Dawn D. Totty Reveals “Mystery Makeover” of Children’s Advocacy Center

Dawn D. Totty Reveals “Mystery Makeover” of Children’s Advocacy Center

There are good causes in the world…..and there are exceptional causes in the world:  Even in the exceptional category, the Children’s Advocacy Center stands as second to none.

With that said, I am honored to be able to reveal interior designer, Dawn D. Totty’s “mystery makeover” of the CAC, which is located in Jasper, TN.

The facility had the award-winning designer’s attention, as soon as she learned of it.

“In a nutshell, I found out about this facility and it really weighed on my heart to elevate and beautify the space, so that it would be much more child friendly and welcoming.  I set up a meeting with Gene Hargis (Chief Detective of Marion Co.).  I went in for our meeting, offered to waive my service fees and to do my own fundraising. He jumped at the opportunity,” reflected Totty.

When she entered the center, she observed dark gray outdoor carpet from wall to wall, along with brown walls.  There were multiple fluorescent light fixtures and four large conference tables in the main area.  Her wheels were already turning.

As this project is so near and dear to her heart, Totty spent five months doing exactly as she said she would do. Through her own fundraising efforts, she was able to raise $24,000 for the project.  With services combined, it was $50,000 redesign.

She strived to create a center that would be both comforting and uplifting, as those who enter need a safe place of healing.  Time and time again, it was confirmed that God had orchestrated the project.

Dawn was also able to recruit some fantastic artists, donors and general helpers to make her vision come to life.  Day after day, the center continued to transform into a brighter, friendlier, more calming space.

Through a generous variety of donations, Dawn’s design skills, and other helping hands, the vision has been achieved.

“Designing and being project manager for the CAC has taught me a multitude of lessons – particularly lessons in human nature.  I’ve learned that generally people are kind and generous. When people heard about these hurting children, they were happy to assist me in so many ways – they volunteered their time and monetary donations,” she continued.

After five months of hard work, Dawn revealed the makeover to the CAC staff.  As one might guess, they were blown away.

Now, Dawn and the CAC crew look forward to the big grand opening event which will take place at the Center on Friday, May 29.

Even as she goes forward and returns to her usual work, the CAC project will remain in her heart and mind.

“Everyone was a child once.  Some have had a beautiful, childhood experience, but others have not. My main objective is in some small way to restore some joy for these sweet children – joy that has been lost through abuse.  Creating a calm and happy healing environment is a good place to start.  This is the biggest and most important project I’ve ever completed in my career since the day I started working at 16 years old.  Designing the CAC will forever be in my heart.” concludes Dawn.

About the Children’s Advocacy Center:  The CAC which has been in local operation for 4 years serves severely abused children, both male and female, from the ages of 2-18. Children from Jasper, as well as surrounding Middle TN areas come to the non-profit center as a safe place for counseling and healing.  It is comprised of several board members, along with Gina Presto (President), Gene Hargis (Chief Detective of Marion Co.) and Kathie Tierney (Jasper Chamber of Commerce President), leading the organization.


About Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs:

Dawn D. Totty is an innovative Interior Designer focused on service, customization, enhancing property value and affordably designing spaces to reach their full potential.  Whether a home or business renovation, she has been successfully meeting individual needs and bringing personal visions to life, everywhere she goes.  As a self-described “problem solver,” Totty consistently saves her clients time and money, while reflecting their personal styles at affordable rates.  With a background which began in the New York Fashion industry, Totty has been designing people, places and spaces for 23 years.

In the past year, Dawn’s designs have been featured in over 50 publications, including House Beautiful, Realtor.com, Reader’s Digest, City Scope, Chatter (Times Free Press), Stir Magazine (Sherwin Williams) Vie Magazine, American Farmhouse, and Contemporary Stone + Tile DESIGN. Most recently, Dawn was named the “Best Interior Designer” in Chattanooga’s 2019 “Best of the best” awards.

To keep up with Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs, “like” her Facebook page and follow her on Instagram.

Let Us Never Forget This Hour

Let Us Never Forget This Hour

For one of the first times in the history, we all have something in common.  I’m not just talking about Americans.  I’m talking about our brothers and sisters in other nations.

This aggravating, disgusting virus may be one weird way of linking us together…..but it is one thing COVID-19 has accomplished besides sickness, death, greed, panic, fear and unrest.  [As always, God is always in the business of bringing something good out of the bad that he does NOT cause….but we will get into that later].

Now, we’ve always had a FEW things in common prior to this chaos:  We are all part of the human race, created by the same God.  We all bleed red.  We all need oxygen, food and water to live.  We all desire shelter, and a majority of us desire love.  We are sons and daughters and many of us have spouses and children. Yes, we’ve always had a FEW things in common, but now, we have more similarities than ever before.

We are all facing a certain level of uncertainty.  Whether upper, middle or lower class….we are all somewhat in the same boat.  Whether a public figure or a private figure, we can relate to one another.  Yes, money and status still doesn’t hurt, but it can only do so much to help a person right now.

It may mean you can stock up on a few more groceries and some extra supplements….and it may mean you can quarantine in a larger home with more entertainment present….but it doesn’t mean you are excused from the virus.  It doesn’t mean your job is secure.

The world hasn’t stopped spinning, but our individual lives are a bit on pause.  Oh, they’re moving alright.  But, most of us cannot accomplish what we normally can.

Yes, our medical professionals, first responders, truck drivers, grocery store workers, factory workers and farmers courageously remain at work…..so that we can eat and remain healthy.

Some of us (both my husband and I) are still able to work from our laptops at home.

Still….for most…..

The corporate ladder climbing has been postponed.

Rush hour is now quiet hour.

The games, concerts and movies will just have to wait.

…..There aren’t any sports scores to check.

……Pop culture is suffering.  It’s so much quieter.  Being famous is suddenly so much less important than it once was.  (Which I have to admit is one of the few things I haven’t minded).  Even most celebrity news in some way mentions COVID-19.

…..The daily selfies and self-promotion posts have decreased.  Narcissism cannot thrive quite like it once did.  At the least, the narcissist is getting less validation these days.

At this moment in time, we are all one in the same.  In this hour, it’s become apparent who the real heroes are……and they are the first responders, medical professionals, farmers, truckers, factory workers, grocery store workers, teachers, etc.  They’ve always been the heroes, but they’re just now finally getting the recognition they’ve always deserved.  I’m enjoying that fact, if not much else.

Yes.  In this hour…the sports are ripped away.  The music is quieter. Filming of our favorite TV shows is now halted.  Travel is suspended.

What is most important, is now staring right at us…..in this hour.

…Because in this hour we are forced to look at our homes and forced to examine our relationship with the people in them.

People are more concerned with essentials than they are with luxuries.

……..Nearly all the distractions are gone.  The noise is off.

…….The bare bones of our world have been exposed.  The chance to look at what matters and what doesn’t is here.

Until now, have we been filling our lives with a lot of clutter we don’t need?  When it comes right down to it, have we been carrying a load we don’t need to carry?  Is our version of productivity really productivity?

I’ve certainly been guilty of living fruitlessly, all while having good intentions.  I’ve stayed busy, thinking busy made me productive.  Is it just me, or do we all do that from time to time?

Do we ever find ourselves sincerely seeking God in crisis, tragedy and uncertainty…..but then, when life turns to normal do we kind of just revert back to our normal, comfortable, way of living?  Do we just kind of get unhealthily busy with the things of this world all over again?

I can’t help but think about 9-11.

Remember how we all came together and prayed during that time?

You can say we didn’t forget 9-11….and I wouldn’t say we did entirely….BUT if we had remembered it as we should…..how did pop culture, greed and living contrary to the Bible become so prominent and popular again?

Why did the things of this world very clearly become idols again?

This country may not have forgotten the tragedy, but it seems that the stillness was forgotten.  It seems that the mindset was forgotten.

The “being thankful for every day and living every day like it’s your last” mindset hasn’t seemed to be the continued sentiment by and large.  I’m not pointing my finger or speaking to one person.  I’m not saying I’m not sometimes guilty myself.

Do some live every day thankful like I speak of?  OF COURSE.  Maybe you’re reading this right now and thinking, hey, I’ve never left that mindset.

I myself like to think I’ve always been a very thankful, never take anything for granted person.  I’ve been living that way for awhile…..but I have to admit I wasn’t quite expecting people to start fighting over toilet paper just yet.  I’m speaking of the general tone of our fast-paced, selfish world, here.

Somewhere along the way we all become too busy again.

Too concerned about the temporary and the fleeting.

Overly concerned about celebrities and athletes who don’t even know or care that we exist.

When things like 9-11 and COVID-19 happen, we see how powerless we are.

We have to question if our usual busyness is really fruitfulness……or if it is in fact just uselessness?

If America truly let 9-11 change it, why has God’s face been spat in so much for the past 19 years?

Why does this nation forget God when things go back to normal?

Will the same happen with COVID-19?  Will this nation forget that we aren’t automatically entitled to a well-stocked grocery store?  That we aren’t entitled to good health?  Our jobs?  Traveling?  A full sports arena?  A night out with friends?  Being able to physically attend our churches?

Maybe we should live every day more like we did during 9-11 and like we do during COVID-19…..more like we are in a quarantine where every single item and person we have is a blessing.

Stop…..smell the flowers…..cherish the fresh air….be thankful.

If you live in Nashville, you also recently experienced the tornado RIGHT before the pandemic hit.  We never really had a break.  We went straight from disaster to pandemic.  Though we personally were blessed to be missed by about 0.4 of a mile, we spent days without power.

Nearby homes and businesses were destroyed.  Lives were lost. I felt guilty for even wishing the power would come back on.  It seemed so petty.  So not fair.

….And I will never ever forget taking shelter in that bathtub holding my innocent, sleeping, (almost 8 mo. old), daughter.  Suddenly NOTHING else mattered except her safety, my husband’s safety, my dog’s safety and our salvation.

As I heard the tornado loud and clear, it sounded like the loudest jet I’ve ever heard (and we live close to the airport).

For a second, I thought about how “this” could be it.

But deep down, I believed we were being protected….and that we still had more to do for the kingdom.

And there it is guys.

Why don’t we live every day as if nothing else matters except love, the word of God and everyone’s salvation?  Why don’t we live every day thankful that God has given us another chance?

There is nothing wrong in itself with entertainment, sports, music and things that aren’t especially significant…..But maybe [with] those things, we should live every day a little more like we do during a national pandemic or a natural disaster.

Electricity?  It’s a blessing.  Food?  Some are going hungry.  Water?  Some are experiencing dehydration.

Every bite we take…..every drop of water we drink….it’s a blessing.

The roof over our head….it’s a blessing.

The cars we drive and our access to gas..it’s a blessing.

The people in our home….they’re a blessing.

Being able to find things like milk, eggs, meat, bread, toilet paper and paper towels…..what a blessing.

Having the freedom to sit in church….Wow.  Amazing.

Getting a regular paycheck that allows you to pay your bills.  What did you do to ever deserve it?

Now, I know in the middle of crisis, people are quick to question God.  Over the years, my Pastor has been so helpful in this area.  His teachings have truly transformed my life.  He has helped me and so many others to see that God is not a car-wrecking, cancer-causing God.  He’s a loving creator.

We, however, are living in a cursed world with a bad devil….where sometimes bad things do happen to good people.  And if these bad things do happen?  We ALWAYS have the hope of heaven, as long as we choose to.  The devil can never ever take away our eternal hope, unless we let him.  His time to wreck havoc is short….very short.  So there you have it….good God, bad devil, cursed world.

No.  God did not create this virus.  No.  He did not bring the tornado through Nashville to teach us something.  No.  He did not just sit back and allow 9-11. But guess what?  He can be found in the midst of our pain.  As I said earlier, he is in the business of bringing good out of the bad.  He knows how to turn things around.

I DO believe he is wanting to work in this hour in a way unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

If God cannot get our attention in this pandemic….then when can He?

Maybe if we lived every day like finding a pack of meat was the highlight of our day, then he just may have our attention?

Maybe if we lived every day like we aren’t entitled to hosting our child’s birthday celebration….we may be making some serious progress in the thankfulness department?

Maybe if we lived every day like a wedding reception is a very special and unusual blessing….we just may be changing as people.

Maybe if we lived every day like hanging out in pajamas, holding your child longer and reading a few more books to him or her, is heaven on earth…..just maybe, we may be allowing God to reach and teach us?

Right now, we have a chance to organize….a chance to purge.  A chance to get our homes together.  But I’m not just talking about our homes.  I’m talking about our lives.  We have a chance to call old friends and to reach out.  A chance to love and treat our families better than we ever have. A chance to spend more time in prayer and in the word of God.

We don’t have after school activities, PTA or girl’s nights out.

Even old broadway is more silent than its ever been. We will just have to find something else to do.


With all of that said, do I think we are in the last, last days?

Only God knows for sure.  I have many reasons and scriptures I can point to which make me believe we are…but remember, God’s timeline is not ours.  In Heaven where life is eternal, 20 years on earth is but a drop in the bucket, and very well could be considered the last last days.  So the last, last days COULD mean we have another 20-400 years here on earth.  I don’t know.  Only God knows.  I’m not claiming to know the day or the hour, but if you follow prophecy at all….we are getting strong warnings that we need to take heed and be ready.  It’s time for us to prioritize and examine what really matters. It’s time for us to eliminate what isn’t fruitful or necessary. Regardless of if Christ is coming now, or 20 years from now….we need to be ready.

Thankfully, when we have the hope of heaven, we do not have to fear the last days.  We can simply enjoy the here and now…..but we can live life knowing that the best is yet to come.

But still….our earthly lives can change in an instant.  Nashvillians know that for not one but TWO reasons lately.

That tornado ripping through could’ve changed any of our lives in an instant.  About as soon as we got our power back and our grocery stores operating as normal…..then came the quarantine.  We could’ve never predicted what March and April (and possibly longer) was going to look like.

In that same way that our lives can change in an instant, why don’t people remember that Christ can come back in an instant?  Why wouldn’t He?  Remember, He says he will come like a thief in the night.  We cannot always predict that next tornado or that next worldwide virus pandemic, but we CAN know for sure that He is coming back at some point….so why do we prepare less or not at all…. for what we know is FOR SURE?

The only certain thing is Jesus Christ….and thank goodness that’s a certainty!  We can live in peace no matter what our current circumstances may look like.  If the worst thing we fear will happen, happens, then we just go to heaven, right?  And let me tell you, fear does NOT exist in heaven.

Do I think we are going to pull through this and have some beautiful and prosperous days ahead here on earth?  I do.  I really do.  I don’t know for how long, but I do believe God has A LOT he still wants to do. As the noise and distractions are turned off, I believe God is moving mountains and transforming lives.  I believe he’s doing an amazing work in our nation and in our world.  I believe this is actually a beautiful time to be alive.  Can it be scary?  Of course.  Even though the Bible tells us over and over and over again not to fear, I’d be lying if I were to say that I never have here and there moments of fear.

I’d also be lying if I were to say I never have sad or discouraging days.  In fact, right before I wrote this blog, I was starting to have one of those.  Then, God reminded me that the best way to get over my sadness is to encourage others today.  He reminded me that he put this post on my heart weeks ago.  And as I write this, I’m feeling less and less discouraged.

As my pastor also recently said, “I don’t get down.  I’m either up…or I’m getting up!”

That is me today.  I’m having to get up.  But as I’m taking in what I’m typing….I’m almost completely back on my feet.

You can be too.

And here you are.  

YOU.  I believe God sees YOU as a potential warrior and victor.  He otherwise wouldn’t have chosen you to be alive at this hour.  These times are not for the weak and the faint at heart.  [However, without him, we can certainly feel both weak and faint at heart].  I believe there is a reason he has each and every one of us here for this hour.

He is the one who created heaven and earth and pre-plans everything…and HE decided a long time ago, that you and I, and our children should be here for a time such as this.  That must mean we ALL have great potential and value that can very positively contribute to this world.

I believe this is a time of a worldwide awakening.  I believe He is going to open eyes and transform hearts.  I believe he is going to restore and renew.  I also believe he is going to expose corruption and clean house in this nation.  I believe there had to be a time such as this for certain things to be brought to light (that is a different blog for a different day, so I will end that topic there).

Remember though, God finds a way to bring good out of the bad.  He works all things together for the good of those who love him.

So if you find yourself bored?  Get into the word.  There’s no better time than now.  Write a friend a handwritten letter.  Organize that messy drawer.  Scrapbook.  Start a blog.  FaceTime an old friend.  There’s no better time to catch up than now.

Surprisingly I haven’t had any shortage of things to do during the quarantine.  In fact, my house is still not where I want it to be.  We do work from home (right now, 5 days a week), so from 8-4:30 each day, my work life does go on as normal.  I guess maybe I have an excuse to STILL feel behind?  But as I focus on what is truly important, I don’t feel so bad about what’s left undone.

So in the meantime, I’m spending a lot of time with my daughter, husband and dog.  [Let’s just say, this quarantine is Rosco’s dream come true.  He never has liked being alone, even if for only a few hours..so this is paradise for him]  I hate the virus situation, but I do cherish the stillness of this time.  I do have peace in this storm.

I plan to print pictures online, and to work on organizing Clara’s photo albums.  I also plan to continue crocheting, writing, organizing the house and working on those projects I’ve been putting off.

I am also going to attend church via livestream (we call it lifestream), every Wednesday and every weekend. This is also my year to read the whole Bible, so you can bet I’m sticking with that plan too….even if I do sometimes get behind for a few days.  I will always find a way to catch back up!  Because guess what? My hope is in Christ, so he deserves all of my attention that he can get.  I’m just glad that I can give him more attention than ever right now.

So yes.  This hour is really really showing us our hope is not in materials, entertainment, the stock market, the economy, possessions, money, jobs, or even other people.

All of the above have always been areas of false hope, but our human nature at times can tempt us into making these things our hope.

But now that the false hopes are ripped away, what is left?  The REAL HOPE!  Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is what is left…and thank God for that! He is the same today, yesterday and forever.

We may not know what tomorrow will bring….or even if we have a tomorrow.  But we can know that no matter what comes, we can be safe in his presence.  And with that assurance?  We have nothing to fear.

But as long as we live here on earth……let us never forget this hour…


Please join us at Joy Church International via livestream Wednesdays at 7PM, Saturdays at 5PM and Sundays at 11AM (central) at livestream.joychurch.net  Follow us on Facebook 

Is Bedroom Clutter Compromising Your Sleep? (With Interior Designer Dawn D. Totty)

Is Bedroom Clutter Compromising Your Sleep? (With Interior Designer Dawn D. Totty)

Minimalism is undoubtedly one of the top-trending topics of 2020.  We all know it’s a goal we should be striving for, but how many of us are still struggling with “unwanted clutter,” despite countless purge attempts?  (I will be the first to raise my hand).  Study after study has been researching how clutter can negatively impact the mind.  Well, perhaps it may even be the roadblock preventing some of us from getting a good night’s sleep…..which in turn affects the mind?  Makes perfect sense, right?

When Dawn first proposed the topic of “bedroom clutter” affecting one’s sleep, I felt both excited and convicted at the same time.  My current struggle in our own master bedroom is that it doubles as our nursery.  (Yes, I can see you cringing).  However, with our home setup, it is simply the most ideal situation for us.  We have a fairly large two story home, and our master bedroom (with the awesome closet is located downstairs).  All of the other bedrooms are upstairs, and I simply do not want my baby far away from us at night.  Therefore, I have had to do some serious improvising. While I am somewhat proud of the finished product, it doesn’t mean that I am completely satisfied either. Still, I’ve noticed with every single purge I do, the more peacefully I sleep.  Dawn’s tips also continue to help me create a more soothing sleep space day by day.

The picture below is Dawn’s work (not my bedroom), just so you know…

Let’s just say that this interview with Dawn has inspired me yet again!  So now, without further ado, let’s hear from our favorite design expert (Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs):

“When you follow the clutter trail, it will almost always lead to a lack of storage or not knowing how to organize,” shares Totty.

“Your bedroom is where you begin and end your day, so it is vital that you have a peaceful clutter-free sleeping environment,” she adds.

Now, here are a few pro organizer tips to de-clutter your bedroom according to Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs:

“Designers are all about creating functional zones or areas designed for specific uses – such as the corner of the room reserved for a small desk/office, make up station, as well as dressing and sitting areas, etc.  Compartmentalizing each area of the room will keep the room functional, as well as organized,” reveals Totty.

“Go vertical and as far up to the ceiling as possible, with built in or open concept shelving, to accommodate books, hats, baskets for accessories etc., she continues.”

“The average size of a queen bed is about 6’x5′ in diameter, so take full advantage of all of the space underneath your bed! Plastic bins, baskets and roller drawers are perfect for storing sweaters, boots, coats and hats.

So, where can we turn to get some of Dawn’s recommended items?  In a word:  Houzz.

“This set of 2 under drawer on rollers from Houzz can help utilize the space under your bed, as well as be aesthetically pleasing.  There are 12 different colors to choose from,” suggests Totty.

“Storage benches, chests and upholstered ottomans such as this moroccan gray lift top upholstered storage ottoman makes for easy access to blankets, sweaters and bed linens, as well as additional seating.  It is under $200 and saves space when placed at the foot of your bed,” continues Totty.

Now, let’s talk laundry.  Eek, yes….laundry.

“Laundry can be a major source of clutter.  If you have an accessible laundry bag placed on a hook on the back of a closet door you will eliminate floor clutter.  The Dll Bath Mesh Laundry Bag (Gray) can be purchased on Houzz for just $22.69,” reveals Dawn.

The use of hooks don’t just pertain to laundry, however.

“Hooks placed near doors for easy access for frequently used items such as a handbag, jacket, or keys, will make life easier and more clutter free.  This set of 4 Elios Hooks can be a great asset in minimizing bedroom clutter,” she adds.

Hanging organizers hung on a bedroom closet rod will accommodate belts, ties and scarves and keep them all together in one specific place. Houzz also features a plethora of options for hanging organizers.  The iDesign Scarf Organizer is just one of many.

What about those every day essentials that get all mismatched and disorganized in our dresser drawers?  Well, Dawn has a solution there too.

“Drawer dividers will ensure your socks and under garments will always be organized and neat.  This Traci Bamboo spring loaded adjustable drawer divider comes in a set of 4,” shares Dawn.

Some of our other spatial friends?

Baskets are the best kept trick for just about everything storage related. They can slide under a bed, or be kept at the bedside for remotes, magazines or an extra blanket,” explains Dawn.

“Also, anytime you can get a nightstand with drawers and shelves, those will be far more functional vs. a small table,” she adds.

The Winsome Wood/Curved End Table/Night stand with one drawer is a simple, yet excellent example of what Dawn is referring to.  You can currently find it on Houzz for just $63.45.

Organizing, maximizing, decluttering and accenting our spaces is not an overnight project.  However, it is one of the most important projects we can partake in.  There is no better time than now to start creating a peaceful slumber space.  (Wishing you all a whole lot of undisturbed and restful sleep.  Stay well, friends)!

To keep up with Dawn D. Totty’s latest projects and design tips, follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


About Dawn D. Totty Designs

Dawn D. Totty is an innovative Interior Designer focused on service, customization, enhancing property value and affordably designing spaces to reach their full potential.  Whether a home or business renovation, she has been successfully meeting individual needs and bringing personal visions to life, everywhere she goes.  As a self-described “problem solver,” Totty consistently saves her clients time and money, while reflecting their personal styles at affordable rates.  With a background which began in the New York Fashion industry, Totty has been designing people, places and spaces for 23 years.

In addition to her aesthetic talents and undeniable creativity, lies the mind of an entrepreneur.  She’s a real estate investor with a highly favorable track record.  She has been known to consistently make sizeable profits off of her investments as she has a trained eye for what potential buyers look for.  From homes, to business environments, Totty’s designs have been positively impacting lives both personally and professionally.

In the past year, Dawn’s designs have been featured in over 50 publications, including House Beautiful, Realtor.com, Reader’s Digest, City Scope, Chatter (Times Free Press), Stir Magazine (Sherwin Williams) Vie Magazine, American Farmhouse, and Contemporary Stone + Tile DESIGN. Most recently, Dawn was named the “Best Interior Designer” in Chattanooga’s 2019 “Best of the best” awards.

Using Color in Your Home to Beat “Winter Blah!” (With Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs)

Using Color in Your Home to Beat “Winter Blah!” (With Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs)

Winter gets a bad wrap sometimes….doesn’t it?  The cold wintery days are often associated with dull, gloomy colors.  Winter also seems to be deemed as the most depressing season for many.  But WHY?

WE get to decide what to make of each and every season, as well as each and every day.  Whether it’s 90 degrees or 9, we can create a space that makes us feel peaceful.  Since I’ve been spending so much time inside with my 6 month old during these cold days, I’ve been extra invested in my home.

And who created the term “spring cleaning,” anyways?  We can purge, declutter and reorganize in the winter too, right?

Overall, I’ve been working hard to create a warm, yet happy space (I only wish it looked something like the above photo).  I have a long way to go, but I’m determined.  Whenever I find myself at a loss of how to achieve my residential goals…..I know Dawn D. Totty of Dawn D. Totty Designs is the one to call.

Dawn is in complete agreement that an uplifting space is entirely possible every single season….including winter.

So…where do we start?

“There has been so much research on the study of the psychology of color.  We are told of color’s effect on our mood and even well-being – which supports the tremendous importance of creating a comfortable yet uplifting living and working environment,” shares Totty

“During the winter months, natural sunlight is significantly reduced at times, creating a shadowed effect on our interior spaces. Our home’s interior will speak loudest to us in the winter months when we are more confined to our homes and less likely to spend as much time outdoors. Setting the stage to a fresh and pleasant living environment will make a tremendous positive impact on our state of mind. For example, imagine an all black room from the ceiling to floor.  It may look cool for a day or two, but in time, will have a negative emotional response,” she adds.

As always, Totty is never one to just simply tell us what to do.  She is always glad to tell us how to do it.

 Here are a few of Dawn’s tips to create a warm and pleasant home during the winter months:

  • Lighting is key: Whenever possible use LED bulbs:  they give off the cleanest and brightest light and are very energy efficient and can literally be left on 24/7.  What’s more?  They also cost pennies a day! Introduce a floor lamp or two, or perhaps a table lamp on a side table, or on a kitchen counter.

  • Colorful textiles: Pillows, area rugs and window treatments (just remember to keep them pulled back during the day to allow natural sunlight into the space) are a quick and inexpensive way to make a big update to your décor, without a ton of effort or expense, and can really transform a bedroom or living room.

  • Trending color choices – Home interior Design and Fashion are one in the same:  Whatever is trending in the fashion world = ditto for home décor!

  • Recreate your furniture layout by re-positioning your sofa, chairs, cocktail tables and side tables.
  • Colorful potted plants such as orchids and palms bring color and life to a room when most outside plant life is appearing pretty grim.
  • A Room Diffuser filled with an essential oil of your choice (lavender is one of the most calming) will purify the home during the winter months when the doors and windows are shut.
  • Introduce a large colorful piece of art to compliment your new pillows or bedding!

So there you have it.  When it’s cold outside…..you too, can have the month of May.

Would you like to keep up with Dawn’s design tips and projects?  Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


About Dawn D. Totty Designs

Dawn D. Totty is an innovative Interior Designer focused on service, customization, enhancing property value and affordably designing spaces to reach their full potential.  Whether a home or business renovation, she has been successfully meeting individual needs and bringing personal visions to life, everywhere she goes.  As a self-described “problem solver,” Totty consistently saves her clients time and money, while reflecting their personal styles at affordable rates.  With a background which began in the New York Fashion industry, Totty has been designing people, places and spaces for 23 years.

In addition to her aesthetic talents and undeniable creativity, lies the mind of an entrepreneur.  She’s a real estate investor with a highly favorable track record.  She has been known to consistently make sizeable profits off of her investments as she has a trained eye for what potential buyers look for.  From homes, to business environments, Totty’s designs have been positively impacting lives both personally and professionally.

In the past year, Dawn’s designs have been featured in over 50 publications, including House Beautiful, Realtor.com, Reader’s Digest, City Scope, Chatter (Times Free Press), Stir Magazine (Sherwin Williams) Vie Magazine, American Farmhouse, and Contemporary Stone + Tile DESIGN. Most recently, Dawn was named the “Best Interior Designer” in Chattanooga’s 2019 “Best of the best” awards.

Removing Everyday Toxins in 2020 (With Holistic Health Professional, Cady Kuhlman)

Removing Everyday Toxins in 2020 (With Holistic Health Professional, Cady Kuhlman)

The older I get, the more I desire a healthy lifestyle.  However, this is not your typical “healthy living” blog post.  I am not going to spend much time on the obvious:  Most of us already know we should exercise regularly, eat our greens, avoid processed foods and treat our bodies well in general.  Unfortunately, these basic health practices are not enough for us to live our healthiest lives possible.  Sadly, seeing the word “organic” isn’t even enough to guarantee we are making the right decision.  

Thankfully, near the end of 2019, I was blessed to meet a new friend…..but not just any friend.  I was introduced to Cady Kuhlman – a true and gracious holistic health professional.  Cady received her formal training with her Masters of Holistic Health through American College of Healthcare Science in Portland, OR. What’s more?  Cady has been living a very health conscious lifestyle since she was a child.  And guess what?  Cady agreed to do a blog post with me!  (Yayyyyyy)!

“My background with holistic health began long before I could even type, maybe before I could even read… But really, I am very fortunate that I was raised in a household where food was considered medicine, sugary cereal was a big no-no & needing to go to a doctor was very far and few between,” writes Cady.

“My father & mother began our family health food store in 1979. We started small but my dad had a very clear vision. Our store has grown a great deal from those initial few years as it now is health food store along with 16 other holistic health practitioners who have their own practice,” she continues. 

The store Cady is speaking of is Nutrition World (located at 6201 Lee HWY Chattanooga, TN 37421).  From supplements, to wellness services to educational resources, Nutrition World is a leader in its industry.  Even if you do not reside in the Chattanooga area, you can order from their online store.

Aside from running her store, Cady is simply devoted to helping others live a toxin-free lifestyle.  Most recently, she created a Facebook group called, Earth Conscious Mama, in which she helps her community make conscious decisions on everything from household cleaning products, to makeup, to supplements, to food….and everything in between.  

Without further ado, let’s hear more from Cady!

“It’s 2020. A new year. But even bigger than that, a new decade.  There is no denying the last decade brought the focus back in check for many of us to realize that being healthy and living a vital life, does not happen by chance. It takes daily intentional steps. As a collective nation, there are so many aspects of our world that have gone under the scrutiny of the public eye. We see a push for less GMO’s.  We see dozens of books pushing us to eat in the outer aisles of a grocery stores so that we shop fresh.  We hear professionals suggesting that exercise does improve a multiple of health conditions – and all of that makes my heart absolutely bubbly, like really bubbly,” shares Cady.

“But, there is one area that I rarely see given any attention. Even worse, an area that nearly “pretends” to be clean, conscious and natural, is sadly one that every single american uses in some form of every single day – if not used multiple times a day.  It’s our everyday household & personal care items,” she adds.

Some examples of the concerning items include, but are not limited to deodorants, face wash, makeup, detergent,toothpaste, shaving cream, dishwashing soap, hand soap, face cream, body lotion and the list goes on.

“Most people use cosmetics, household and personal care items without a second thought, as they truly believe that the government is overseeing the safety of the ingredients. Sadly, this is very far from the truth. The personal care industry uses over 12,500 chemicals -unique chemicals with many of them being classified as known endocrine disruptors, toxic to reproductive health and suspected or known to be carcinogenic.   Now, just to paint this image a little clearer:  In Europe they have started to catch on the potential hazards that could lie within these chemicals, so they have banned 1,328 of them.  Here in the US, we have banned only 30 (ah!),” reveals Cady.

So what does this mean for our bodies?

“Let’s go back to that anatomy and physiology class for just a minute. The skin, simply stated, is our largest organ – that means it is bigger than our lungs, our heart, our kidneys. Our skin is literally the barrier that we have between our internal organs and the world. Between 60-90% of what is placed on our skin goes into our bloodstream! This varies depending on the concentration, size of molecule and location on the body. Basically this is way too many opportunities throughout the day for potential harmful chemicals to enter our body,” explains Kuhlman.

Yikes.  As someone who has applied plenty of lotions and makeup in my lifetime….I never really thought about the products actually going into my bloodstream, prior to talking with Cady.  (I certainly think about it now)!  Now, with that said, we all know that we probably aren’t going to see many immediate effects from these products.  However, that certainly doesn’t mean we should rejoice and assume we are free and clear.

“Does it mean that you are automatically unhealthy by using conventional makeup from the drugstore? No. Does it mean that if you clean your clothes with Tide you will get eczema? No. Does it mean that if you use a body lotion with chemicals that you will get cancer? No. But what it does mean is this: Every chemical that you introduce to your body is adding to your overall body burden. So, if we eat bad foods, live a high stress environment, rarely incorporate movement into our daily life, bathe in chemicals, wash our hair in toxins & slap on aluminium ridden deodorant, we have just severely burdened our entire body. The more our body becomes burdened, the more time our body has to spend detoxing, attempting to function properly around all of the chemicals that are constantly flowing within….and ultimately, our body then has no choice but to use its energy to survive, rather than thrive,” expresses Cady.

“This is where I hope I can educate you to become an awakened consumer. You vote with your dollars, so I hope we can all begin voting with truly natural, clean and conscious companies,” she adds.

Now, with all of that said, Cady realizes we simply cannot create a toxin-free house over night.  She knows the struggle and the ongoing quest to create a healthier environment.  However, she encourages us to start making simple, but important changes, as we can.

To teach, rather than overwhelm, today we are going to provide you with 3 of Cady’s “ditch and switch” suggestions:

  1. Laundry Detergent “Sadly many laundry detergents are greenwashed. This term simply means, the company uses jarnigan, photos and a color scheme that makes the consumer feel as if the product is healthy and clean. Examples of being greenwashed within this category: Seventh Generation, Dreft & Meyers. My number 1 recommendation in this category hands down is Molly’s Suds. It is comprised of 4 ingredients: sodium carbonate sourced from the Green River Basin in Wyoming, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate, unrefined sea salt & peppermint oil. Best part- it performs well too! For extra dirty clothes, I just throw in a big splash of vinegar, plus the detergent – And it works wonders!!” shares Cady.
  2. Lipgloss & Lipstick“Maybe you are one of those women who every now and again, feels extra beautiful with vibrant red lips…..or maybe you are one of those who loves a little color on the daily! I feel you. But sadly, these products fall into the personal care industry where there are over 13,000 unregulated chemicals used! A dismal fact about the lipstick industry and its synthetic color pigments is, lipsticks are notorious for using coal tar which contains heavy metals salts. These can absorb into the skin, deplete the body of oxygen and ultimately give us less overall energy. Numerous studies using the common FD&C pigments have been studied and shown some nasty side effects. These include correlation with tumor growth, organ damage, birth defects and nerve cell damage. This ditch & switch is simple for me –  follow my page, Earth Conscious Mama for all of the details!!” invites Cady. (You can also visit Cady’s Crunchi page to read more and place an order).
  3. Air fresheners“Now, here is a ditch that gets me sweating from desire to share this with the WORLD! Please consider ditching Febreeze. The Environmental Working group did a test for the ingredients within one of the Febreeze air effects and found 87 chemicals in total being used within one product. Yet, the manufacturer, P&G would only disclose 3 ingredients. Thankfully EWG brought to light 11 of the 87 chemicals. I will just highlight the top 5: BHT (neurotoxin), acetaldehyde( potential carcinogen and immunotoxin, fragrance(a slew of scary chemicals!), propylene glycol (increases allergies), 1-2 dicholoro-2 proponal (carcinogen), methyl pyrrolidone (toxin to reproductive system). I have so commonly heard of people who had consistent headaches, brain fog, chronic fatigue & more that felt better once Febreeze exited their house. Now, for a safe switch. There truly are so many. My favorites: houseplants to purify the air, quality essential oils in a spray bottle with witch hazel (yes!), charcoal bags in obscure locations that nobody will see to help deodorize and finally, just a nice, beautiful beeswax candle made with essential oil,” reveals Cady. 

So, outside of these 3 everyday switches, how can we begin our toxin-free journeys?  How will we know what to buy?  Remember, the answer is not as simple as trusting fancy labels that simply say, “organic” or “natural.”  In addition to joining Cady’s Earth Conscious Mama Facebook page, there are also some helpful free apps you may want to consider downloading.  Cady recently told our Earth Conscious Mama group about “Think Dirty.”  It features a great deal of every day products, and all you have to do is scan the item to find a profile and a grade for it.  When you find out your go-to product isn’t what you hoped for, you can click for alternatives.  “Healthy Living” and “Fooducate” are also helpful and work in a very similar manner.  

Cady closes with, “So, yes.  2020 is here. Resolutions are here. My absolute goal for you is for you to make this decade your absolute most vital one yet. We can do that together as we begin removing toxins from your body so that there is more freed energy to feel well & fully ALIVE.”

Have you made any product changes lately?  Share your thoughts, favorite products and resources in the comment section below!

Fabulously Frugal: Holly’s Humble But Helpful Savings Tips (Part 1)

Fabulously Frugal:  Holly’s Humble But Helpful Savings Tips (Part 1)

Growing up, I was taught to be thankful for everything I received and to work for what I want.  I was also taught that I don’t always need what I want.  The value of a dollar was instilled in me early on.

I quickly learned that when it comes to finances it’s often less about what you have and more about what you do with what you have. 

Like most young adults though, I made some poor “big purchase” decisions in this area simply because I thought it was time to make that purchase.  You learn as you go, right?  I sure did.

I have also learned that sometimes what makes the biggest difference in our financial lives is how we view the small purchases….the things we less often think about.  Sure it’s important to think through that $5,000 purchase you’re about to make, but do you ever think about your $5 purchases before you make them?  For most, a few impulsive $5 purchases aren’t going to be a make or break.

However, when impulsive $5 purchases stack up over time, it can make all the difference in your financial life.

Remember, I come to you not as a “perfect voice,” but as a work in progress….and as someone who can relate.  I will never become a financial advisor.  I will never be the one to help you with your 401K or investments.  I am simply going to touch on some basics that have made all the different in my life.

I stand by the fact that my frugal ways have always paid off….and will always pay off.  Below, you will find a few of my humble, but hopefully helpful tips.  My whole post is going to center around one basic idea, and it isn’t rocket science.  (I’m going to divide these posts up into a series, so I’m not going to get overly deep today).

Still, I’m amazed by how many people I meet who do not share my passions in this area or seriously over-complicate the simple process:

Like I said, this particular post is going to center around 1 basic concept with a bunch of sub-points: 

Never pay regular price unless absolutely necessary.

Now, I’m going to go ahead and say right now that you can’t get EVERYTHING on sale or for less.  I’m aware of that.  However, I’m also amazed by those who simply don’t take advantage of the sale item over the regular priced item which seem to be the same thing…..or are “too proud” to use the coupon.  I’ve known of people to “turn down” a Kroger card offered to them at checkout and to refuse to use the coupon handed to them….just because.  And I’m sorry, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it.  That’s just plain silly and financially irresponsible.

Which leads me to my first point:

1)  Use the coupons, store savings cards, and/or the promo codes.  This is easy – not some HUGE golden nugget, yet I see so many not take the time to do this.  Does it take a little time?  Sure, but not nearly as much as the naysayers think.

Whether it’s for a restaurant, auto repair, or a clothing store, use it.  It’s money you don’t need to spend.  Can you save yourself $5 on your oil change?  Cool. It’s money that will be helpful for the dinner you are about to pick up.  Paper coupons still come in the mail – look at them.  Coupons are available online – print them.  Many stores offer digital downloads – load them. Promo codes are often available on websites – apply them.  Is an area child or one of your own selling a savings book?  Support the cause and save some money in the long-run. Earn your fuel points, and then fill up at THAT gas station vs. another, whenever possible.

2)  Take advantage of the sales unless it’s just REALLY not what you want. 

Restaurants:  When I go to a restaurant (and they have a lunch menu) 9 times out of 10, I can find something that sounds perfectly good on there.  The portion is also probably just the right size.  Unless your heart is set on the 6 oz. sirloin for $12.99 (and you do deserve those days), why ignore the $5.99 lunch menu that could save you $7.00?  Some splurges are certainly okay, but when you won’t even LOOK at that menu because it’s cheaper, I don’t understand that? Also, do you have to order soda EVERY time?  Water is better for you….and well, usually free too.  I call that a win-win.

Another restaurant tip:  I realize not all restaurants love this tip, and I wouldn’t do this at every restaurant and in every scenario…..but share a meal when possible (or box up half for another meal).  Most of us probably don’t need that huge platter to ourselves.  Now, I will say this though:  If you share a meal or use a coupon….DO NOT let that mean a lower tip for your server.  If you cannot afford to tip a server appropriately, then you shouldn’t be eating out period.  Please tip them as if you never used a coupon and/or shared a meal.  There is a difference in being frugal and in being a cheapskate.  No one likes a cheapskate.  You can both save money and leave your server with a smile.

Grocery Shopping:  Buy generic whenever possible.  Every store I can think of has their own line of generic brands. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that there is OCCASIONALLY a difference in brands on certain items.  I have my diva moments in this area.  If I’m baking, I’m probably going to get the brand name flour, for example.  I also don’t like cheap toothbrushes, among other things.  When it comes to bottled water, I am a Nestle Purelife snob.  Additionally, I don’t like harmful ingredients, and I find all of the genetically modified foods worriesome (though I’ll never be perfect in this area).  About half (or close to) of what I buy is organic, and I tell myself that’s at least a step in the right direction.  What’s great is that a lot of the organic items also come in a reasonable generic brand now too (Simple Truth at Kroger and some of the Great Value brand at Walmart).  I also know Aldi’s is now totally pro-organic…and cheap!

Remember this basic rule of thumb though, especially if you’re buying “junk” anyways:  That cream of chicken soup probably doesn’t have to be Campbell’s when you have the Save-A lot version of it in front of you for almost .50 less.  If you are buying Hamburger Buns, you probably don’t need the Ball Park Brand for $1.49 if you see Kroger brand sitting there for .89.  If you’re going to buy sugary cereal, there is almost ALWAYS an off-brand for $1-$3 cheaper.  If buying all generic on a shopping trip saves you $3….well, there is $3 you didn’t have before, right?

Clothing and other retailers:  It may clutter your inbox up a bit, but sign up for their special offers e-mails.

First of all, I shop A LOT at stores like Marshall’s, Ross, Burke’s and TJ Maxx.  I like discount stores and find some of my favorite clothes at these stores.

Anyone who knows me knows I also save money at Kohl’s like nobody’s business.  Helloooooo 30% off cards on already clearanced items, Kohl’s cash, Yes Rewards and whatever else I have on hand. (And though I have to use my charge account on some of these purchases to get them for those prices, I’ve almost ALWAYS turned around and paid off my charge right after putting it on there). Paying off your card right after using it just for discount purposes is key.  I’m certainly not advocating putting a charge on a credit card and leaving it sit.  If you don’t have the money to go to Kohl’s at that time, you are better off not going period.  With that said, it isn’t unusual for me to spend $30 and save $200……  It is completely doable.

Also, don’t be afraid to check out the clearance racks.  You may find some of your favorite outfits on there if you are just willing to look.  Now, I will also say that if you buy something only because it’s on clearance, everything becomes counterproductive.  Don’t buy things you aren’t sure about just because they’re cheap…because then it will sit in your closet with tags still intact. Then, it will end up in your next yard sale or Goodwill bag.  Sometimes you should go ahead and pay just a little extra to get what you love…..BUT, look at that dang clearance rack first!

You will also never catch me going into Hobby Lobby without my 40% off coupon ready, unless of course the items I want are already on sale.  (They also have great clearance sections!)

*Other stores like JCPenney, Victoria’s Secret, Sephora AND SO MANY OTHERS offer a wide variety of perks, birthday gifts, coupons and special offers.

Oh, and don’t be too good for the dollar tree either.  I could write a lot of great things about them!

3)  Do not be afraid of thrift stores, Facebook Marketplace, yard sales and second hand:  Some things you just want to buy new.  Yes, I agree.  But then, there are PLENTY of items that do not need to be new.  If you hit the Goodwill or Salvation Army on just the right day, you might find the used-once wedding decor you are looking for.  You may even find like-new V-Tech toys for your child for $1, when you know that same toy costs $40 at Target.  What else?  BOOKS!  You can find perfectly clean and brand new looking popular board books for children.  If it looks like it’s never been read and it’s .50, why go buy it for $7 elsewhere?  Maybe the yard sale you just stopped at has the dog kennel you were looking for at $10 when you know it goes for $129.99 at PetSmart.  Or maybe they have the board game you just played at a friend’s housewarming party and loved?  Isn’t $2 better than paying $20?  Is there really any good reason why you can’t EVER consider used?  If you decide you don’t want the item, you didn’t lose much, did you?  Just re-donate it.  As I said, some things are just too germy or risky, but most of the time?  Just clean the item up a bit if necessary.  Sometimes a wet wipe is all you need.  These are just a few of the countless examples you can save big on.

4)  Stock up on your favorite items while they are on sale:  (I am going to get on this A LOT more in part 2 of this series). I also want to make it known that when I say stock up, I’m NOT encouraging clutter or hoarding.

I am not talking about becoming like someone they would cast for the “Extreme Couponers” show.  I think buying 200 bottles of ketchup just because you can get them for 3 cents each is silly and unnecessary unless you run a happening business that needs that many bottles.  I guess if you are a big party planner or restaurant owner it could make SOME sense, but still.  Or hey, I could see SOME “extreme couponing” if you were donating to a food bank or doing it for a good purpose.  Otherwise, no, no and no. Like I said – CLUTTER.  YUCK!  Not to mention, expiration dates.  Anyways, that’s so not what I’m saying here, okay?

What I am saying though is DO stock up on some things that will keep.  The key is to buy your favorite brands and non-perishable products when they are on sale and/or you have special coupons, promotions or additional savings.  When you buy your favorites during their sale times, you not only save money, but you have your items on hand when you do need them.  If you know you are always going to end up buying these brands, why don’t you buy them when they are as cheap or even cheaper than the products you aren’t as crazy about?  For example, let’s say Tide Purclean is your favorite detergent and that it is regularly priced at $8.99 where you shop.  When it’s goes on sale for $5.99 AND you have a $3.00 off coupon, why not buy it then, even if you have a brand new bottle already at home?  If you buy it when it’s cheap, you will have it on hand, and then not get stuck buying it when it is full priced.  Whether you see it this way or not, it saves you $6.00 for the year.

Some of my personal favorite items to stock up on and have readily available for when I run out, are detergent, body washes, hand soaps, toilet paper, paper towels, toothbrushes, diapers, baby wipes and a couple extra tubes of toothpaste. However, I never go overboard, because then I defeat my purpose and end up in Clutterville.  I keep most of my little stock all in one little shelf section of my closet, and when I run out of something, I just head to my little inventory area.  When it comes to those type of items, we are seldom “out,” and because I stock up during sales, I save more on future grocery trips.

5) Wait until you can afford it.  Again, not rocket science.  Getting approved for a credit card does not mean you can afford it.  Maybe you want a new couch, but you’re still living paycheck to paycheck.  Want a new car even though yours is running fine?  Wait until you have the means and/or a huge sale happens.  (Most things do go on sale eventually).  Your future self will thank you later.

6)  Be aware of budget busters.  Are you eating out for lunch every day you go to work?  There goes part of your paycheck right there.  Do some meal-planning.  Make things that reheat well and can serve as leftovers for the next day.  Are you drinking the $5 coffee every day, rather than having it as an occasional here and there treat?  Or at the least, is there somewhere else where you can get it for $1-$2 instead?  Are you heading to the nail salon and swiping that credit card when you’re struggling to afford groceries and your car payment? Are you still paying for cable when you could possibly just be happy with Netflix?  Are you paying for delivery when you could easily drive 2 minutes and pick it up yourself?

Sometimes we have to think about what’s truly a necessity and what isn’t.  We can’t be perfect all the time, but continually falling prey to budget busters when you don’t have the means is a sure way to end up in eventual financial distress.

7)  Find cheap entertainment.  Sure you need to go out sometimes.  You need to go to the game, head to the movie theater or buy the concert tickets every now and then.  It’s good to reward yourself and good to get out of the house.  But, are you out of the house to where you have your wallet begging for mercy?  It’s not a bad thing to sometimes watch the movie you already have, or to pull out the board game you already have, is it? Play corn hole in your back yard, build a fire or go on a walk.  Google fun in-home science experiments and crafts you can do with your kids.  Utilize your Pinterest account. Learn to organize your house and learn to enjoy the process (Dollar Tree is full of cheap organization items, FYI).  Listen to YouTube videos, how-to’s, free podcasts, etc.  Better yet – serve at your church and help out your community.

8)  Take advantage of savings apps.  Here is another thing I am going to get into more on my next post.  Since this is a big detailed topic for me, I decided to do the apps topic completely separate.  In short though, there are A LOT of great savings apps out there.  You can earn cash back and gift cards simply for buying items you need……or just scanning your receipts!  Not only am I going to reveal the ones I use in the next post – I am also going to take the time to actually explain all of them.  I don’t recall ever reading any big tutorials on any of them prior to using them, so I am going to try to be that person for all of you!  (Stayed tuned for part 2).

Aside from all of that, I will leave you with this:  Whether it’s a free sub or a free car wash, try to go get it if you have it (and of course if it’s something you like or actually need).

While you’re at it, sign up for those reward programs, earn your points, clip coupons, do price comparisons and search the net for additional savings.

What are some of your favorite savings tips?  Feel free to share them in the comment section!

Part 2 coming soon!

The Story Behind “Clara Anne”: Why We Chose Our Daughter’s Name

The Story Behind “Clara Anne”:  Why We Chose Our Daughter’s Name

As most of you probably already know, we welcomed our daughter “Clara Anne Cokkinias” into the world on July 8, 2019.

Photo by Adelaide Street Media

What you may not know is some of the extra little “fun facts” – like the story behind her name.

We kept it *mostly* a secret until we shared her birth announcement on Facebook.

Since the name Clara isn’t super common (but of course not unheard of), we have received a lot of questions about it the past couple of months – (How did we come up with it?  Is it a family name?  Etc.)

I feel like I answer that question of curiosity at least several times a week….so I thought hey, that just might be fun to share on my blog. While some may choose a name just because they simply heard it and liked it, my choosing process was honestly pretty deep.

Leave it to me:  The over-thinker and the over-explainer.  I couldn’t just hear a name on TV and go with it unfortunately.  My mind just doesn’t work that way, though I sometimes wish it did.  It would certainly make my life easier…LOL.

Now, I must also say I’m just doing this post for fun – not to convince anyone who may not like the name or visa versa. Amazingly, we have actually received ALL positive feedback on it (which is great), but personally, I still would have chosen this name even if we hadn’t.

I am just answering a common question we get that I think has kind of a meaningful backstory to it. I personally enjoy “names” and hearing about how other people choose theirs, so if you also find this kind of thing entertaining, read on:

I wanted something somewhat unusual and unpredictable.  I wanted it to be beautiful, feminine and classic….yet not overly popular.  I’ve always been a bit against the grain.  I’m not really trendy, and I always try to go for “slightly different.”  However, with a name, I was adamant that I didn’t want to do anything “weird” in order to achieve that.  It was a hard middle ground to find.  In all honesty, when it comes to names, I’m super picky.  Thankfully, my husband Kyle was on board with the name pretty quickly.

…..And between Kyle and I, we know a lot of people.  I was born and raised in Ohio and here in TN, I have met countless people from all over the state …..and the world. I also come from a massive family, which is constantly growing.  It’s getting fairly close to impossible to find an attractive name that hasn’t already been used multiple times by some fairly close family members, friends or acquaintances in one way or another….and that is certainly okay, but I was kind of up for the challenge:

…..*Drumroll*….we actually know ZERO little Clara’s, besides our own.

I always knew about the name “Clara,” but didn’t really think of it as my future daughter’s name until probably 3-5 years ago.  I heard it somewhere again and *bam*…..I started liking it.  Then, I started loving it.  I found myself loving that it was old-fashioned, yet could still be modern.  In my opinion, it has a timeless feel, which is important to me.  Old names tend to come back around every 100 or so years, and I decided, “Clara,” was well overdue for a comeback since it peaked in popularity in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

Photo by Adelaide Street Media

An extra cool bonus:  it’s actually a really old family name that goes way back through the generations……but it is not currently a “new name” in the family.   My Clara’s great-great-great-great Grandmother on my mom’s side of the house was “Clara.”  Her daughter, and my Clara’s great-great-great grandmother was, “Ethel Clara.”  Additionally, it was used a couple other times way back in our family history.  With that said, I felt like “Clara” would be a cool nod to my mom and my late Grandmother (though neither of them have “Clara” in their name).  Anyone who knows me knows that my mom means the world to me….and my Grandma was a big inspirational figure in my life as well.

Additionally, Kyle’s sweet Mom is “Rebecca Anne”… and I also absolutely adore my mother-in-law.  “Ann” is also the middle name of an aunt who is very special to me.  To top it all off, it also made me think of our awesome pastor’s wife, “Miss Anne.”  I just have a lot of great “Anne” associations in general, and loved/still love the flow of “Clara Anne.”  I tried other middle names with Clara, and kept coming back to “Anne.”

When I say “Clara Anne,” I think of both of our families.

Also, I felt that it sounded like a strong, yet sweet name.  I pictured a kind, goal-oriented woman.  I pictured “Clara Anne” looking great on a resume.  To me, it had just the right balance and versatility for a driven Southern country girl – sounding both down-to-earth and intelligent.  It also didn’t hurt that it made me think of inspirational people like Clara Barton (founder of the Red Cross) and the fictional, but inspiring, character from “The Nutcracker.”  I also love its meaning of, “bright and clear.”  As soon as the Dr. laid her on my chest, I knew I had chosen the right name. Weighing in at 6 lbs, 1 oz, she was born tiny….but so strong!

Also, it isn’t of any secret that our last name is long…..and most people don’t know how to pronounce and/or spell it.  People will forever mess it up, so giving her a long first name that can also easily be messed up just didn’t seem like a kind thing to do.  I wanted a first name for her that has an obvious traditional spelling and pronunciation, though I am fully prepared that it will still get botched up.  😂.

(There are a couple other personal reasons I chose this name).

Ultimately, I think what we name our children is very important and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Their name is with them their whole life.  We cannot guarantee we will choose something they will love, but I can certainly say I sure tried. We of course all have different tastes and styles, and there isn’t ANY name in the world that EVERYONE will love.  We all have our own opinions.  This was our choice though, and I have to admit I really love the story behind it.  I would absolutely go with it all over again.

So for those of you who have asked/may still wonder how I landed on this particular name…….there it is.

What about you?  What made you decide on your baby name(s)?  What are some of your favorites?  Let’s create a fun discussion. Sound off in the comment section below! 🙂

When God Says “No”

When God Says “No”

“Just because he doesn’t answer…..doesn’t mean he don’t care.  Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”

Yes, I  just quoted some lyrics to a Garth Brooks hit.  To start, Garth is one of my favorite singers of all time.  I also love the idea behind the “Unanswered Prayers” song and always have.  In fact, for many years, it was like an anthem in my life.  I think it is a very well-intended song, and I get what the message is at the core. (The man in the song winds up thankful that he didn’t end up with his high school flame).  When he runs into her later in life, he’s so glad he ended up with his wife instead.  He thanks the good Lord for not giving him what he wanted all those years ago).  I do relate.

In my own world, I’m very thankful God didn’t say “yes” to any of the men I met prior to Kyle.  Some of them were great guys with incredible families, but we just weren’t right for each other in the long run.  Therefore, I’m thankful that they also found the one who was better suited for them.

Others…..well, I’ll just be nice and say, I was spared of a lot of heartache.  Disaster would have been certain.  However, I root for ALL of them. With all of that said, I’m glad that I ended up with Kyle instead of someone else, and that God knew what was better for me far better than I knew what was better for me.

Now, hear me out for a bit.  After many years of investing in my relationship with the Lord and trying to get to know him on a deeper level, I don’t believe “unanswered prayers” is the correct term here.   I believe God answers ALL of our prayers – just not always in the way we expect, or think we want at the time.

I believe a “no” is still an answer to prayer, because when he gives us a “no,” he’s doing so to protect us in some way.  Always answering “yes” would be him agreeing to “our will” instead of his own.

It’s like I said in my “Chick Flicks Lie” book back in 2014 (to paraphrase), when God doesn’t give us what we want, he is either “saving us from something…..or for something.”

And let me tell you – he has saved me so many times.  So many more times than I could ever deserve.  I can look back and see different times when he both saved me from something…..and for something.

…..Because he always knew when a “yes” would destroy my walk, or his purpose for me.  He always knew when a “yes” would bring me financial ruin.  He always knew when a “yes” would keep from living my best life.  He always knew when a “yes” would keep from meeting the right man for me.  He always knew when a “yes” could wind up bringing me stress and heartbreak.  He always, always knew….and he always, always answered.

Today, I know, a combination of his “yesses” his “nos,” and his “not yets” are what has brought me to this happier, more peaceful time in my life.

I believe we need to make a habit of thanking him for ALL of his answers, whatever they may be, because he is the one who sees the big picture.  We only see one step at a time.  Our heavenly father sees the whole staircase.

This is why Proverbs 3:5-6 remains one of  my favorite verses:

Proverbs 3:5-6 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]

The other day, I had yet another revelation in this area.  Though I won’t get into all of the details, almost 4 years ago, I was determined to make a major change in my life.  In “MY” understanding, this change made perfect sense.  There was a door that appeared to be open, and I was so desperate for change that I tried to walk through that door.  I was relying on my own logic instead of on Him.

It looked like I was going to “get” what I thought I wanted…….but God firmly said, “no.”  

When he said “no,” I was honestly confused.  I must admit that even my ego was a bit bruised, and I try not to have an ego.

I suddenly felt inadequate and like I was no longer “at the top of my game.”  It brought me down a few notches and made me question myself.  It certainly humbled me to say the least.  Looking back though, I clearly remember never actually feeling at “peace” about that transition.  Oddly, a part of me was almost glad the door slammed shut.  It’s very difficult to explain the mix of emotions.

During that frustrating time, I was also seeing someone who was completely wrong for me.  I knew deep down he was wrong for me.  However, he was persistent, and I had developed a “whatever” attitude about that area of my life.  He lived life on the road, and I found myself figuratively going down the same road I had already been on one too many times. I resented the road I was on, yet I was on it all the same.

I was tired….so tired.

I was too tired to notice that God had recently introduced me to my future husband.  He was disguised as a new co-worker.  Someone I just kind of thought would be a new acquaintance who I would see in passing from time to time.

I was too tired to notice that the Lord was busy moving mountains in my life.  It just “appeared” that nothing was happening.

I was too tired to notice that he was saying “no” to that one opportunity, because he was instead bringing me to a much greater “yes.”

I was too tired to notice that if he had agreed to “my will,” NONE of my beautiful future (the now) would have been possible.  Me getting my way would have resulted in ruin on many levels.

Now, fast forward…..here we are in 2019.  I said “yes” to that co-worker, and we have now been married for 2 years.  Our relationship is the polar opposite of any and all past relationships I had.  God knew I needed the opposite.  I would say I now also have the daughter I’ve always dreamed of, but honestly, she’s even greater than I could have imagined.

Jesus Christ remains the foundation of my life – and with him as the foundation, I experience stability and peace each day.  Life isn’t always easy, but I always know he has my back.

Now, here is the kicker:  Just the other day, another huge reason for that “no” he gave me four years ago was revealed.  Again, I won’t get into the specifics and the whys, but let’s just say, hindsight is 20/20.

Sometimes, we don’t necessarily get to see the reason for the “no”…..but sometimes (like in this case), the reason winds up being revealed in big, bold, flashing, neon lights.

If he had said “yes,” instead of “no,” not only would I not have Kyle and Clara today, but I would have had the rug completed yanked out from under me in SO many other areas.  I likely would have been stressed beyond measure and felt my world crumbling in all areas.  Just thinking of all the ways my life almost went in the wrong direction made me anxious.

I pictured myself trying to keep up my home on my own. I pictured foreclosure.  I pictured myself jobless and crying about broken dreams.  I pictured myself in great distress and having no idea where to go from there.  I tried to picture life without Kyle, Clara and the amazing family I married into…..and I just couldn’t.  I didn’t want to.

….Thankfully I was able to shut off that depressing “short film,” and thank the Lord for his “no” four years ago. I was able to smile about where I am now.  Because He is the Lord of my life, “He saved me from something and for something,” just like he has so many times before.

He did answer my prayer.  He always has and always will.

Sometimes we just have to stop and thank Him for his “no’s,”.……because sometimes, his no’s are the greatest answer to prayer of all.

You Are More Than “Just”

Most days are just ordinary days (or so we think).  I don’t necessarily have grand revelations or significant events to speak of on those days.  Life-defining moments typically only happen here and there…..but today, the Lord keeps laying the simple word of “just” on my heart.  I can think of not just ONE, but three times he has used the word “just” in my life today.

First of all, I was reading a post on Facebook that got me thinking.  A friend was talking about what her aging horse meant to her, and someone replied something along the lines of a horse is so much more than “just a horse.” Her comment is what got the ball rolling for me today.

Though I’ve never owned a horse, I would absolutely agree with that statement.  It drives me CRAZY when someone calls a dog “just a dog.”  To me, there is no such thing as “just a dog.”  Our dog is a family member.  He was here before my husband and daughter joined me.  Now that we have a daughter, I try to ensure him every day that he is still just as loved now as he was then.  Even as our lives have changed, he is always there:  Always there to lay next to me when I’m sick, when I’m sad, when I’m having a bad day…or just because. On the days I feel like a failure, he looks at me like I’m absolutely everything. His heart and intelligence is like that of a toddler.  He taught (and still teaches me so much about life), but that is another blog in itself.  With that said:  When referring to a person or a furry family member, please never say the word “just” to me.

Then, my mom and I had a conversation about life and goals today.  We got to talking about the housewife life and how she stayed home with us when we were growing up.  I told her she was so many things to us and that the term “just a housewife” drives me crazy, because there really is no such thing as “just” a housewife.  She was and is a mom.  A cook.  A counselor.  A mentor.  A teacher.  A leader.  A seamstress.  A housekeeper.  A repair lady.  A bookkeeper.  A hairstylist.  A tutor. A nurse.  A chauffeur.  A cheerleader. A 24/7 friend…….to 4 children at one time.

Lastly, I was watching a sitcom that likely isn’t new to many of you, but is new to me.  (I tend to discover all the cool shows on netflix way after their prime).  “The Middle” is a good show to demonstrate my point even further.  Today, I was watching an episode where a hardcore motivational consultant tries to whip Middle America mom/failing car saleswoman Frankie into shape.  Frankie doesn’t value herself and sees herself as “just a mom.”  The consultant challenges and inspires her to realize she isn’t “just”…..she is everything and can do anything.

At this point, I’m thinking, “Okay.  I get it.  Time for a blog.”

So here we are, friends.

It’s time to eliminate “just” when speaking about ourselves and other people…

You aren’t “just a mom.”

“Just a housewife.”

“Just a customer service representative.”

“Just a laborer.”

You are MORE.

It’s time to eliminate “just” when talking about our jobs, goals and career ambitions.  Your dream doesn’t have to be “just a dream.”

“Just” limits us, undermines and disappoints.  “Just” holds us hostage and keeps us from setting goals.

“Just” is a defeating and discouraging word in far too many cases.

God didn’t create you to be “just this” or “just that.”

We are eternal beings with individual purposes.  While your current job or season may feel boring, mundane, and limiting, it still doesn’t change the fact that you were created for a purpose that ONLY YOU can do.

The thing about life is we never get to see the big picture and the start to finish all at once.  We only get to see it one step at a time.  We see where we are and where we’ve been.  We have hopes and plans of where we want to go, but our hopes and plans remain hopes and plans, until the future becomes the present.

But maybe….just maybe….we need to start viewing “just” a little differently.

What looks like a “just”….just may be what is leading you to your big break.

What looks like a “just”…just may be exactly what you are looking for.

What looks like a “just”….just may be the way that you meet your future spouse.

What looks like a “just”….just may be a beautiful forever friendship.

What looks like a “just”….just may make someone’s day.

What looks like a “just”…just may change someone’s life.

What looks like “just an ending”…..just may be a beginning.

Lose the “just” when it contains a negative connotation.  

See the beauty and the value in what appears to be “just a normal day.”

Recognize the potential and the growth in what appears to be “just a job.”

Remember the goals you set and the desires God has placed in your heart whenever you think you are “just a housewife,” “just a mom,” or “just a laborer.”

“Just” is what happens when we limit ourselves, other people and opportunities.

“More” is what happens when we continue to dream, work hard and believe that we serve a limitless God.

Lose the “just.”  Look for the “more.”

Jamie Burke: Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks

Jamie Burke:  Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks

When Jamie Burke made the move to Nashville, she had big plans and big dreams in the entertainment industry. In fact, her latest song and video, “Drive” describes her journey quite well.  Today, she still plans, but she hands God the eraser.  She still dreams, but her greatest dream is fulfilling God’s purpose for her life.

Though Jamie has undoubtedly enjoyed success and celebrated accomplishments, she has also experienced a great deal of curveballs, detours and adversity along the way.  She was first known for her high energy performances and breakup songs.  Then, she thought she finally found her Prince Charming….but then, it came to a screeching halt.

To top it all off, it happened very publicly.  Friends starting choosing sides, but Jamie chose the high road.

When 2018 brought her some of the most difficult challenges of her life, she knew she ultimately had two choices:  1.  Give up. OR 2.  Give it all to God.

……….She chose and continues to choose #2.

“God has truly manifested Himself into my life and my heart this year. I have had to rely on Him more than ever before. I whole-heartedly believe this was the year that God humbled me and made me realize not only am I not in control of the world around me, but that it’s ok, because He IS! As a definitive type A woman, this took me a while to be okay with,” reflects Burke.

As part of the “let go and let God” process, she found herself having to set free more than she ever envisioned.  Doors were closing and pages were turning, and in all of that uncertainty, she was reminded of her greatest certainty:  Jesus Christ.

“I have also lost a lot of relationships I was holding on to – some of these for too long.  I got to a place of wondering why I was alone.  Then, I found myself relying on Him for strength and direction, then realizing I would rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies when it came to relationships and friendships,” says Burke.

As she grows closer to the Lord and continues to remind herself of his promises, she feels the strong pull to purposely use the gifts he’s given her for His glory.  She knows he’s given her the gift of music to connect and to encourage.  She isn’t going to allow her adversities to happen to her in vain – she is going to allow Him to use the bad for the good.  She plans to be a light and to allow even her art and songwriting to go through the transformation process with her.

“2018 has been a year of growth, opportunity, and change. I have had some very high highs and some not so fun lows. I feel like I have grown a lot this year as not just a songwriter and artist, but as a woman.  I have learned to really respect myself, to be more empathetic and perceptive towards others, to appreciate little moments and to be more in the moment. As a writer I have learned to be okay with not sticking to one genre as well being more vulnerable and experimental with my lyrics and story telling,”  shares Burke.

Like most singers and songwriters in Music City, Jamie once felt the pressure to reach a certain level to consider herself “successful.”  Today though?  She is also free from that pressure.

“I believe God has spoken to me and worked in my heart in a very clear and obvious way that FAME is not something any of us should be seeking, which I think is something that is easy to do in the music/entertainment industry. He has really made me realize that while He has given me gifts and talents that should be used, it should never be about the fame that could and can come with it,” says Burke.

“I’ve had my eyes opened to really understand the impact of my music/art, and to really appreciate those moments where a stranger reaches out and says I inspire them or that they really love one of my songs.  Making a difference has become what matters to me,” she continues.

Speaking of encouraging strangers, Jamie has a lot to add.  She wants her fellow women to know that not only does fame not bring validation, but neither does our beloved social media world.

“I’d really like other women to know that social media really doesn’t validate you. Just because your photo didn’t get X amount of likes or you don’t have as many followers as this girl or that person, does not mean you are less beautiful, less valuable, less talented, or less interesting,” she encourages.

With her new chapter, has come new confidence…….but not the kind of confidence that happens from social media compliments or human approval.  In fact, she’s taken notice to not just how pressure-filled, but also how shallow, social media can really be.

“I see so many women my age who are just flat out trying so hard to look important, rich, skinny, fabulous, pretty or sexy.  They’re not even promoting a product or anything – just women trying to validate themselves.  I imagine a world where POOF….instagram is gone, BOOM….Facebook is gone.  Are you suddenly not important?  We allow ourselves to get sucked into that world and frankly, it’s almost like a double-life.  It’s all fake and manipulated,” Jamie says emphatically.

She wants other women to know that their real friends will call them, that their family loves them without or without filters and that check-ins aren’t vital.

“For me, this is another BIG area God has worked in me.  I now feel like social media is just a means of promotion and business marketing, but as far as airing every second of my personal life?  Dunzo.  Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt,” she says with certainty.

There are a few areas of her personal life that she doesn’t mind airing, however:  She has been knocked down, but she got right up.  She has been hurt, but she is allowing herself to heal.  She has been the subject of gossip, but she chooses to press on.  Most importantly, she chooses to love and she chooses to trust her healer and her helper. As a result, she is pressing on, enjoying the simple things and looking forward to the future.

“I feel like I am starting on my comeback! I’ve had a lot of setbacks this year. For example, people can get very brave online and post whatever they want about you, which is really disheartening at times. Most of it is not true…the rest is a misconstrued version of the truth. That has been hard for me. I wanted to fight back against allegations and gossip, but I decided to stay quiet, let things pass over, and just talk to you about it after the dust settles. Have I made mistakes? Yep. I’m human. We all have. I just got lucky and had things broadcast under a microscope. Have I learned from those mistakes? Yep…and I didn’t need any outside opinions or influence,”  shares Burke.

Though she had reason to become angry, she instead chose to build a strong foundation with the bricks thrown at her.  She also didn’t accept the invite to get bitter – she instead chose to get better.

“Those who know me know all the things I’ve struggled with – serious and heavy setbacks, but I’ve tried to maintain a positive attitude.  Most importantly, I’ve tried to be QUIET and LISTEN to God. What is He wanting me to do? Where does He want me to go? When I started listening is when big things began to happen. God picked up all the broken pieces of my heart and my life and said ‘these pieces are a great foundation to build something awesome on’. In doing this, I started to feel JOY and feel like I gained a lot of perspective on life, relationships, and the world around me,” says Burke.

As she began to experience a peace and joy unlike ever before, God began to talk to her about some of the other dreams he’s given her.

“I started my fashion line called 40 East. This is something I’ve always wanted to do,” reveals Burke.

Since she sincerely wants to design for the right reasons, she also donates a portion of each sale to St. Jude.

“I make custom tees, tanks, accessories and more and design everything, solely by myself,” says Burke.

In addition to to pouring herself into design, her passion for music is as strong as ever.

“I’ve also written more songs in the last 6 months or so than ever before and am halfway done with my upcoming 3rd EP/CD,” announces the Nashville entertainer.

“As I keep writing, the ‘problem’ has become ‘ok, what do I want to put on this record, what stories do I want to share, and production wise, where do I want this all to go?’  I’ve noticed that I am not just writing country anymore. I feel like I have grown as a songwriter and artist and used to put myself in a box of ‘I’m going to write this kind of music, I’m going to sound like this artist or that artist.’  Now, I’m just like, ‘I really like the way this sounds’ or ‘ya know what, I’m in a rock mood today’ or ‘I’m feeling this EDM track a lot.’  Collaborations and getting out of my comfort zone are more fun and more appealing,” she explains.

Alongside her love for the arts, she remains active in other various adventures.

“I’ve also been really fortunate to be modeling and doing all kinds of other projects now which I believe has come with the confidence and place I’m at right now,” says Burke.

“As this year or so has come to fruition, I feel like people have noticed a change in me…the way I carry myself has just become a more confident and self-aware person. I don’t believe this has anything to with my appearance! I believe this is 100% confidence in knowing God’s got this, confidence in who I am and what I can not only just offer in relationships and business opportunities, and an overall new approach to my health and fitness,” she continues.

Though her year was full of challenge, Jamie ultimately has come out victorious.  She’s turned her trials into triumphs and her fears into faith.  Rather than looking in her review mirror, she remains focused on the road ahead.

“When you are a genuinely happy person who is ok with who she is, I think the world can see from the inside out. I am staying busy on music and other projects, focusing on healing and health, listening to God and being open to whatever life is going to offer me. I am excited to see what the rest of this year and next year have in store for me…because while I’ve had some mountains to climb and major setbacks…I’ve learned…A setback is just a set up for your comeback!”

To learn more about Jamie and to listen to her music, visit her website.

To keep up with Jamie, follow  her Facebook pages for both her music and latest fashions.