2021 Archives - Homestead Holly https://homesteadholly.com/tag/2021/ (Wholesome Words of Wisdom from a Witty Warrior Woman) Thu, 14 Jan 2021 00:18:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 A Time of Fine Lines: Welcome to 2021 https://homesteadholly.com/a-time-of-fine-lines-welcome-to-2021/ https://homesteadholly.com/a-time-of-fine-lines-welcome-to-2021/#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2021 00:11:45 +0000 https://homesteadholly.com/?p=2425 Welcome to 2021, friends. During these chaotic times, I’ve been a bit in chaos with myself. I know who I am, and who God has called me to be. From a very young age, I knew he called me to

The post A Time of Fine Lines: Welcome to 2021 appeared first on Homestead Holly.

Welcome to 2021, friends.

During these chaotic times, I’ve been a bit in chaos with myself.

I know who I am, and who God has called me to be.

From a very young age, I knew he called me to write.

I knew he called me to encourage & to lend a hand.

…But…at the same time, I knew he called me to stand for his truths & to defend his word.

I knew my assignment wasn’t always going to be fun or easy.

I knew I would eventually experience persecution.

His word said I would.

I knew people wouldn’t always like what I had to say…

….But I don’t think I ever anticipated this.

January 13, 2021.

For years, I’ve been preparing for perilous times.

I’ve been eternally-minded since 2005, despite some detours and “trying to forget who I am” a few times.

And for the last 16 years, I find myself constantly thinking 4 words.  And they may not be the 4 words you’d expect.  They are, “It’s a fine line.”

What do I mean?

I tell myself I’m not afraid, and most of the time, I’m not.

…But a little bit of uneasiness causes me to strongly rely on the Lord for my peace.

It’s a fine line.

…..And I’ll admit, I feel angry today.

A little righteous anger is okay, I remind myself.

…But unrighteous anger and placing the world above the word is not okay.

It’s a fine line.

….I’m constantly having to check myself before I wreck myself.

“It’s a fine line.  It’s a fine line.”  These words keep coming to me over and over again.  I always thought these words were just for me, but today, I feel like they may be for all of us.

….There are so many fine lines I know I must walk.  And as I walk those fine lines, they make me depend on Christ that much more.  I rely on him to tell me how far to go, and I rely on him to tell me when to scale it back.

…I allow him to discipline me, to humble me and to pull me back in.

So many fine lines.

Do I listen EVERY single time?

Of course not.  He never took away my “humanity” when I gave my life to him.

…But I still remember these fine lines in the back of my mind.

I’m called to lift others up…..but not called to pretend there isn’t a real enemy in the world.

It’s a fine line.

“All bliss” isn’t realistic or authentic, and we should stop pretending it is.

At times, I’m called to a little bit of neutrality…..but never to apathy.

It’s a fine line.

Apathy is weak and dangerous….and makes us all the more easy to devour.

It’s one of my pet peeves.  But sometimes I know I’m not supposed to “get involved.”

It’s a fine line.

I’m called to love….but love doesn’t mean agreeing with everyone.

In today’s America…..that’s a REALLY fine line, and one of the biggest misunderstandings there is.  I’ve said it one thousand times before.  Love doesn’t = agreeing.  And disagreeing and following God’s word doesn’t = hate.  God’s word is not hate speech.

I’m called to be meek…..but not timid.

I’m called to be bold….but not mean.

I’m called to speak out….but not to just be noise.

More fine lines.

I’m called to forgive…..but not to forget or turn a blind eye to everything around me.

I’m called to be a light that doesn’t hide under a bushel…..but not to be a strobe light that blinds other’s visions.

I’m called to unite (with people)……but good must never unite with evil.

I know addressing this even now is another one of those “fine lines.”

Folks, please hear my heart:  It isn’t “people” we are fighting in America right now.  It is the rulers of darkness – the unseen world.

“Ephesians 6:12, NLT: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

While people should certainly come together and treat one another with kindness…..there is an evil in this world.  We have to acknowledge the ugly.  There is an evil that actually has nothing to do with politics in of itself…..it just happens to make its way into politics, because it can accomplish so much in that realm.  Evil isn’t clueless.  It wants to be seen.  It wants to make a large impact.

Evil knows it can make it’s largest impact in politics and in entertainment.  Evil wants to work through public figures.  It wants to affect the masses.

[What better place for evil to exercise its power than in politics?  Whether you love politics or hate them, they have an affect on your life and your family’s lives].

…But still, there is a fine line. We shouldn’t become inundated or ever start trusting man above God.  No matter who is in the white house, we know who is on the throne.  Just don’t try to tell me Christians should be apathetic here.

….And I now must return to DIVISION:

….I’ve been thinking a lot about the fine line surrounding “division.”

….Not all division is diabolical.

….I said, “Not all division is diabolical.  Sometimes division is necessary.”  Let me explain.

…..I’m called to unite (with people)……but good must never unite with evil.

…..People should unite with people as people…but that doesn’t mean compromising on morals, values, or the word of God.

….Both good and evil will exist in this world until Jesus returns.  Blame it on Adam and Eve and the apple.  We live in a fallen world.  The love and healing we put into this world can certainly make it a more beautiful place….but it doesn’t drive out ALL evil.  It just makes it harder for evil to have its way.  Evil never likes “losing people.”  It always wants to have its way.

Good should always unite with good. People should always unite with PEOPLE.

….But good must not ever unite with evil.

….Uniting with people, but not with ideals can feel like a fine line sometimes, but they are not one-in-the-same.

….I hope we can learn that difference.

…Again, we are not fighting people.  We are fighting agendas, evil plans, corruption, lies……which is ultimately, the rulers of darkness.

…Democrat or Republican, we are seeing the rulers of darkness working in each party right now.

….God is calling us to love and be kind, certainly.  But he isn’t telling us to toss his word, and to unite with evil, either.  

What am I really saying?

I’m saying we should all watch what we say.  There’s never been a more important time than now.

Having a mission of causing trouble on social media isn’t exactly the best use of our time. 

And while it’s much nicer, rightfully garners more approval and certainly doesn’t cause any harm, making “love others and be kind” posts right now aren’t exactly going to just stop all of the evil at work..


While there is certainly nothing “wrong” with your post (in fact there is so much right about it),  perhaps it’s the powers-that-be at the top knowing nothing about love and kindness that is the biggest problem here. 

Maybe you and I already know quite a bit about love and kindness…but…maybe, just maybe, THEY are incredibly corrupt….and perhaps they are the ones fueling all the “hate and division” that is so often talked about.  

Love and kindness though does have to start with us though, yes.

Once again. It’s a fine line.

We shouldn’t be getting into pointless arguments, deleting people we love out of our lives, taking each other off Christmas card lists and damaging our relationships with one another.  We shouldn’t be cursing, name-calling or making hurtful accusations.  We also shouldn’t be constantly pushing forward stories and memes that may very well not be true (and that goes for everyone).  There’s already enough confusion out there.

We shouldn’t claim to know everything about anyone’s heart, or exactly where they stand with God.

…..But, the word does say we will know them by their fruit.  So again, it’s a fine line.  We may not see the evidence, but God sees it all.

Yes, the word says we will know them by their fruit.  But this doesn’t mean we should pretend to know everything about their relationship with God, or where they’re going when they die.

And back to social media….

Fighting on social media accomplishes nothing.  We all know this.  No one’s mind gets changed.  [Actually taking action and being the change you want to see in the world is what DOES do something].

….But, remember this doesn’t mean you should become a weakling either.  This doesn’t mean your rare “stance post” is pointless, argumentative or not impacting a life for the better.

And as the old saying goes, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.”

Again, apathy is so dangerous.

Perhaps, some of us have had to speak out.  Maybe we are just fed up.

…..But as I said, there remains a fine line.

…There is a TOO MUCH, and there is a TOO LITTLE..

….That isn’t to say EVERY single person should speak out.  You really cannot go wrong with sitting back and holding your peace.  When you don’t know what to say….saying nothing is always the better option.

…If someone doesn’t feel led of the Lord, or feel knowledgeable about such topics…..silence remains much better than noise and incorrect information.  We should never post just to post, or speak just to be heard.  Lord already knows we have enough of that on the internet and on our televisions.  Again, if you don’t know what to say, saying nothing is always a respectable choice.

I think we all know what TOO much looks like….but….

What is TOO little then?  My thoughts:  KNOWING God has called YOU to speak out, to share your stance, to take some kind of action…..and either ignoring or disobeying that call.

As I’ve been saying, there is a time to speak and a time to stay silent.

I was mostly silent for 4 years, except an occasional “neutral” public statement.  After November 3rd, I realized my time had arrived.  And I feel confident saying that.

As a Pastor I respect recently shared:  Do not become angry with God’s messengers. “If they are wrong, let him deal with them.  And then watch how they deal with being wrong.”

I believe I am in the right by speaking out right here, right now, BUT if I’m wrong (and I’ve been before)….I guarantee you, he will show me.

If I’m wrong about the political climate right now, I’ll eventually humbly come to you all when the timing is right…..and let you know.  You can hold me to that.

I believe I was wrong about politics 20+ years, and even as little as 6 years ago.  I’ve already shared that with you…but I do not feel wrong now.  The young me hadn’t truly done her research and didn’t yet know how to think objectively.  I just knew my side, and I really didn’t want to know the other side.  It wasn’t comfortable for me.  I had to allow myself to become uncomfortable and to challenge myself.

I hung my head at times, but I realized the value of learning from my mistakes.

I’m sure I’ll be wrong on parts of what I’m saying, but I’m talking about the big picture here.  Love me or hate me for that…..but you happen to believe you’re right as well, right?  I still have that right too, correct?

I never claimed to believe I was right about EVERYTHING.  I hope no one on this earth honestly believes they are right about EVERYTHING….but sometimes it kind of looks that way, huh?

Now, to wrap all of this up, here are a few other things on my heart:

  • Those who profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ need to remember not to destroy their witnesses during this time.  There isn’t any post or statement that is worth destroying your witness over.  However, if worded properly and prayed over, you can be bold, while still being kind.  You don’t have to destroy anything.  You may make someone angry or hit a nerve in the short-term for sure, but a TRUE God-led “speak-out” will never truly DESTROY your witness in the long-term.  That would be a contradiction, and I don’t believe that.
  • People need to refrain from saying hurtful things they will regret later.  Some things you just can’t take back…
  • No matter how much you believe someone to be wrong, deceived, or misguided, they probably passionately feel that way about you in return.  Remember that.  Again, the battle is not between people.  I’m not friends with anyone who I think is “evil,” and I sure hope no one is viewing me that way.
  • No matter how much you believe what you support to be a stance of love, justice and truth and the direct opposite of hate, injustice and lies……those who believe differently also think their stance to be that.
  • Remember the “fine line” as you go through life.  It’s made a difference in mine, and after years of trying to follow this way of thinking….I decided it was time to share.

The fine line just keeps getting finer.  But hey, the finer the line….the more we can look above for help and wisdom.  (James 1:5).  

We are all a work in progress and America is one big construction site.  Let us just remember who is in the center of it all.

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12 Survivalist Tips for 2021: Wisdom Versus Fear https://homesteadholly.com/12-survivalist-tips-for-2021-wisdom-versus-fear/ https://homesteadholly.com/12-survivalist-tips-for-2021-wisdom-versus-fear/#respond Mon, 11 Jan 2021 21:40:03 +0000 https://homesteadholly.com/?p=2411 If you follow me on Facebook, you may have read my post yesterday.  It was long as usual, because well, I have a hard time condensing.  Sometimes I get off track.  With that said, I’m afraid this information may have

The post 12 Survivalist Tips for 2021: Wisdom Versus Fear appeared first on Homestead Holly.

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have read my post yesterday.  It was long as usual, because well, I have a hard time condensing.  Sometimes I get off track.  With that said, I’m afraid this information may have been somewhat hidden due to length.  I still want as many of my loved ones to see this as possible, so I’ve majorly condensed my original post. 
As I mentioned on Facebook, I refuse to get into a political debate.  These tips should not become “politicized,” and I’m honestly not sure why they would after what we ALL just witnessed in 2020…..regardless of our stances. 
This is simply me caring about EVERYONE, regardless of their beliefs. 
  • I just believe based on what I’m hearing and seeing…..as well as knowing that so much of what I was warned about 5-10 years has already happened, that we should be prepared. 
  • I cannot predict what is going to happen or when.  I will not pretend to.  I said we should be prepared – not fearful.  I want to emphasize that important piece right now.  The Lord reminds us over and over again not to fear, but he also gives us plenty of insight to know that we still have some responsibilities we must hold up in this life. To me, reasonable and unselfish preparation is wisdom….not paranoia.  
  • I am not speaking of buying out your grocery stores, hoarding, or getting a “me-me-me” mindset). 
  • Unselfish preparation means doing so with the Christ-like willingness to share your “extra” with a neighbor or someone in need. 
  • While the Bible never specifically tells us to “stock up,” I don’t believe that some wise planning means “you don’t trust God enough.”  Though God loves, protects and provides, we do live in a fallen world where the enemy seeks to destroy.  I think the vast majority of us have also had at least some small experience with a natural disaster or extended power outage.  I personally have witnessed “scarcity” in areas. 
  • I’m just trying to remind everyone I love that it’s okay to be realistic and take a few notes from 2020.  With further ado……
12 pieces of “survivalist advice” for 2021:
1) Stay calm and stay IN THE WORD….not in the world. Give every single one of your worries, fears and anxieties to God. I made this #1 for a reason. Even though nothing looks “okay” right now…it will be okay, as long as He is where your ultimate trust is invested. He WILL provide, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do our part to some level.
2) Stay stocked up on necessities. Do not freak out….I repeat, do not freak out, get selfish and buy out your whole grocery store. That is not what I’m suggesting at all, so please do not blow this out of proportion.
However, if at all possible, try to always have 2 weeks to a month of groceries and necessities on hand.  If you stock up over time (unselfishly and here and there), you may realize you have a good 2 month supply on hand.  And how awesome that you may be able to help a neighbor, an elderly person in need, or someone else God may put in your path.
I was warned about 10 years ago that the toilet paper/general paper panic was coming. No lie.  So I always had extra…but I always left PLENTY for everyone else.
I know so many people think TP and paper goods are the biggest concern (and I agree to grab a pack each time you go to the store), but don’t forget that there are supplies more important than paper.
Do have bottled or jugged water, canned veggies, fruits, soups, beans, meats, jerkys, peanut butter, crackers and other non-perishable sources on hand. If you’re a canner…can away all you can. If you have a garden and are a farmer…you are two steps ahead.
I personally don’t like the idea of an overkill of processed foods, but in a survivalist situation:  I’ll be thankful for my processed junk. Typically, I try to limit what I bring into the house and avoid sweets-buying, except for those fun splurges that we all deserve. And due to my medical instructions for a high salt diet (I’m seriously not joking), I have to keep chips and crackers in the house at all times. I’m telling you there is still a place for “some” non-perishables.
Getting the “fresh” may not always be so easy and accessible for a time. Unfortunately, we also know the “fresh” doesn’t last long.
Though it may disgust you and your health beliefs, you probably should have some canned meats in your cupboard that are good for years to come.
Also, if you can afford it – a 30 day survival kit at some point wouldn’t be a bad idea.
It’s also wise to keep soaps, toothpaste, hygienic/cosmetic supplies, detergent and cleaning products on hand.
For years, I’ve been buying ahead on some of these things as well (1 or 2 at a time while on sale or as I can). I have a couple shelves in my closet of little things I have extra of. I never let it get out of hand and always use the oldest first. This is not like the extreme couponing show, okay?  I have ZERO use for 300 bottles of ketchup. Just remember, if shortages occur, I’m far from the ultimate “doomsday supply house.” Please know that. 😂
Laugh all you want, but after the big TP craze happened, I thought, “yep…. it ended up happening just like I was told it would.” (Still, this didn’t mean anyone should be selfish and fill their whole entire cart. That’s just silly).
…Moving along…
3) Keep a full tank of gas. If you have a habit of leaving your car near empty, I at least beg you to stop that much. This is not rocket science during. This isn’t earth-shattering or ground-breaking, no matter what is going on in America.
4) Keep cash on hand. (Even it’s just $100-$200 in the safe). Notice I never said an obscene amount, but if you can, but there’s nothing wrong with having some “rainy day cash.”
5) I know medications can be tricky, but keep a little extra of your over-the-counter prescriptions, supplements, vitamins and naturopathic oils on hand.
6) Have a good, working, manual can opener.
7) Be prepared for your babies:  I thought this one was worthy of its own point though it can go with groceries, because I’m always concerned for our little people: If your baby takes formula, keep an extra can on hand. There are even recipes to make your own formula (click here) in an emergency, but I know some of our littles only take certain kinds.  The link I provided will give you some other alternatives and ideas. If your baby is to the cow’s milk point, keep a carton or so of powdered milk on hand just in case.  We all know cold, grocery store milk doesn’t last real long. Don’t forget an extra box of diapers and some extra wipes, along with their other little important supplies. If you buy baby food from the jar or little squeeze packs, try not to let your supply run super low.
To go along with this one, be prepared for your pets:  Their food, treats, and their treatments, such as flea & tick, as well as heartworm.
8)  Keep some extra batteries of all types, on hand – especially AA’s (at least that’s the most popular one in our home).
9) Make sure you have a working flashlight, lantern, some candles, matches or anything of the like.  Even an ancient battery-operated radio isn’t such a bad idea, if you can get one.
[Again, laugh all you want.  Just know, I’ve been in a prime spot for tornados, power line problems, transformer issues and power outages. Since moving here in 2005, I’ve survived a major flood, a couple close-call tornados, a derancho (I didn’t even know what that meant), a VERY minor earthquake (barely worth mentioning), a big city environment during COVID-19 (my closest Kroger is the busiest one in Nashville)….and most recently:  As my friends know, I live 20 minutes from downtown Nashville.  The Christmas day explosion was felt in our subdivision.  I just happen to have Verizon and Comcast versus AT&T, so my service was uninterrupted. Still, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve sat in the dark the past 10 years. In this house alone, it’s probably been at least 8 times in 6 years… and I’m not referring to little 5 minute outages either).  Just now, I didn’t come to these suggestions without some personal experience of what CAN happen].
Along those lines, I personally don’t own a generator. They are very expensive as you know, but if you have extra money sitting around….smart idea.  I also recently learned you can rent them, but realize they may be “hard to rent” during massive outages.
10) Tools to take your vitals at home are always smart: The Omron 3 blood pressure monitor is reasonable and accurate. Pulse oximeters cannot hurt.  A good working thermometer is also a plus, etc.
11) Turn off auto updates on your phone. (I’m not going to get much into this one or why I’m saying it). Also make sure you have a couple working phone chargers (one of which will also work in your car)…and even a little ready-to-go power pack isn’t such a ridiculous idea.
12) On my mind today: Never depend too much on social media (or even your computers or electronic devices to preserve your precious pictures and videos). Make sure your photos and videos are in multiple places, and print your most important photographic memories, if you can.  Technology, social media outages, and power issues cannot steal our prints.  I know this one seem to be of less importance than the others, BUT I still believe it’s too important not to mention.
Now, please note:  I am NOT claiming or setting it in stone that you will need all of this stuff right here, right now. I’m just suggesting we all take a few notes from the unpredictability of 2020, and learn to expect the unexpected.  I’ve seen and heard too much lately to think that healthy preparation is irrational.
And one more time:  Our *ultimate trust* has to continue to be in the Lord…not in materials or in humans. However, I can promise you that He doesn’t frown on reasonable and unselfish precaution.
In life, there is a “God part” and a “man part.” We are still responsible to act and be assertive in certain ways. He gives wisdom and understanding to those who ask.  When you pray for wisdom and understanding, you may not feel the way I do.  That’s okay too.
If you have some survivalist tips of your own that didn’t make my list, I’d love to hear from you (please share them in the comment section below)
With all of that said:
God bless you and your loved ones….and God bless America❤

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