cannot go wrong with sitting back and holding your peace.  When you don’t know what to say….saying nothing is always the better option.

…If someone doesn’t feel led of the Lord, or feel knowledgeable about such topics…..silence remains much better than noise and incorrect information.  We should never post just to post, or speak just to be heard.  Lord already knows we have enough of that on the internet and on our televisions.  Again, if you don’t know what to say, saying nothing is always a respectable choice.

I think we all know what TOO much looks like….but….

What is TOO little then?  My thoughts:  KNOWING God has called YOU to speak out, to share your stance, to take some kind of action…..and either ignoring or disobeying that call.

As I’ve been saying, there is a time to speak and a time to stay silent.

I was mostly silent for 4 years, except an occasional “neutral” public statement.  After November 3rd, I realized my time had arrived.  And I feel confident saying that.

As a Pastor I respect recently shared:  Do not become angry with God’s messengers. “If they are wrong, let him deal with them.  And then watch how they deal with being wrong.”

I believe I am in the right by speaking out right here, right now, BUT if I’m wrong (and I’ve been before)….I guarantee you, he will show me.

If I’m wrong about the political climate right now, I’ll eventually humbly come to you all when the timing is right…..and let you know.  You can hold me to that.

I believe I was wrong about politics 20+ years, and even as little as 6 years ago.  I’ve already shared that with you…but I do not feel wrong now.  The young me hadn’t truly done her research and didn’t yet know how to think objectively.  I just knew my side, and I really didn’t want to know the other side.  It wasn’t comfortable for me.  I had to allow myself to become uncomfortable and to challenge myself.

I hung my head at times, but I realized the value of learning from my mistakes.

I’m sure I’ll be wrong on parts of what I’m saying, but I’m talking about the big picture here.  Love me or hate me for that…..but you happen to believe you’re right as well, right?  I still have that right too, correct?

I never claimed to believe I was right about EVERYTHING.  I hope no one on this earth honestly believes they are right about EVERYTHING….but sometimes it kind of looks that way, huh?

Now, to wrap all of this up, here are a few other things on my heart:

  • Those who profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ need to remember not to destroy their witnesses during this time.  There isn’t any post or statement that is worth destroying your witness over.  However, if worded properly and prayed over, you can be bold, while still being kind.  You don’t have to destroy anything.  You may make someone angry or hit a nerve in the short-term for sure, but a TRUE God-led “speak-out” will never truly DESTROY your witness in the long-term.  That would be a contradiction, and I don’t believe that.
  • People need to refrain from saying hurtful things they will regret later.  Some things you just can’t take back…
  • No matter how much you believe someone to be wrong, deceived, or misguided, they probably passionately feel that way about you in return.  Remember that.  Again, the battle is not between people.  I’m not friends with anyone who I think is “evil,” and I sure hope no one is viewing me that way.
  • No matter how much you believe what you support to be a stance of love, justice and truth and the direct opposite of hate, injustice and lies……those who believe differently also think their stance to be that.
  • Remember the “fine line” as you go through life.  It’s made a difference in mine, and after years of trying to follow this way of thinking….I decided it was time to share.

The fine line just keeps getting finer.  But hey, the finer the line….the more we can look above for help and wisdom.  (James 1:5).  

We are all a work in progress and America is one big construction site.  Let us just remember who is in the center of it all.

The post A Time of Fine Lines: Welcome to 2021 appeared first on Homestead Holly.

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The Great Shaking & Awakening: The Ultimate Fact-Checker Revealed https://homesteadholly.com/the-great-shaking-awakening-the-ultimate-fact-checker-revealed/ https://homesteadholly.com/the-great-shaking-awakening-the-ultimate-fact-checker-revealed/#respond Fri, 06 Nov 2020 23:00:44 +0000 https://homesteadholly.com/?p=2325 “SNOPES said this is FALSE.  Educate yourself!” (Inserts Snopes link). “Sorry to burst your bubble, but this has been widely debunked.”  (Inserts fact check link). Everyone’s a world-renowned expert these days, aren’t they? “Fact check this, fact check that…….Snopes says…….CNN

The post The Great Shaking & Awakening: The Ultimate Fact-Checker Revealed appeared first on Homestead Holly.

“SNOPES said this is FALSE.  Educate yourself!” (Inserts Snopes link).

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but this has been widely debunked.”  (Inserts fact check link).

Everyone’s a world-renowned expert these days, aren’t they?

“Fact check this, fact check that…….Snopes says…….CNN reported…..Fox revealed…..MSNBC responded…..YouTube allowed…..Info Wars was censored…..QAnon shared….USA Today just broke the news…….even the New York Post is reporting this…..Facebook removed this post due to “false or misleading information,”……Twitter has also removed this and that……Instagram is still full of influencers wanting affirmation, likes and followers above all…..Parler is saying what they cannot say on Facebook….this poll shows this state has been awarded to this candidate, but not this one…..this other website shows this candidate’s electoral number at this and his at this……and on and on.”

It’s a sign of the times guys.  Confusion.  So much confusion.  Lies.  So many lies.  So many different directions.  So much manipulation.  So much strategy.  Reverse psychology on top of reverse psychology.  And again.  Lies.  Confusion.

And who checks the fact-checkers, I mean, right?  Aren’t they people too?  Can people not be wrong or have ulterior motives, even if they have the title of “fact-checker?”

I imagine God must look down and fact-check constantly (in love of course).  The all-knowing one doesn’t need any article links thrown his way.  He knows every truth….and every lie.  I imagine what’s actually truth and actually a lie may surprise some of us if we were really see what God sees.

Because we are not God….right now, all we see is a jumbled up mess full of conflicting reports.  Both sides claim they feel good.  Our only hope at possibly figuring ANYTHING out?  Seeking Him.  Yep.  Our ONLY hope.  You read that right.

….And have we forgotten who the author of that confusion and those lies are?  His name isn’t God.  When the internet and our TVs are constantly taking us in a thousand different directions, there is only one source we can count on. Again, God.  He promises to give wisdom to those who earnestly seek him.

James 1:5-6 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will given to you.”

And what is the actual truth of this election?  We should ALL want the truth in this life…..even if that truth doesn’t always fit our own personal narratives, right?  Even if that truth means we don’t get the outcome we want in the end.  We should also want to win fairly….not by cheating, correct?

So here I am making that rare political post yet again.  I made one the other day, and as expected, I was met with opposition.  I’m still learning how to handle when I feel “talked down to.”

There are a lot of things I am and a lot of things I’m not.  However, “stupid,” “uneducated,” “brain-washed,” and “uninformed” does not fall on the list of things that I am, despite what some of my “fact-checkers” (who I don’t remember hiring), may pop up to assert.  God knows my heart, and the time and effort I try to put into His word and studying the world around me.

He’s been watching me on my not perfect but SINCERE quest for truth (in this particular realm) since 2015.  I knew it would be impossible for me to learn ANYTHING about the real truth of what’s going on in this nation, without taking him along on the journey.  Without Him, I have no hope in knowing anything I’m researching is true.

He’s watched me turn down the noise, give up things I once held dear….and humbly seek Him. Am I claiming to know everything out there that there is to know?  No.  Not even close.  Still, I chose to boldly trust in James 1:5-6.  I was hungry for wisdom.

However, I do believe that 5 years of extensive studies while seeking him has brought me wisdom and discernment.  I do not say that arrogantly, as I do not have any “special inside track” with God that you cannot also have.  We can be as close or as far from Him as we want to be.  It’s our decision.  I am a flawed human speaking of my personal experiences here.  Something I should be allowed to do, even as our right to free speech seems to be fading.

And yet…the very few times I post anything political in social media world, there is always someone who feels the need to set me straight.  Ironically, it’s often a person I never hear from otherwise.  It must be their duty to tell me what’s up I suppose.  They post their MSM links and fact-checkers, and they think they’re revealing something ground-breaking and earth-shattering to me.  Something I’m too stupid or uneducated to figure out on my own. They try to school me with the TRUTH.  Their TRUTH.

But I think what many are forgetting is there is still THEE truth, and in this election, we are struggling to find THEE truth.  THEE truth isn’t always what WE want it to be.  The MSM/journalism, social media and what comes out of the mouths of high profile people doesn’t equate with automatic truth…and that’s on both sides politically.  Even the side I vote on.  I really do believe there are wolves in sheep’s clothing all around us.

I believe we have to be really really careful who we listen to right now, and that goes for me as well.

Again….we must look past the surface.

Right now, despite what everyone wants to believe…there is only one REAL, unwavering source of the truth.  Our God.  He hates lies, deception, cheating and stealing….and He is a just God.  If lies, deception, cheating and stealing have been a part of this election (it’s obvious there is SOME level of this, guys)…..there will be a price to pay.  It may not look like it now, but let us remember:  The truth always comes to light.

With that said, He also doesn’t want us going down unnecessary rabbit trails either.  There is a balance.  Even on my side of the coin, I realize not everything that is out there is factual.  Sometimes I’ll be scrolling past a post in favor of my candidate or against his opponent and think, “well, I think that’s a bit out of context, or I don’t think that one is actually true.”  I’m objective enough to realize that even in my world where I want and believe certain things, I may not be able to trust every “source.” I’m not delusional.  I’m also not too proud to admit I don’t always have a great answer for everything.

Still, I am VERY much my own person.  I have never been easily influenced, and I never will be.  I’ve never pandered or simply participated in what’s popular.  If I don’t fit in?  Oh well, I guess!  (Just ask those who have known me for 30+ years).

You can bully me with your truths, thoughts and opinions all day long, but rest assured…..I’m a person of conviction.  My convictions are solid, and I don’t allow anyone or anything (except God’s word) to tell me what those convictions will be and won’t be.  I personally think it’s a mixture of both hilarious and infuriating that celebrities think they have the authority to tell ME how to vote….as if I’m somehow less than them.  I also find it equally infuriating when people take what the media says about my candidate’s character and automatically decides that what is alleged about his character….is also true of MY character as well.

That’s the power of the media, folks.

Just when I was starting to think that the only scriptures so many people remembered from the Bible these days are the verses, “Judge not” and “Love your neighbor”….I find myself getting judged and experiencing the opposite of love from those who are pounding the “love drum.”  With that said, explain to me, how I’m being loved AND not judged when you make assumptions about my character and tell me I cannot believe how I feel led to believe?

Now, this is kind of where the rubber meets the road in my life.  I don’t know if I was disobedient in not sharing this 5-6 years ago, or if it was always simply meant for today.  But I do have a reason for telling all of you this (deep breaths):

Once again, I am my own person.  While I ended up staying on the path my parents raised me on, they will both tell you, I came to where I am today because I really studied and sought the Lord.  I do not follow Him because of “what’s been fed to me.”  I wanted to figure out what *I* really believe and why.  I began what I would call an imperfect and genuine (not an “I was raised this way”) journey of faith when I was 20 years old.  There have been a lot of bumps and bruises along the way.  I haven’t always listened, and I haven’t always been obedient…..but man, He always pulls me right back in.

What few know about me is that I went on a MAJOR “truth quest” right before president Trump even announced he was running for president. I’m referring to the year 2015, before we even really knew who would be in the primaries.

First of all, I am not claiming to have a gift of prophecy.  I think this is something I must be very careful about.  I am not claiming that God tells me ground-breaking insights every single day.  I am certainly not a physic or a fortune teller (the Bible forbids me of that anyways).  The point is, I’m just an average person who genuinely sought His guidance.

While I won’t get too much into what put me on this quest, we will just say keep it simple and say I had a very detailed and descriptive dream one night.  And then, I had another.  These dreams were definitely not my favorite dreams, but looking back….they were needed dreams.  While I wasn’t living a crazy lifestyle – I was a bit “in the world.”  I wasn’t just in the world – I was on top of the world.

I had just walked the red carpet and had been jamming out to Miley’s “Party in the USA” in my fancy all-expenses paid hotel room nights before (Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the many celebrities staying there at the same time as me if that tells you anything.  I was treated like VIP royalty and sipping my Starbucks while my stylist was getting me ready for my next camera appearance.  Later that night, my limo driver would escort my sister and I to dinner.  I didn’t need my car.  I had all those “black secret service” looking vehicles to transport me around.

……It was the most important I ever felt.

While I still wasn’t that important in the eyes of the world…..I had a small taste of what the catering and the pampering felt like.  This experience was just kind of the cherry on top of all the exciting things that had been happening to me for years.  It took me 10 years to get to this point of royal treatment, and I wasn’t about to let it rain on my parade.

Life was undoubtedly hard on me in many ways (which few know about), but I told myself the most successful people often have to face the most adversity.  I was okay with getting beat up and bruised to reach the top of the mountain….and man, did I suffer injuries….but I also reached new heights.  I took in views that I never thought I’d get to see.    I was on the “inside.” Life was great.  I was on my way.  Or so I thought.

…But my bubble was soon about to burst.  I was about to feel a weight on my chest: I wasn’t living in Nashville to catch my big break….or *sigh*…..to even be liked.  I was the world’s most non-confrontational person, and I REALLY liked to be liked. THAT was a tough one for me.

And here we are at…the dream.  Just days after the most exciting week of my life (up to that point), I woke up in the middle of the night from the dream I’d never forget.  I’ve always been a dreamer, but this dream was in a league of it’s own.  I had never experienced anything quite like it.  (This was all pre-Kyle and Clara).  Therefore, my sister and dog Rosco were the only ones in the house with me.  I woke up shaking and my head was throbbing.  I felt like I had been through a REAL life battle, but it had been in my dream.  Why did my body actually feel like I had just been through a real war?

As I described the dream to my sister in vivid detail, it all became clear that it was a spiritual dream that would change me.  I know, I know.  You’ve probably heard people say something like this before.  Therefore, I won’t get into specifics, I will just tell you this:

I believe our time is short.  I just do not know how short.  Remember, only He knows the day or the hour, so I’m not going to make any predictions.  That’s not my place.  We’ve been in the last days, but since 2015, I’ve felt it very strongly that we are in the last, last days.  Remember 5 years in Heaven is not like it is here on earth.  Five years equals nothing compared to eternity.  It doesn’t even make up a drop in a bucket.

To put it mildly:  I saw chaos in my dream, and I experienced severe persecution.  I was surrounded, and yet I was protected.  Fully protected.  I was there to help, but I wasn’t getting through.  “Wolves in sheep’s clothing” circled me, threatened me, and berated me…..but no one was ever able to make me submit to their plans for me.  No one was ever actually able to hurt me.  I was in the minority, but I knew I had to stand firm.  I had to continually “look past the surface” of those around me.  And I won’t get into specifics, but a sharpie marker out of all things (because it’s “permanent” was being used in a very corrupt way in this particular dream).  When I saw the sharpies in the news with the election, I couldn’t help but remember that part of my dream.  Sure, I don’t think the sharpies are the *most significant* part of the election, but man….it weirded me out a bit.  And then, there was a “second scene” in my dream, which I didn’t realize at the time matched up with prophecy in the Bible.

(I’m sure someone is reading this right now and laughing.  Laugh away.  It won’t hurt my feelings.  My skin is thicker than it was in 2015).

My main point of this (though the dream was very end times), was that God was telling me to wake up to “less obvious truths,” and to look past the surface of the people and the situations around me.  He even woke me up out of my sleep.

….I experienced a shaking and an awakening (literally).

Not long after, I had another dream.  Without going into much detail, several things from this dream have come to pass in this country the last few years.  During the time of my dream, I didn’t even know these issues were “on the table.”  And let’s just say, I experienced some similar “incidents” during COVID-19.

The full content of my dreams isn’t nearly as important as the fact that I was forced to wake up from my slumber.  I was told it was time to let my worldview be challenged…and time to face some hard truths I may not want to face.

Please understand, I am very sensitive to his spirit.  I never want to be deceived, or to deceive others.  This is why I’m not declaring any “for sure claims.”

This is not a “believe me or you’re not saved,” kind of declaration.

I also do not believe every single event that happens in our lives is to be shared in their entirety, but I do speak up when I feel that nudge of His.

So with the dreams?  God put it on my heart that wanted me to number my days and to start focusing on what was most important.  I knew he wanted me to start looking past what I see on the surface.  This meant a lot of things.  He wanted me to realize that the red carpet has snags and stains that aren’t always visible to the naked eye.  I also realized he was dealing with me about the media.  He challenged everything I believed about my “role models” and people in the public eye.

As a journalist, this was a really really tough one for me.  He soon let me know he was shedding the “pop culture” writing away from my life.

He challenged me on politics.  I once thought that it was all about “Democrat or Republican.”  He allowed me to see that as politics stood, the divide between the two “party terms” wasn’t as real as I had once believed.  The two were ultimately ran by the same world system.  I began to see the deception…

I once thought that if I voted a certain way, I was definitely honoring him. In that moment, my political affiliation became, “independent”….though if we are talking about liberal vs. conservative, I think anyone who knows me, knows which I am and will always be.  So, let me be clear:  I look at everything from economy to healthcare to everything in between….but I will never vote for someone who I believe will further the war on Christians.  And yes, there is a war.  Do not tell me that there isn’t (this is a different topic for a different day).

I soon came to find that this media/journalism world I loved wasn’t what I thought it was.  These newscasters and journalists weren’t telling me the truth about politics….or much of anything really.  I started to see that they were strategical in the stories they chose to push.  Like a child fascinated by a shiny object, they knew what stories to use to distract the people from something bigger and more important.  I had been taking the bait for years.  That candidate I voted for when I was 18 years old?  I no longer trusted him.

Remember once again, this was BEFORE I knew about Donald Trump.  This was BEFORE I heard him say the words, “fake news.”  Around that time, I started researching and looking into every alternative outlet I could.  Little by little, I began to read and watch horribly disturbing information.  Keep in mind – I didn’t always accept everything I was reading and hearing as “absolute truth.”  I took everything like a grain of salt, continued to pray and ask God for wisdom.  I knew rabbit trails were dangerous, and if I felt myself getting even close to one….I’d shut down my studies for a bit.

In my mind, I developed kind of a system.  I had a “Wow, there’s no disputing that,” category, “A maybe,” “A probably not,” and a “No way” category.  I tucked away what I was learning, yet still lived life and had fun.  I never once pushed my views on anyone.  In fact, I was scared to share what I was learning with most people, because I feared they would think of me as crazy.

I spent hours upon hours studying.  There were times I felt that my studies were confirmed, and other times, where I still wasn’t (and am maybe still somewhat unsure).

With that said, instead of going out and living my old lifestyle, I spent more time studying history and looking into what was being “kept” from all of us.  At times, it got heavy.  There were times where I felt God’s nudge to get solely back into the word and to watch something uplifting instead.  There were times I just needed to watch “The Bachelor” for a good laugh and light-heartedness. There were even times where I would stay away from the “scary stuff” for a good month or two at a time.  It was a balance.  I didn’t want to become too inundated in the negative, fear the devil or get into anything too crazy and out there.

By that time, those millions of views I had on my pop culture articles?  All gone.  In fact, so many of the articles I had worked so hard on years before disappeared into thin air.  My writing wasn’t going in the direction I thought after all.  I had zero future in the media.

My money-making website closed down. I knew without a shadow of a doubt I needed to do this blog instead…so I started this in 2015.  I still have about 30 drafts I’ve never published.  Why?  I didn’t want to fight.  I didn’t want controversy.  I still wasn’t ready for people to possibly not like me and want to unfriend me.

So, I chose the “comfortable middle ground,” which also meant probably not all that many people were reading it.  While I can see the stats and they aren’t bad….I know I don’t have near the “following” I once had when I was writing about the “world” and writing what people like to read.  Those days are now over.

I am now okay with that, because I know reaching ONE person for Christ is more important than reaching the masses with the temporary and the fleeting.

I accept that I won’t always be popular, and that I may just be that “kooky Christian” to you.  That’s okay.  It’s a title I’m blessed to have, because I know no matter what the outcome of this election is, I have hope beyond this world.  I have the hope of Heaven.  If that makes me kooky….then so be it.

I personally care about the eternal over the temporary.  I hope you do too.

Now to bring it all around.  Some of you may have laughed at my dreams and backstory, but instead of making some of you laugh again….your laughs will probably now turn to anger.  This is that time that I will likely ruffle feathers.

Fast forward to primary election time.  As soon as “said candidate” announced their run, I felt a stirring in my soul.  Though there were many candidates in front of my eyes, I kept going to the unlikely choice.  As a believer, you’d think I’d go for one of the ones most openly declaring their faith.  You’d think I’d go for “pastoral, kind or gentle”….but I didn’t.  Just as I had learned earlier….there was so much past the surface I couldn’t see, but this time I knew it.  (Now, Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see – Hebrews 11:1) comes to mind as I write this.

This time I chose to go against my logical thinking.  I knew it was going to take ALL of us a long time to see God’s plan in this.  It didn’t make sense to me in some ways. And yet, I knew that candidate was made for this hour.

It was odd at the time, because I remember thinking….but this isn’t logical.

“I don’t operate on the logical,” was what I sensed from the Lord.

….But wait, there’s more:

While I cannot remember the exact wording of everything that came over me as I spent time with God, here is my very paraphrased version.  No this was not audible:  “Are you really seeking me, or just looking at what you see on the surface?  Far too many of those who call themselves Christian and Pastor are not getting my work done.  They are not standing up for the truth.  I am seeing too much weakness, too much pandering.  They are not exposing corruption, wrongdoing.  When they don’t do what I need…I have to use someone else.  Do you trust me that I don’t always work in obvious ways?  Do you trust that sometimes you have to really come to me in prayer for true wisdom rather than just pick the “obvious” choice…..and are you willing to go against what most of your peers (even Christians) are saying?  Many of your fellow Christian friends do not like this candidate and won’t for some time…but trust me here.  Even if you stand alone for awhile.”

Again.  This is a paraphrase.  I want to be careful when it comes to “speaking for God.”  I do not speak for God.  He speaks for God.  I think this is much of the reason that it’s taken me 5 years to share this post.  I also know I can talk to one Christian, and they’ll claim God told them another candidate or another story.  I’m just telling you about what I experienced in MY life.  I think I’ve kept it under wraps for too long.  And I don’t know now WHY is the time to say all of this really?  I just know now is the time….

Those drafts I told you about?  I’ve had drafts in my inbox for YEARS that I never posted revealing who I support and why.  It’s kind of a shame because sometimes I spent HOURS on these posts before talking myself out of them.

But to bring it back around, I began studying scripture and seeing how this could all line up.  Now, I realize, Jesus is Lord of ALL.  Not just America.  If you’re looking for the exact words in the Bible of “You need to vote for said candidate”…you won’t find it.  Yet, I believe he provides clues to those who are really willing to pray and dig in.

I also soon found out that some had been prophesying about this very same candidate (one of these people died in the year 2007, long before this candidate ever announced he was even running for the presidency).  And yet, this person said he would lead our country and become a trumpet for truth.  He also said that all major news outlets would eventually have to say what GOD wants to say.  I found several other people who were thinking just as I was.  They were interested in the book of Amos (especially scriptures like Amos 3:6).

I had goosebumps.  I began reading scriptures that further gave me peace about this direction I was heading.  I STILL told myself, well don’t read too much into everything.  You have to be careful about prophecies, people claiming to hear from God.  I suppose there can be coincidences, etc. etc.

But still, I deep down kept believing this candidate was going to shake things up in the last, last days.  Why wouldn’t God want to expose corruption before Jesus returns?  Why wouldn’t there be a big “come to Jesus because he’s ALL we have” event before he returns?  We have to get to a place of revival somehow right?  We have to come to a place where our faith is stretched, and we are down on our knees.  We have to come to a place of uncertainty to TRULY seek the certain one, don’t we?  If everything is in “peace and harmony” and we are just living in our entertainment bubble….we can miss a WHOLE lot.

I even began to understand why he had to be a bit loud and abrasive to do it.  Sometimes gentle, slow and monotone just doesn’t get the job done.

We needed a trumpet….not a harp.

We weren’t listening.  The other candidates weren’t going to bring us to any kind of a higher truth, though I believe at least a couple in the running had the best of intentions.

The media had been our ultimate source.  We believed “presidential” was of the utmost importance.  We believed the president of the United States must look, talk and act a certain way, without ever questioning any wars, our financial ruin, or why we were all struggling on so many levels.

Truth is so much more important than tone…..and sometimes truth has to get a little loud.  Sometimes you have to sound the trumpet, I realized.

We had been looking for our answers from the classic 3-piece suit well-spoken man, rather than above.  We thought just because he donned a flag pin that he was FOR US.

These politicians were all telling and promising us the same things – just in slightly different ways  We had developed what we thought the “logic” was for how a president should look and sound.  We took what the Bible said about being “kind” and assumed that kindness is ultimately what is needed in a world leader….every single time.  We assumed that a choice word here or there while addressing the nation meant God had zero plans to use that person for the good….didn’t we?

Sorry to ruffle feathers, but…..when God couldn’t find the obvious “pastoral choice” in the Bible…he went on to someone else.  He used the flawed time and time again.  Can he not still do that today?

I was stretched, and I was challenged.

I slowly began to confess to a few very very close Christian people who I believed our president should be/was going to be whether people liked it or not (and this was before the primary election).  One or two people agreed with me….the rest talked about tone, the nuclear button and used words such as “unhinged.”

“I’m sorry guys…but I’m not backing down here.  I know he’s rough around the edges.  He’s even going to make me bite my nails at times.  I’m going to wish more than anything he would hire me as his speech writer, but of course he won’t.  But you just wait and see….  He is a bull in a china shop….and there is good reason the media cannot stand him.  Take notice of that.  He’s going to say some pretty outrageous statements sometimes.  It’ll ruffle feathers….but eventually you’ll see what I see,” I would say.

There were those times I wondered if I could be wrong.  I mean I’ve been wrong before.  I will be the first to admit that I have been wrong on some pretty important issues throughout my life/will be wrong on more in the future, but deep down, I knew I wasn’t wrong this time.  I began to see this person’s REAL heart more and more:  Not the heart that was being “reported” to me.  Still, I told God I wanted to “see more,” and that if what I heard from Him wasn’t correct…I wanted Him to show me.

Around that time, I walked into my workplace cubicle, just as I always do.  I didn’t really pay attention to the fact that my Bible was being held open with my printer cord.  I was just kind of doing my thing, when a fellow Christian co-worker came over. If I can recall correctly, I believe we were even talking about the upcoming primaries.  I told them what way I was leaning and why.

Eventually they said, “Hey, did you notice your Bible is being held open with your printer cord?  Or did you do that?”

My reply was, “I didn’t do that.  Did you?”

“No,” they replied.

“Why don’t you see what’s on those pages?”

……I looked down, and there it was again.  The book of Amos.  A book that I’ve paid almost no attention to throughout my life.  A book that isn’t one of the wordiest books of the Bible.  If my Bible was going to randomly open to a section I frequently looked at, I can assure you it wouldn’t have been Amos.

“It’s the book of Amos,” I replied.

“And honestly, I’m weirded out because this is the book that’s been on my heart concerning the upcoming election.”

….And here is just a snapshot of what I found:

Whether a trump shall sound in a city, and the people shall not dread? Whether evil shall be in a city, which evil the Lord shall not make? (Shall a trumpet sound in a city, and the people have no fear? Shall evil be in a city, which evil the Lord did not send?/which evil the Lord shall not come to fight against?)

For the Lord God shall not make a word, no but he show his private to his servants (the) prophets. (For the Lord God shall not do anything, unless first he tell his secret, or his private, plans to his servants, the prophets.)

A lion shall roar, who shall not dread? the Lord God spake, who shall not prophesy? (A lion shall roar, who shall not be afraid? the Lord God hath spoken, who shall not prophesy?)

To sum Amos up:  Amos was a fiery prophet with a powerful message.  He was concerned about the “little man.”  He didn’t like oppression, and he didn’t like mistreatment of the poor.  He hated corruption and injustice.  He challenged the establishments around him, and he wasn’t exactly polite in doing so.  And God used Him.  Big.

….And then the goosebumps ensued for both of us.

I quickly asked another Christian co-worker if they were the one who had opened my Bible.  I knew it was probably only one of two people.  That person also denied touching my Bible.

…More goosebumps.

….Out of ALL the pages.

Spoiler alert:  I never found “the person.”

Now, it’s important to say this kind of thing does not happen to me every day.  I don’t think we always get a big grand sign, but I believe this is that rare time I was meant to.

And as I said, as time went on, I saw the things I had dreamed and studied come to pass.  I believe we are still in the middle of that right now.

Do I know EXACTLY what is going to happen with this election?  I do not.  However, I like to think I have a good idea.  But still, that is where faith and HIS WISDOM comes in.

I’ve just simply held back for way too long.  I’ve let important drafts sit in my  draft box for way too long.  I don’t like conflict.  I like encouragement.  I like to think this post even now contains some of that.

However, guys….let me leave you with this:  If we are looking to our televisions, iphones and computers for the full truth right now, we aren’t going to find it.  I’ve known that since 2015, and though I certainly research and sometimes even repost something I’ve read….I certainly know it now.   I believe God knew ahead of time we were going to enter a great “shaking and awakening.”

I was somewhat prepared for this hour.  Some things have been a little crazier than I pictured….but I’m not shell-shocked.  I wasn’t blindsided.

But here’s the deal.  Here is what is right in front of us:

People are so adamant about “fact-checking” right now that I think some would try and fact-check Jesus if he appeared before them….especially if he told them anything they didn’t want to hear.

Just remember “fact-checkers” are people too.  People are flawed, and I’m one of them.  Maybe that is why I waited FIVE years to share this post, and now I’m only sharing it as the election hangs by a thread.

There is only one who isn’t flawed.  His name is Jesus.  He is our ultimate source of knowledge.  The only true fact-checker.  He is the one who knows this election inside and out:  He knows what happened and didn’t happen.  He knows where fraud is taking place, and where maybe others are overreacting to something that isn’t there.

But here’s a challenge, instead of only looking to what “could be true,” “is hopefully true,” “probably true,” “what we want to hear,” or “not want we want to hear,” how about we all come to the one who PROMISES to give wisdom to those who ask?  His wisdom is better than any report out there.  How about we call each other and pray?  I wouldn’t say that to you if I hadn’t been doing the same.  To date, I’ve prayed with 6 separate people over the phone….because “where two or more are gathered.”

Like I said….I don’t know the end result of this moment in time….but I do know the end, end result.  I know what the last page of the Bible says. I know who wins, and I take comfort in that.  I look forward to the day in which we don’t have to worry about what’s true and what isn’t.  There aren’t any fact-checkers or doom and gloom news in Heaven – just facts and peace.

I absolutely believe we should stay informed.  It’s good to share our findings, our experiences and to discuss this present time.  However, until we get serious about our most high, we cannot see or hear clearly.  So, where is your ultimate information coming from?  Who is your ultimate source?  Who is your ultimate fact-checker?  Who is your ultimate news source?  Politifact, Snopes, CNN, Fox………or Jesus?

You are not the ultimate expert.  I am not the ultimate expert.  Let’s ultimately leave this to the one who is.

The post The Great Shaking & Awakening: The Ultimate Fact-Checker Revealed appeared first on Homestead Holly.

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