Favorite Earning & Saving Apps for Frugal Folks

Favorite Earning & Saving Apps for Frugal Folks

When it comes to savings apps, coupons and bargain hunting, I could go on and on for days.  It’s been both a necessity and a passion in my life.  I live in Nashville, which is quickly becoming among the most expensive places to live.  Therefore, it is simply silly and impractical to not save money when I very well know that I can.  However, prior to the rising cost of living, I was always a saver.  It never will matter if I’m rich or poor.  I will always use my coupons, apps and savings opportunities, because why not? My mom taught me how to be a saver from an early age. I honestly believe my mom’s early teaching has made me a more thankful person in the long run.

I have always enjoyed looking at my savings on any given trip, and always vow that some year I’m going to keep track of my total savings, because it has to be thousands of dollars.  However, this kind of record-keeping requires A LOT of dedication.

Still, whether it has been shopping for clothing, planning my wedding, or looking to redecorate my home, I have always been dedicated to being thrifty and frugal…..(even if it takes me a little bit of extra time). I will never be the girl to just drop $50 on a shirt, nor will I ever be the one to pay regular price on anything when it isn’t necessary.  If it’s already only $7.99 at Ross or $8.99 at Marshall’s, I can certainly pay regular price then.  In that case, I’m at a discount store to begin with.  I just cannot justify paying for one shirt what I very well know I can get four shirts for. Catch my drift?

I often get asked about my savings: What I do, and how I do it?

Whether or not I’m asked, I always enjoy sharing my tips with anyone and everyone.  My endless tips and tricks would be best spread out over a series of posts.  However, today, I am just going to educate my frugal friends on the savings apps I’ve been using.  Have a smart phone?  GREAT!  Do you save receipts?  PERFECT!  Put them to great use!  Even if it’s a gas station receipt for a pack of gum, tell the cashier you want your receipt when he/she asks.

Now……download the following FREE apps for opportunities to earn cash back, e-gift cards and free items.

  1.  Ibotta:  This is probably among the most popular of savings apps, so I’m going to go ahead and assume that many of my readers probably already know about this one.  However, I meet people all the time who haven’t yet discovered it.  In fact, I didn’t sign up with Ibotta until 2 years ago, though I’m pretty sure I had heard about it prior to then.  I don’t think I realized how easy or beneficial it was until I really gave it a chance.  (To date, I have earned $482.48 in cash back in 2 short years on this app alone).

How to use:  Basically, on this app, you search for offers that are available at different stores you shop at or plan to shop at.  Some of my main stores would be Kroger, Wal-Mart, Publix, Walgreens, Target and Amazon, for example.  They also feature other random stops like certain gas stations and even the Dollar Tree.  You simply click on the + signs of the items you may be interested in purchasing at each store.

Then, you go shopping and actually buy the participating items.  (REMEMBER to get your receipt….and do not lose it!  This will not work without your receipt).

Next, you will want to redeem your offers once you get home.  Now, let me first say:  If you used Ibotta for Wal-Mart, this next step is going to be extra easy, as long as you have hit the + symbol on all your items.  With Wal-Mart, all you have to do is generally scan the little square box at the bottom of your receipt, and it will almost ALWAYS automatically detect all participating items you added to your list.

Kroger and most other stores though?  You will likely have to scan the UPC on each product.  I tried linking my Kroger card to the app, but for whatever reason had issues.  Maybe you will have more luck than I did.

There are many opportunities items in which you can purchase the same item multiple times and get cash back for each one – you simply put in the quantity (but Wal-Mart even detects your quantity).  Some items, they will require you buy 2 or more to get cash back, so make sure you look closely.

I have come to find that Wal-Mart is the most user-friendly with Ibotta and offers the most, though I’m not a big Wal-Mart shopper. I use it at multiple retailers, though I am a pretty devoted Kroger shopper.

What’s more?  You can also get this cash back in addition to the sales and your usual coupons.

For example, let’s just say I purchased the limit of 5 Fage yogurts for .50 cents back on each.  I will scan my receipt, scan each label and put the quantity (if I’m at Kroger).  I will earn a total of $2.50 back in cash for this purchase alone.  Let’s just say the Fage yogurt was also on sale, and I had a coupon for a free one.  Well, I am barely going to have paid anything for the yogurt when it’s said and done.  I have even had situations where I was nearly PAID to buy an item, thanks to Ibotta, my other apps and coupons.

There is also a “pay with Ibotta” option on this app that you may want to take advantage of as well.

Redeeming your earnings:  Ibotta is a cash back app, in which you can transfer your funds to Paypal when you have earned $20 back, and then directly into your account.  Yes, you will need a Paypal account for cash back if you don’t already have one.  Ibotta also now offers a broad array of digital gift cards if you would rather earn back in that way instead.  Everything from restaurants to retail stores to airlines gift cards are an option:  Whatever your heart desires!

Tips: I always tell new Ibotta users to never buy things they wouldn’t normally buy unless it’s something they really want to try.  Also, keep brand names in mind.  Maybe you can save $0.35 back on Ibotta, but maybe the generic item is still cheaper.  Just stick with the generic then, unless of course you much prefer the brand of that particular item.  Make sense?  Another tip?  Always check the “any” section even if you’re just going into the store to buy one generic brand.  Sometimes they will offer $0.10 back on any brand of bread, any brand of chicken breast, etc.  Some grocery trips you may only earn back $0.10 cents or nothing at all, but it’s all about shopping smart (and not buying things just because they are on there).  If you start buying items just because they are on Ibotta, your intention to save might end up turning into increased spending.  If you don’t much time to browse Ibotta, always check the “any,” “new offers,” and the “what’s hot” categories at the least.

Some months will be better than others on Ibotta.  I have those months I earn $40 back, while other months it may look more like $4.  It all depends on if they are featuring the items I tend to buy or not. Their cash back opportunities change constantly, so check often.

Other ways to earn cash on Ibotta: Ibotta also has a great referral program, which also gets your cash back stacking up even quicker.  The referral incentives change all the time, but there are always opportunities to earn cash if your friends use your code to sign up for their account.  It may be $5, or it may be more.  If you feel inclined to help my earnings AND yours, here is my referral code you will want to enter:  udlflrln

Ibotta also features a ton of bonuses:  (IE – redeem 12 offers before such and such date and receive an extra $3 back in cash).  They tend to run a lot of extra cash opportunities around holidays and special occasions.  Another example of a bonus could be, “Buy 2 Cottonelle products to earn an extra $1 back.”  As long as you appropriately scanned the item, Ibotta will detect and credit you with your bonuses automatically.

Again, to begin earning your cash back, sign up under my code of udlflrln.

2.  Shopkicks:  While Ibotta has resulted in the most cash back for me, Shopkicks is a not too far distant second.  I would also consider Shopkicks to be an enjoyable app. (though you somewhat have to work for it).

Description:  On Shopkicks, you earn points towards various gift cards for a variety of reasons – from Outback Steakhouse to Sephora, you can enjoy gift cards all thanks to this app.

How to earn points?  1.  You can earn points towards a gift card simply for walking into a store.  (IE – if I am going to walk into Kroger, I turn on the app. click on the icon of the person “walking” and my phone will recognize I am in Kroger.  Boom, there is 10 points.  On certain days, some stores offer 100 or even 250 kicks for simply walking into a store).

You can also earn points for simply scanning items that are on each store’s featured list.  My sister and I enjoy walking around stores and scanning items (especially if they’re on the way) during big grocery shopping trips.  We think of it as another fun way to get exercise.  For instance, after you’ve earned 10 points for simply walking into Kroger, your scans section might also show that you can earn 40 points for simply scanning a bag of Seattle’s Best Coffee or 75 points for scanning a pack of Quilted Northern toilet paper.

3.  Another huge way to earn points on shopkick is to actually buy some of their featured items.  Any item you scan probably also offers points back if you purchase that item.  For instance, I might scan the Quilted Northern toilet paper that is already featured in their sale that week, use a coupon for it, scan it for points on Shopkicks….AND then be able to take a picture of my receipt for an additional 250 points simply because I purchased the item.  I may even find that Ibotta offers cash back on the same item!  Another way to earn points is by linking your card to certain stores and earning points for each dollar spent (I don’t really do this one).  Lastly, you can even earn points simply by going to their “discover” section and watching little random advertising videos…..because, why not?

Redeeming your points:  On Shopkicks, you choose the gift card you want to work towards (and you can change it at any time):  1,250 kicks = $5 gift card, 2,500 kicks = $10, 6,250 kicks = $25 and 12,500 kicks = $50.  You can set your goal as low or as high as you like for whatever you are wanting.  If you just want $5 to Starbucks, great – it won’t take you long at all.  If you want $50 to Lowe’s, great again!  Just be willing to work for it a little bit (but it’s fun work).

On Shopkicks in just 2 years, I have earned a total of 11 gift cards (technically 12, if I’d like to to cash in my current points for $5).  I particularly enjoy redeeming their Sephora gift cards, because it’s a way to get cool makeup I am normally too cheap to buy.  When I come home with Sephora bags, I can brag to my husband that Shopkicks funded my trip.  All gift cards are received electronically.  (Be prepared to manually punch in the gift card numbers at the store).

Tips:  Again, do not trick yourself into buying items you wouldn’t normally buy just to earn points.  The key is to save money – not to spend more or to do anything counterproductive.  Sometimes your app. will even recognize you are in a parking lot and award you points without ever even walking into the store.  However, this is usually only true of 10 pointers.  If Marshall’s is offering you 250 points to walk inside, you probably need to walk inside.  Unfortunately, sometimes this app. can be a bit glitchy for walk-ins.  They give you an opportunity to report the error, but I’m not convinced it always works.

With all of that said, Shopkicks also has a super cool referral program.  If you sign up under me and simply walk into a store, scan or buy something on the app within 7 days, we will both earn 250 kicks!  My code is MALL366184.

3.  Fetch Rewards:  I feel like this app is a bit underrated.  I have already earned 8 gift cards on this one in a little over a year, but this is one may take a little longer to stack up for you, depending on where you shop and how you shop.  I also have at times decided I wanted to redeem an Amazon gift card at just $3 of earnings.  This app particularly loves certain brand names, but if you buy all generics, this does not at all mean that you won’t be able to earn gift cards.  You just may average 25 points on a receipt vs. 1,000.

Description: The main thing you need to do on this app. is to scan your grocery and gas station receipts for a minimum of 25 points each.  Recently, Fetch has even started giving 5 points for restaurant receipts, along with other non-grocer stores.  If you buy any of their “featured items,” you will earn back more points than the standard 5 or 25.  For instance, if you follow the directions on these diapers pictured above, you can earn thousands of points from your receipt. Now, it’s important to note:  There ARE times you may have to hit “correct my receipt,” and give a little more information.  I have had those times that Fetch didn’t detect a featured item on my receipt.  However, when I notify them, they always take care of it.  It tends to pick up on my smaller earnings, but my bigger ones, I sometimes have to let them know their app. didn’t give me credit.  Can that be a pain?  Yes, but again, I’m working towards those gift cards.

What’s great about this app. is the double earnings you can get back from it. Let’s just say that you purchased the Dove body wash off of their special offers for a total of 1,000 points – it just may be that Kroger had it on sale for $4.99 that week, plus offered a $1 off digital coupon, PLUS Ibotta offered $0.75 back, PLUS shopkicks gave you 25 points for scanning and 250 for buying it.  Yes, sometimes you can really luck out just like that! 

I have really lucked out at times….and I LOVE it.  Similar to Shopkicks, yet of course different, points add up to gift card redemptions on this app (1,000 points = $1………3,000 points = $3…….$5 points = $5 all the way to 50,000 points = $50.00).  Again, you can cash in your points whenever you want for yet another electronic gift card.

Tips:  I prefer to use these electronic gift cards on online purchases, as this one can be a pain to use in a store.  While Sephora never seems confused by my Shopkick redemptions, I feel like this lesser known app can confuse some cashiers. Maybe it is just my luck, but I prefer to redeem on this app. for online purchases with Target, Amazon or something like that. I guess nowadays you can shop at any of these places online.  I don’t want to discourage you against using this at any restaurants or stores, as it may be just fine for you.  I just wanted to make you aware, not everyone will know about this app.

Again, this app. offers a super cool referral program.  If you use my code, we will both get 2,000 points when you scan your first receipt.  My code is T8BWA.

Cool side note This app. literally tracks your spending for the year at each store.  It compares month-to-month and year to year.  This COULD be a helpful budgeting/record-keeping tool if you’d like it to be.  Just click on “activity” to see all of the details.

4.  Receipt Hog:  So, I’m going to tell you from the get-go, this app is my slowest for earnings.  A lot of impatient people may not stick around on it long – yet I stay, because why not?  I do earn money back and it accepts nearly EVERY SINGLE receipt no matter where it is from.  On this app, you also earn “points” AKA “coins” for either a Visa or Amazon gift card, or you can earn money that can be sent to your Paypal account.

Description:  Basically you just simply scan your receipt.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a fast food restaurant, a clothing store or a gas station, receipt hog is happy to accept and happy to give you something……even if not very much.  The higher the grocery bill, the more coins you will get.  They accept more receipts than most apps. While this app is slow to stack, it is entertaining to me.  First of all, it features a cute little pig that appears in different costumes for different times of the year….AND a super fun slot machine where you do have a chance to strike it “big.”  That possibility of my receipt being drawn (it has happened before) always keeps me coming back and submitting receipts.

So let’s break this down:  If you shop at a pet store, you will get both “coins” and a sweepstake entry for simply scanning your receipt.  For instance, when I buy my dog’s food at PetSmart, and I will get awarded around 15 coins and a sweepstakes entry for doing so.  If you go to a clothing or electronic store, you get to play their slot machine!  This part is so fun, and makes this among the most entertaining of the savings apps (at least for me).  Though many times, your slot is unsuccessful or your awards are not much more than 2, 5 or 10 coins, it is still something and still fun.  It’s not like it’s some big time waster.  Big winners can earn a TON of coins, and even $100 (though I’ve never been that person just yet) – there are winners all the time.  In general, you will either get coins and/or a sweepstakes entry for almost anything.  The more entries you have, the bigger your chances of course.  Like I said, this isn’t a huge earnings app. most of the time, but fun, and super easy. It literally takes 2 seconds to scan your receipt.

Tips:  If you go to the rewards section, sometimes they will also feature surveys you can take for additional coins.  You can also get additional points for connecting your Amazon or e-mail to this account.

This app. does not offer a referral program, but again, too fun to pass up!

5.  Drop:  This app. is yet another fascination of mine, thanks to my little sister (my fellow saver).  We are carbon copies of one another when it comes to savings (and we are not making any apologies for it either).  Because I joined this app, we both received 5,000 points from the get-go, which is equivalent to $5 for both of us.

Description:  There really isn’t a ton to say about this one, because once you set up your account, you do little to NO work (unless of course you want to put in a little). This app. can be as little or as much as you’d like to make of it.  Now, things have changed with this app. since I first downloaded on it.  I don’t want to tell you wrong, but I cannot see everything without setting up a new account.  I also cannot find the specifics online.  However, I believe the new process goes like this:  You simply link your card to this app and choose 2 retailers or restaurants that you’d like to earn points at. (1,000 points = $1, just like on Fetch). As long as you use your card to make purchases at these businesses, it does the work for you.  If you don’t want to do much more than that, you are still on your way to earning some good points.

You will want to choose 2 of the places on their list that you are likely to spend the most money at.  You can browse their offers to start earning points as well, but at the very least, any time you buy something at one of those 2 places and use your card, you will automatically get points towards a gift card.  (IE – if you choose Starbucks as one of your choices and then go order a coffee, you will automatically be awarded points when you use your card there.  You don’t need to scan anything.  It may take a few days to see your points in your account, but rest assured, they should arrive).  You don’t have to do anything, except swipe the linked card.  Now, there are also a TON of offers (outside of the 2 businesses you choose) available, if you’d like to advantage of them.  If you shop through the app. at Wal-Mart for example, there just may be a current opportunity to earn 60 points back per $1 spent.  Click on the “Shop” tab to see what the current offers are.

Other ways to earn points:  They also feature a fun game called, “supercharge,” where you can earn additional points.  The icon is a snake, so you have to stay on the lookout for it.  It stays locked until you earn points shopping.  You also get to play “hoops,” among other little fun games.   As I’m writing this, I literally just stopped for a game of hoops.  You get one free play a day.  I earn around 50 points each time I play.  This app. kind of has a Receipt Hog vibe to it.  It can be entertaining for sure.  They also offer a ton of surveys for points if you feel comfortable answering the questions on there.

Though it has taken me a little while to stack up, it’s such a low-maintenance app.  As you can see, I have almost $32 stacked up from very minimal effort.

As mentioned, this also contains a great referral program.  If you use my code, we will both earn $5:  1fcto

Tips: While I will admit I haven’t had the energy to learn EVERYTHING on this app, I would encourage you to study it.  There is A LOT on there. While I am not the master of this app., I do want to encourage you to really think it through on which of the businesses choices you are likely to spend the most money at BEFORE you choose them.  Apparently, you cannot change them once you select them, so choose wisely.  Looking back, I wish I would’ve known this. Still, I cannot complain about this little gem of an app!

6.  Coinout  This one is so very easy.

Description:  It is a concept that is pretty similar to Fetch, though it awards cents back to you rather than “points.” It may take a minute for your earnings to stack up, as you typically earn anywhere from $0.1 – $0.3 cents back on each receipt, but I’ve earned up to $0.13 back on some. I don’t think they’ve ever rejected a single receipt of mine.  All I’ve been doing is scanning receipts, so I cannot complain. However, there are A LOT of other opportunities on there which I’m not taking advantage of.  I will admit, I need to do some more exploring beyond scanning my receipts.  They feature a great deal of businesses who offer cash back.  They even offer cash back on certain groceries.  Whether you’re purchasing in store or online, you can earn cash back.  I encourage you to check deeper into this app.

Tips: As I said, study this app.  I think you will be impressed enough.  Also, take clear pictures.  Beware:  They inform you that if you send a duplicate receipt, you will lose your account – so be sure to never accidently scan a receipt twice (happens to the best of us). Lastly, realize your gift card or earnings do not happen automatically.  You will need to wait a few business days (up to 10) for them to approve it.

Note:  I recently earned a $10 Amazon gift card on there and am well on my way to receiving another gift card.  However, I am seeing now it takes a minimum of $20 to transfer your earnings to Paypal.

Again, they have a cool little referral program.  Their incentives change, so though I cannot tell you what you will earn, it will be something:   My link:  https://coinout.com/referrals/new?r=Z76F2ND

7.  SavingStar: Yet another way to earn cash by simply buying groceries you may normally buy.

Description:  I think of this one as a much smaller, slower stacking up Ibotta, minus the bonuses.  Yet, I still see them as worth it, as I did earn $20 on there in a fairly short time due to some bulk diaper buying.  One way they do differ from Ibotta is that they have a lot more offers that are a bulk requirement.  For example, at this moment, if you buy $25 worth of Kellogg’s cereal, you can earn $5 back.  You can buy this cereal in one trip or many.

Tips You will want to be aware that if you are working towards a bulk rebate that you must complete it before the expiration dates on there.  If not, you will lose what you worked toward, which has happened to me before.  This does make this app. a harder one in some ways.  However, earning the $15 back in diapers I did that one time really did make it stack up quickly.  Also, they do have here and there $1 – $3 back offers on single items.  All in all, I do not consider this a high maintenance app.  While it’s probably not going to become my biggest earner, I do check this one before I go to the store.  Though I haven’t explored it, they are now also partnered with coupons.com, which may interest some of you. So yeah, I see this app. as worth having.

Referral program?  Not that I know of, but maybe I’m missing something, or maybe that will change.

How to redeem:  Once you’ve earned a total of $20 back, you can redeem and send to Paypal.

Other apps worth mentioning:   I’m not as well-versed in this one, but I do think you should know about it:  Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates).  I have this one downloaded on my phone, and know it’s been around a long time.  I understand the concept of it, and know people earn back a lot on here.   The main reason I haven’t gotten too much into it is because I can do a lot of what I’d do on there on Ibotta or another app.  It just feels easiest to let my points build on another app. that I more frequently use.  Still, I do keep this one, and have heard others say many great things about it.  I’m definitely not counting it out, as it is certainly legitimate and credible.  Maybe I’m just already balancing too much?  (Imagine that).

I also should mention Checkout51 (which is basically the same concept as Ibotta).  However, Checkout51 doesn’t offer anything close to what Ibotta does in terms of variety, last time I looked.  They also tend to “run out” of offers.  I decided I didn’t really want to mess with this one any longer and deleted it.  However, you may want to check it out.  Maybe it has improved?  Maybe I should look again.  I also have Receipt Pal on my phone.  There are some ongoing issues going on with confirming my e-mail, but I do know you can scan receipts and earn points, which turn into cash.  I suggest looking into that one as well.

Now, with all of that said, I have earned back almost $800 between all of these apps. in 2 years.  Some of my earnings ended up being straight cash back that I transferred to Paypal, and then to my bank account.  Other times, I earned a gift card.

Either way, THIS money has helped in a variety of ways:  I’ve bought little things off Amazon I wanted.  My app earnings even once funded a nice anniversary dinner, among many other little luxuries.  Sometimes I just decide our bank account could use a little boost before pay day, so I’ll transfer $20-$40 over from Ibotta at that time.  For the longest time, I got pretty much ALL of my makeup from Sephora for free simply because of my Shopkick app.

Maybe you want these apps to be your excuse for purchasing Starbucks coffee.  After all, your husband cannot complain if it was free, right?  The possibilities are endless, and I suppose we can all be motivated by something different.

Now, Ibotta is my winner in terms of what I’ve earned back.  It has given me half of all of my earnings out of all of these apps.  So, if you can only choose ONE, I suggest Ibotta.  However, every single app I have given you is worth the time, in my opinion.  If it’s simply scanning a receipt, why not?  And on Drop, you don’t even have to do anything except link your card for at least TWO companies to earn some points over time.  Yes, apps like Receipt Hog take awhile to stack up, but oh well.  If you don’t put much work into it, what’s the harm?  Just a couple months ago, I got my first reward on Receipt Hog.  Yes, it took a long time to build that cash, so I decided to get something fun and meaningful with it:  I bought my mom, sister and self an essential oil/stress relief bracelet off of Amazon.  I also got Clara a personalized card book for her 1st birthday, as a special keepsake she can always have.  Every single one of us are enjoying our fun little Receipt Hog reward.

The bottom line:  For a majority of these apps, it only takes a second to scan the receipt.  I have a system.  I take each receipt and do what I can with it on each app…..and then I move on to the next receipt.

Whew okay…..I got descriptive on all of this, but I know how overwhelming all of this can feel at first.  It takes a minute to really learn all these apps, and I still cannot say I’m all of the way there.  Do not get overwhelmed by this blog post, simply because of all of the words.  Yes, I went into great detail, BUT none of these apps are overly complicated to get started on.  I just wanted to give you all the ins and outs, tips and my personal observations so that you can have the best experience possible on each of them.

So really….I just wanted to write the type of blog that I tend to find useful in my own life. There are also a lot of great YouTube videos out there that also explain these apps in great detail, if you are more of a video person.

Final Confession:  Yes.  Sometimes I feel like I’m juggling apps while walking into a store, yes.  Sometimes I’m looking at deals on Ibotta, while my sister is handing me an item to scan for Shopkicks….and sometimes I’m trying to remember if the item I’m hoping to get cash back for on Ibotta is also featured for points on Fetch.  Sometimes I forget to scan a receipt.  Sometimes I get a little frazzled. Sometimes I am also trying to look at my Kroger digital coupons and my paper ones at the same time, but guess what friends?  It is totally doable…..and super fun!  I will admit I have been slacking on Shopkicks during all of this COVID chaos, but I still love it!  I can still make it out of a huge grocery trip in about an hour.  I can do most of my app work in the comfort of my own home.

I also know that I didn’t even come close to listing all of the savings apps out there – these are just my go-to’s.  I know I’m late to the party with Ebates, among others….and would love to hear some of your favorites too!  (please share them in the comment section below).  I never get tired of learning about new ways to save!

If you enjoyed this post, please let me know that as well.  As I said, this is only scratching the surface on my savings.  I am totally open to doing more savings posts in the future!  This isn’t even counting my coupons and other savings avenues.  The future post possibilities are endless!

Sound off below if these savings posts are something you would like to see more of!

Until then…Happy Savings, friends!

5 Steps to Striving for Selflessness in a Self-Absorbed Society

5 Steps to Striving for Selflessness in a Self-Absorbed Society

When I created this blog, I vowed to share selfless content that would be beneficial to all in some way, shape or form.  Have I fallen short at times?  YES.  Have I probably shared some useless facts about me that didn’t really inspire or encourage anyone?  I have no doubt.  Have I wasted my time and someone else’s once or twice with a post that lacked substance?  Sigh.  I’m sure I have.  (Sorry!)

So here’s the deal:  In 2020, everyone and their sister, is now a lifestyle blogger or YouTube star.  Sharing makeup, fashion advice and the latest Target finds are about as 2020 as COVID-19 and face masks.  I’m certainly not knocking this line of work, as obviously, *I* am one of them.  No, I’m not a YouTube star, with a big following (so don’t look me up).  However, I’m “somewhat” in the lifestyle blogging world on a minor level.  I’m a wife, mom, full-time legal assistant, and publicist.  After that?  I post on here if I’m able, though I’m dying to make it more of a priority.  But first, I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.

Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

Please understand:  I didn’t create a blog to be trendy, or as an excuse to quit my day job.  I didn’t create a blog so we could just talk about outer appearance, though there is certainly nothing wrong with wanting to look your best.  My goal has been to focus more on character, legacy, faith and eternity, while still enjoying the here and now.  To enjoy the here and now, we need to love our homes, which means practical living tips are also of course a huge plus.

Writing is my passion – it isn’t some new thing for me.  Writing to me is like breathing.  I don’t do it in the hopes that I can be cool or popular.  I do it, because I don’t know how not to. Therefore, I am always seeking God’s help, and looking for the best outlets to not just hone my craft – but to most importantly, inspire others.  But tell me:  How can I do that?

I recently read a post on in a Facebook “girl’s group” I’m in.  It really, really, got me thinking.  Really.

Someone asked the group, if they subscribe to bloggers and/or what kind of blogs they enjoy.  A lot of the respondents had a similar response/view of bloggers.  The discussion left me feeling a weird combo of motivation and defeat (if that’s even possible):

This short little “survey” revealed that a lot of our non-blogging female peers consider most bloggers to be self-absorbed.  They aren’t interested in reading about “her life.”  Though this wasn’t their exact words, I picked up on what they were saying.  In a nutshell, they are basically interested in reading about “their life.”  They want to read blogs that benefit them, not just the blogger:  They want to hear about DIY home cleaning recipes, and how to make their Grandma’s easy homemade marinara sauce.  The majority isn’t really all that interested in seeing what is in Ellie’s makeup bag, or viewing an outfit that they cannot afford.  They don’t care about HER vacation or HER wedding, that they cannot afford. However, they may find her discount/money-saving tips valuable.  They may benefit from some of  her DIY tips in general, whether that be household cleaners, makeup, baking, wedding planning or vacationing.  They just want to know that it isn’t all about Ellie.  They want to know “what’s in it for them.” 

Basically, what readers want is authenticity and selflessness.  They want practical tips they can do on their own.  They want affordable, and they want fairly simple.  They don’t want to read 2,000 words, or read a huge backstory on a recipe.  They are mainly looking for the ingredients, what to set their oven at, and the baking time.

Photo by Adelaide Street Media

I grasped these truths a LONG time ago and vowed to be different, yet I still find myself wondering EXACTLY what my readers are most interested in.  I also find myself struggling to not be overly wordy while I’m at it.  Some of my blog posts have been well on their way to becoming a book, so I’m guilty.

Here’s a startling confession though:  I had zero problems getting millions of views on my pop culture column I used to run.  But when I make a blog about faith, character and legacy, with some practical living tips mixed in?  It’s much harder.  No, it’s not about views.  If it becomes about “views” then it becomes about the self-absorbed issue I’m talking about.  Still, how can I REALLY reach people with the kind of beneficial content that matters?  To me, pop culture isn’t the way to do that.

With that said, I want to do better going forward, and I need YOUR help.  YES you.

I don’t want this blog to just be about Holly.  Holly is just the messenger.  I want to KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW!  I want you to sound off in the comment section below.

LET ME KNOW:  Are you enjoying the Interior Design posts?  What practical tips would you like to know about Interior Design?  With most of us being home more often, I feel like now is the time for more “home” posts.  I don’t believe there has been any time more important than now to love the space we call “home.”  Tell me if I’m wrong.

Photo by Dawn D. Totty Designs

Would you like to see more easy recipe posts?  Frugal living tips? More DIY organization posts?  DIY cleaners?  More faith and encouragement posts?  All of the above?  What else?  What benefits YOU?  What would make YOU want to subscribe to a blog?

And because I want to leave YOU with something beneficial today…………Here are 5 steps to being selfless in a self-absorbed world:

  1.  Ask people how they are, and TRULY wait to hear the answer.  Don’t just ask, “how are you?,” and walk on.  Doing so, shows routine and obligation….not care and sincerity.  Wait until they actually tell you how they are and respond to them.  Go a step further, and listen to what’s going on in their life, without feeling the need to immediately interject what is going on in yours.
  2. Be a person of your word:  If you say you’re going to do something….do it.  Man, oh man.  God has really convicted me about this one over the years. Admittedly, I’m a bit of a procrastinator.  I don’t “lie” to people, or break my word on purpose.  But if I tell someone we will get together soon, I want to mean it and follow through.  Even if my life gets busy, I want to keep my word.  If I tell someone I’m going to help them with something or make them a handmade gift….I don’t want the weeks to fly by.  I want to be an “over deliverer.”  When I look around, I think a lot of us get into a lazy mindset.  And dang it.  I’m one of them, sometimes!  My Pastor has taught me SO MUCH about this topic over the years….but he hasn’t just taught it.  He LIVES it, even though thousands of people attend our church.  He ALWAYS follows through.  He remembers what he tells people and does it.  If he can do it, so can we!  With that said, this tidbit, just reminded me I need to RSVP to a friend’s shower for an invite I received a couple weeks ago.  This is what I’m talking about, friends!  (Points at self).  Don’t be the person not to RSVP, because then, you just keep the host guessing on how much food and seating they need.  What’s even worse?  RSVP’ing with a “yes,” only to be a no-show.  What’s also bad?  To not RSVP, and then to show up when they weren’t expecting you.  What else?  Don’t be the person to walk out of someone’s wedding reception before the food is served, when you KNOW the bride’s parents already paid for your plate.  They paid for your spot, because they wanted YOU to have it.  They could’ve chosen someone else. Unless you have an emergency or something pretty major come up, it’s rude and disrespectful to just leave.  Everyone understands that unforeseen things come up….. but catch my drift?  (Again, I know I’ve been a hypocrite in the past on some of these concepts (such as RSVP), but I’m learning.  I’m trying).

  3. Do something nice for someone without ANY motive.  There doesn’t always have to be a payment from the other party, a barter, or a “deal worked out.”  What if every now and then we went out of our way and did something nice for someone, “just because?”  I’m going to go ahead and say, I think this one may be one of my strengths.  I feel like I do this one a lot.  In fact, sometimes I feel like I’ve taken this one a little over the top at times….but I’m sure in God’s eyes there have been times I could’ve done more, for every single time I think I may have “given too much.” At the end of the day, I’d rather give too much than too little.  But guys, seriously, sometimes we really should take off our “business, money-making, hat” for a minute.  Not everything has to be a huge contract with a signature on the line.  Every now and then, how about just doing something nice for someone….just because we wanted to bless them?  I’m not suggesting we let ourselves get “walked all over,” because we DO have bills to pay.  Many of us have businesses to run and jobs to do.  But still….there can be a balance.  What if you randomly brought someone their favorite coffee?  Wrote a letter of encouragement and sent it the old snail mail way?  What if you picked someone up from the airport and decide to turn down the $20 bill they offer you?
  4. If you have a good experience with someone’s service or business, write up a nice 5 star review for them. It only takes a couple minutes.  Why not?  If you yourself have a service or business, you know you would like the kind reviews too.  What’s more?  You could even share their page, or promote their posts on YOUR social media page.  If our pages are ONLY full of selfies and/or our latest accolades, perhaps we need to reexamine.  We can spare and share a spot for others sometimes too, right?

    Photo by Dawn D. Totty Designs
  5. Allow yourself to be inconvenienced every now and then.  This kind of goes along with #3, but can be all its own in some ways too.  My Pastor talks about this point a lot as well.  He teaches us that we should walk through crowds slowly, and pay attention to the needs of those around us.  Maybe the LAST thing I want to do on a Saturday night is give someone a ride 30 minutes across town, but just maybe, sometimes I should.  Maybe on that 30 minute ride, I’ll be able to give them encouragement.  Maybe they will get out of my car blessed and inspired.  Maybe sometimes we should lighten a co-worker’s load…..just because we can.  Maybe sometimes we should talk to that sweet elderly woman at the grocery for 15 minutes…..just because we can.  Maybe she needs your company more than you need to get home and cook dinner.  Allowing yourself to be inconvenienced every now and then is perhaps the unofficial definition of “selflessness.”

    Image by Rebecca Matthews from Pixabay

So there you have it.  The bottom line is, everyone is craving authenticity and selflessness.  People love to see kindness without motive.  Yes, the world craves “love,” as it is always said…..but without authenticity and selflessness, love isn’t genuine.  It doesn’t exist.  Love is easy.  True selflessness requires more effort.  No matter what our schedule or career path is, every day we have a chance to be an example of  “selflessness.”

I’d love hear your thoughts on all of the above:  Sound off in the comment section below!

Fabulously Frugal: Holly’s Humble But Helpful Savings Tips (Part 1)

Fabulously Frugal:  Holly’s Humble But Helpful Savings Tips (Part 1)

Growing up, I was taught to be thankful for everything I received and to work for what I want.  I was also taught that I don’t always need what I want.  The value of a dollar was instilled in me early on.

I quickly learned that when it comes to finances it’s often less about what you have and more about what you do with what you have. 

Like most young adults though, I made some poor “big purchase” decisions in this area simply because I thought it was time to make that purchase.  You learn as you go, right?  I sure did.

I have also learned that sometimes what makes the biggest difference in our financial lives is how we view the small purchases….the things we less often think about.  Sure it’s important to think through that $5,000 purchase you’re about to make, but do you ever think about your $5 purchases before you make them?  For most, a few impulsive $5 purchases aren’t going to be a make or break.

However, when impulsive $5 purchases stack up over time, it can make all the difference in your financial life.

Remember, I come to you not as a “perfect voice,” but as a work in progress….and as someone who can relate.  I will never become a financial advisor.  I will never be the one to help you with your 401K or investments.  I am simply going to touch on some basics that have made all the different in my life.

I stand by the fact that my frugal ways have always paid off….and will always pay off.  Below, you will find a few of my humble, but hopefully helpful tips.  My whole post is going to center around one basic idea, and it isn’t rocket science.  (I’m going to divide these posts up into a series, so I’m not going to get overly deep today).

Still, I’m amazed by how many people I meet who do not share my passions in this area or seriously over-complicate the simple process:

Like I said, this particular post is going to center around 1 basic concept with a bunch of sub-points: 

Never pay regular price unless absolutely necessary.

Now, I’m going to go ahead and say right now that you can’t get EVERYTHING on sale or for less.  I’m aware of that.  However, I’m also amazed by those who simply don’t take advantage of the sale item over the regular priced item which seem to be the same thing…..or are “too proud” to use the coupon.  I’ve known of people to “turn down” a Kroger card offered to them at checkout and to refuse to use the coupon handed to them….just because.  And I’m sorry, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it.  That’s just plain silly and financially irresponsible.

Which leads me to my first point:

1)  Use the coupons, store savings cards, and/or the promo codes.  This is easy – not some HUGE golden nugget, yet I see so many not take the time to do this.  Does it take a little time?  Sure, but not nearly as much as the naysayers think.

Whether it’s for a restaurant, auto repair, or a clothing store, use it.  It’s money you don’t need to spend.  Can you save yourself $5 on your oil change?  Cool. It’s money that will be helpful for the dinner you are about to pick up.  Paper coupons still come in the mail – look at them.  Coupons are available online – print them.  Many stores offer digital downloads – load them. Promo codes are often available on websites – apply them.  Is an area child or one of your own selling a savings book?  Support the cause and save some money in the long-run. Earn your fuel points, and then fill up at THAT gas station vs. another, whenever possible.

2)  Take advantage of the sales unless it’s just REALLY not what you want. 

Restaurants:  When I go to a restaurant (and they have a lunch menu) 9 times out of 10, I can find something that sounds perfectly good on there.  The portion is also probably just the right size.  Unless your heart is set on the 6 oz. sirloin for $12.99 (and you do deserve those days), why ignore the $5.99 lunch menu that could save you $7.00?  Some splurges are certainly okay, but when you won’t even LOOK at that menu because it’s cheaper, I don’t understand that? Also, do you have to order soda EVERY time?  Water is better for you….and well, usually free too.  I call that a win-win.

Another restaurant tip:  I realize not all restaurants love this tip, and I wouldn’t do this at every restaurant and in every scenario…..but share a meal when possible (or box up half for another meal).  Most of us probably don’t need that huge platter to ourselves.  Now, I will say this though:  If you share a meal or use a coupon….DO NOT let that mean a lower tip for your server.  If you cannot afford to tip a server appropriately, then you shouldn’t be eating out period.  Please tip them as if you never used a coupon and/or shared a meal.  There is a difference in being frugal and in being a cheapskate.  No one likes a cheapskate.  You can both save money and leave your server with a smile.

Grocery Shopping:  Buy generic whenever possible.  Every store I can think of has their own line of generic brands. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that there is OCCASIONALLY a difference in brands on certain items.  I have my diva moments in this area.  If I’m baking, I’m probably going to get the brand name flour, for example.  I also don’t like cheap toothbrushes, among other things.  When it comes to bottled water, I am a Nestle Purelife snob.  Additionally, I don’t like harmful ingredients, and I find all of the genetically modified foods worriesome (though I’ll never be perfect in this area).  About half (or close to) of what I buy is organic, and I tell myself that’s at least a step in the right direction.  What’s great is that a lot of the organic items also come in a reasonable generic brand now too (Simple Truth at Kroger and some of the Great Value brand at Walmart).  I also know Aldi’s is now totally pro-organic…and cheap!

Remember this basic rule of thumb though, especially if you’re buying “junk” anyways:  That cream of chicken soup probably doesn’t have to be Campbell’s when you have the Save-A lot version of it in front of you for almost .50 less.  If you are buying Hamburger Buns, you probably don’t need the Ball Park Brand for $1.49 if you see Kroger brand sitting there for .89.  If you’re going to buy sugary cereal, there is almost ALWAYS an off-brand for $1-$3 cheaper.  If buying all generic on a shopping trip saves you $3….well, there is $3 you didn’t have before, right?

Clothing and other retailers:  It may clutter your inbox up a bit, but sign up for their special offers e-mails.

First of all, I shop A LOT at stores like Marshall’s, Ross, Burke’s and TJ Maxx.  I like discount stores and find some of my favorite clothes at these stores.

Anyone who knows me knows I also save money at Kohl’s like nobody’s business.  Helloooooo 30% off cards on already clearanced items, Kohl’s cash, Yes Rewards and whatever else I have on hand. (And though I have to use my charge account on some of these purchases to get them for those prices, I’ve almost ALWAYS turned around and paid off my charge right after putting it on there). Paying off your card right after using it just for discount purposes is key.  I’m certainly not advocating putting a charge on a credit card and leaving it sit.  If you don’t have the money to go to Kohl’s at that time, you are better off not going period.  With that said, it isn’t unusual for me to spend $30 and save $200……  It is completely doable.

Also, don’t be afraid to check out the clearance racks.  You may find some of your favorite outfits on there if you are just willing to look.  Now, I will also say that if you buy something only because it’s on clearance, everything becomes counterproductive.  Don’t buy things you aren’t sure about just because they’re cheap…because then it will sit in your closet with tags still intact. Then, it will end up in your next yard sale or Goodwill bag.  Sometimes you should go ahead and pay just a little extra to get what you love…..BUT, look at that dang clearance rack first!

You will also never catch me going into Hobby Lobby without my 40% off coupon ready, unless of course the items I want are already on sale.  (They also have great clearance sections!)

*Other stores like JCPenney, Victoria’s Secret, Sephora AND SO MANY OTHERS offer a wide variety of perks, birthday gifts, coupons and special offers.

Oh, and don’t be too good for the dollar tree either.  I could write a lot of great things about them!

3)  Do not be afraid of thrift stores, Facebook Marketplace, yard sales and second hand:  Some things you just want to buy new.  Yes, I agree.  But then, there are PLENTY of items that do not need to be new.  If you hit the Goodwill or Salvation Army on just the right day, you might find the used-once wedding decor you are looking for.  You may even find like-new V-Tech toys for your child for $1, when you know that same toy costs $40 at Target.  What else?  BOOKS!  You can find perfectly clean and brand new looking popular board books for children.  If it looks like it’s never been read and it’s .50, why go buy it for $7 elsewhere?  Maybe the yard sale you just stopped at has the dog kennel you were looking for at $10 when you know it goes for $129.99 at PetSmart.  Or maybe they have the board game you just played at a friend’s housewarming party and loved?  Isn’t $2 better than paying $20?  Is there really any good reason why you can’t EVER consider used?  If you decide you don’t want the item, you didn’t lose much, did you?  Just re-donate it.  As I said, some things are just too germy or risky, but most of the time?  Just clean the item up a bit if necessary.  Sometimes a wet wipe is all you need.  These are just a few of the countless examples you can save big on.

4)  Stock up on your favorite items while they are on sale:  (I am going to get on this A LOT more in part 2 of this series). I also want to make it known that when I say stock up, I’m NOT encouraging clutter or hoarding.

I am not talking about becoming like someone they would cast for the “Extreme Couponers” show.  I think buying 200 bottles of ketchup just because you can get them for 3 cents each is silly and unnecessary unless you run a happening business that needs that many bottles.  I guess if you are a big party planner or restaurant owner it could make SOME sense, but still.  Or hey, I could see SOME “extreme couponing” if you were donating to a food bank or doing it for a good purpose.  Otherwise, no, no and no. Like I said – CLUTTER.  YUCK!  Not to mention, expiration dates.  Anyways, that’s so not what I’m saying here, okay?

What I am saying though is DO stock up on some things that will keep.  The key is to buy your favorite brands and non-perishable products when they are on sale and/or you have special coupons, promotions or additional savings.  When you buy your favorites during their sale times, you not only save money, but you have your items on hand when you do need them.  If you know you are always going to end up buying these brands, why don’t you buy them when they are as cheap or even cheaper than the products you aren’t as crazy about?  For example, let’s say Tide Purclean is your favorite detergent and that it is regularly priced at $8.99 where you shop.  When it’s goes on sale for $5.99 AND you have a $3.00 off coupon, why not buy it then, even if you have a brand new bottle already at home?  If you buy it when it’s cheap, you will have it on hand, and then not get stuck buying it when it is full priced.  Whether you see it this way or not, it saves you $6.00 for the year.

Some of my personal favorite items to stock up on and have readily available for when I run out, are detergent, body washes, hand soaps, toilet paper, paper towels, toothbrushes, diapers, baby wipes and a couple extra tubes of toothpaste. However, I never go overboard, because then I defeat my purpose and end up in Clutterville.  I keep most of my little stock all in one little shelf section of my closet, and when I run out of something, I just head to my little inventory area.  When it comes to those type of items, we are seldom “out,” and because I stock up during sales, I save more on future grocery trips.

5) Wait until you can afford it.  Again, not rocket science.  Getting approved for a credit card does not mean you can afford it.  Maybe you want a new couch, but you’re still living paycheck to paycheck.  Want a new car even though yours is running fine?  Wait until you have the means and/or a huge sale happens.  (Most things do go on sale eventually).  Your future self will thank you later.

6)  Be aware of budget busters.  Are you eating out for lunch every day you go to work?  There goes part of your paycheck right there.  Do some meal-planning.  Make things that reheat well and can serve as leftovers for the next day.  Are you drinking the $5 coffee every day, rather than having it as an occasional here and there treat?  Or at the least, is there somewhere else where you can get it for $1-$2 instead?  Are you heading to the nail salon and swiping that credit card when you’re struggling to afford groceries and your car payment? Are you still paying for cable when you could possibly just be happy with Netflix?  Are you paying for delivery when you could easily drive 2 minutes and pick it up yourself?

Sometimes we have to think about what’s truly a necessity and what isn’t.  We can’t be perfect all the time, but continually falling prey to budget busters when you don’t have the means is a sure way to end up in eventual financial distress.

7)  Find cheap entertainment.  Sure you need to go out sometimes.  You need to go to the game, head to the movie theater or buy the concert tickets every now and then.  It’s good to reward yourself and good to get out of the house.  But, are you out of the house to where you have your wallet begging for mercy?  It’s not a bad thing to sometimes watch the movie you already have, or to pull out the board game you already have, is it? Play corn hole in your back yard, build a fire or go on a walk.  Google fun in-home science experiments and crafts you can do with your kids.  Utilize your Pinterest account. Learn to organize your house and learn to enjoy the process (Dollar Tree is full of cheap organization items, FYI).  Listen to YouTube videos, how-to’s, free podcasts, etc.  Better yet – serve at your church and help out your community.

8)  Take advantage of savings apps.  Here is another thing I am going to get into more on my next post.  Since this is a big detailed topic for me, I decided to do the apps topic completely separate.  In short though, there are A LOT of great savings apps out there.  You can earn cash back and gift cards simply for buying items you need……or just scanning your receipts!  Not only am I going to reveal the ones I use in the next post – I am also going to take the time to actually explain all of them.  I don’t recall ever reading any big tutorials on any of them prior to using them, so I am going to try to be that person for all of you!  (Stayed tuned for part 2).

Aside from all of that, I will leave you with this:  Whether it’s a free sub or a free car wash, try to go get it if you have it (and of course if it’s something you like or actually need).

While you’re at it, sign up for those reward programs, earn your points, clip coupons, do price comparisons and search the net for additional savings.

What are some of your favorite savings tips?  Feel free to share them in the comment section!

Part 2 coming soon!

Newsflash from a newlywed: A humble and beautiful wedding IS possible (Part 1)

Newsflash from a newlywed:  A humble and beautiful wedding IS possible (Part 1)

“Wedding planning…..”  Never underestimate those two words, friends.  They sound so simple, but trust me……it’s really not that simple. Possible though?  Absolutely.  Oh, just about anyone can plan a wedding to some extent, but not everyone, can plan a dream wedding………without going over budget.

Now, I’m going to give it to you straight:  If you want any kind of a somewhat traditional wedding which may include wedding attire, flowers, decor, a photographer, a videographer, a reception with a DJ and food….we all know you’re not going to get by free.  Truth be told…you’re likely not even going to get by cheap, despite what you may think in your early planning stages. Now, of course if you have a family member or an extremely close friend that will do ALL of the above….your case may be different than most.  I don’t think that’s a likely scenario though.

However, here’s the thing:  You can get by cheaper.

You don’t have to fall among the statistical averages.  You don’t have to spend $30,000-$45,000 on your day, as apparently many are.  You really don’t even need to spend $20,000….unless that’s your desire of course.  If done right, you can spend well under $15,000….$10,000 or even $5,000.

It all depends on what your priorities are vs. what you can live without.  Everyone is different.  From the get-go, I had some very clear priorities.  Along the way, I learned how to “X” what I found to be unnecessary, but I also added a few small things I maybe hadn’t thought about prior.  I just knew I was determined to be reasonable……not ridiculous.

Can I give you some specifics of what I did in my next blog post?  Sure can.  In part 3, I can even suggest some reasonable area venues to you, but first things first:  I knew my dream wedding would never happen twice, so I wanted to make it a day to remember.  We all want a day to remember, right? Let’s get down to some basic pointers before we talk about my day or the area venues.

Budget Wedding Planning 101:


  1. First of all, as I just mentioned up there, you need to figure out your priorities and your budget.  Ask yourself what matters to you most in the long run?  What has your perfect day always looked like?  Is dancing a must of yours?  (It always was of mine).  Do you want a lot of flowers, or are you happy with minimal?  Do you want indoor, outdoor, or are you open to either setting?  Is a environmentally flexible venue a priority? Do you HAVE to have a certain theme or venue, or could you be open to a venue or even a theme you maybe hadn’t even thought about before?  Do you really need 400 people there, or would you be happier with 40 (which is of course also way, way more frugal)?  Do you really need to rent outside linen, or can you be happy with the linen the venue is already offering you?  Do you really want to spend all your money on prime rib for everyone, or would you be happier in the long run using that money on quality photos?  If you’re more of a pulled pork kind of girl, don’t be afraid to go that route.  Food doesn’t last….photos do.  Just being honest guys.

    Dancing with my groom at our reception. In the background, my dear friend Paul Jolley is singing his cover of Lonestar’s “Amazed.”  This kind of setting was more important to me than a massive guest list.
  2. Next, DO NOT be afraid to shop on Amazon, EBay and on various bargain websites for everything from brand new veils to any supply you can imagine.  While I didn’t look too hard, you may even be able to find some centerpiece stuff at Dollar Tree from what I’ve heard. I was also thrilled when I discovered eFavormart and Oriental Trading.  A lot of these websites even have additional savings by simply putting in a code. Also, ummm….if you don’t take advantage of Hobby Lobby’s 50% off sales, I’m not sure we can be friends.  It seems that every other week, ALL of their wedding supplies are 50% off.  They have pretty dang close to every wedding supply you could ever need.  Also, even good ole’ GoodWill or Salvation Army often has “like brand new” items that were likely used ONCE, if ever.  Are you really too good for that adorable $4 sign that would easily be $50 somewhere else?  It’s silly to pay full price, folks.  Also, is there anything you can borrow?  Do you really need to buy and keep ALL of your centerpiece floating flower bowls, or can you just borrow the ones being offered to you?  If you’re not looking for deals early on, the budget will quickly get out of control.  Mark my words.
  3. Never secure a venue without a backup weather plan if you are looking towards an outdoor wedding.  Thankfully, the weather cooperated on our big day for a beautiful outdoor ceremony, BUT I had a plan B and C in case it didn’t.  Though I really really wanted the outdoor scene the whole time, I had the peace of mind in knowing that no matter what, I didn’t have to get drenched on my wedding day.  This was a plus plus, because up until my wedding day, the forecast was teasing rain (thankfully, it couldn’t have been more wrong).  Also, if you’re having a summer wedding and don’t want to be sweaty all day…… do not, I repeat do not, secure a pricey venue that has zero AC for your day!  This was a must for me.  My outdoor ceremony was short and sweet, we took some pics, and then I knew I was coming back to an AC’ed reception.  For me personally, this was needed for an August 19 wedding.  On the contrary, maybe you’re having an outside wedding on a super cold day.  If you’re anything like me, you’re going to at least want some kind of a heated reception area once you get through the ceremony.

    Photograph by Kat Bradshaw Photography
  4. Never just assume that a venue is “out of your price league.”  While researching venues, I came to find out that so many of the prettiest places were among the most reasonable, whereas the ones that weren’t that spectacular were pricey.  I’m sorry, but if you tell me I owe you thousands upfront and offer me almost zero perks….and I still need an outside caterer?  No thanks.  Never make assumptions no matter how extravagant something may look.  The true cost may pleasantly surprise you.  Don’t make the mistake of going for the top marketed or top advertisements.  Your perfect fit may be an underrated wedding venue that you may never know about without doing some digging or asking around.  Mine was just that!  I was having a random conversation with a friend from church, and I asked her thoughts on spots in the area.  That conversation led me to landing the perfect venue I otherwise wouldn’t have known about.
  5. Be smart. If you know your budget is only $5,000….don’t book the venue that tells you it’s $5,000 just to rent the place without any perks.  I say $5,000 because that’s a very popular booking rate in the Nashville area right now.  If you spend $5,000…are you eliminating your dress, food, dancing, photography, videography, flowers and all decor in the process then?  Remember food alone can cost thousands.  Can you really afford to drop that much on simply booking the venue?
  6. Tying all of the above together, cut corners when necessary.  If you find yourself going way over budget, ask yourself what you can eliminate.  Maybe your dream dress is going to cost almost double what you originally planned.  Unless you’re comfortable with this increased budget, ask yourself if you should now cut back on the guest list, find a more frugal catering option or get a smaller cake? (etc.)
  7. Keep your focus, do your research, keep calm and stay polite in the process….and everything will run smoother.

In part 2, I will tell you about my day…..and how I managed everything.  Stay tuned..