Why A Little Sister Is One Of God’s Greatest Gifts

I’m going to be honest and up-front with you and admit I did not come up with this blog post idea on my own.  A couple days ago, my little sister posted a cute little link on my page about a big sister being the most important person in one’s life.  After we discussed how true and relevant the post was, she told me she thought I could write a great “little sister” one.  I agreed.  So here it is:  “Why A Little Sister Is One Of God’s Greatest Gifts.”

(Photo by Kat Bradshaw Photography)

Anyone who knows my sister and I, knows we are truly best friends.  It isn’t an act or solely just a social media type of thing:  I truly love my sister, and she truly loves me.  I know some sisters fight like a bunch of cats and dogs, but if they dare to look a little closer, they’ll find their best friend.  To be fair, my sister is a decade younger than me, so maybe that has always made getting along a little easier.  I see her like a young adult daughter, and she sees me as her second mom.  No matter what the age gap though, a sister really can be one of God’s greatest gifts to you.  Trust me.

(Photo by Kat Bradshaw Photography)
  1.  A little sister keeps you young, hip and cool. She makes sure you don’t dare to buy that ugly shirt, and she reminds you that “you’ve still got it.”  Even if you refuse to have Snapchat on your phone, she has you talking in goofy voices and wearing cat ears on her screen at the very least.  She gets you to cut loose, let your hair down and to rock out to the latest tunes in your soccer mom SUV.  She makes you go on an evening speed walk when you were thinking of vegging out on the couch instead. She can also sometimes even manage to talk you into staying out past 7 PM and socializing with other living creations other than herself, your husband and dog.  Sometimes……you even find yourself using words that only the “cool kids” are using.
  2. She shares the same parents, siblings and extended family as you do.  The “older sister” blog mentioned this point, and I completely agree.  Since you share the same family, you understand one another on even a higher level.  It’s a common ground and a connection that even your best “outside the family friend,” won’t be able to share with you.  She knows all the different personalities and situations and can give advice accordingly.
  3. There is no one you could possibly be more comfortable around.  There’s no greater feeling than being around people you are 110% comfortable with.  My little sister is and has always been that person for me.  We can talk about anything and share anything without feeling weird, awkward or worrying about what the other person is thinking.  There is zero pressure to fake a “bad day” and zero pressure to be anything, except exactly who you are.
  4. You get a great chance to develop motherly skills and to practice “low-key parenting”prior to ever actually becoming a mother. This may not apply to every sister out there like it does me.  I realize many sisters are so much closer in age than I am with mine, but no matter what, the big sister is supposed to look out for and protect the little sister.  Even if the big sister is only a year older, some kind of motherly characteristics are usually present.  My little sister was born when I was 11 years old.  I was so thrilled about her arrival that I was constantly wanting to step up and play “mommy.”  My mom allowed me to assist her in taking care of her as a baby.  Therefore, at 11, I was learning the great responsibility of taking care of a baby and all that goes with that.  I watched her grow and continued to care for her.  I practiced telling her “no,” and was sometimes the cool person telling her “yes.” I bought her little things, encouraged her, advised her and built her up.  When I didn’t think something was a good idea, I told her so.  When I thought something was a good idea, I told her so.  The same still applies today.  I haven’t had child #1 of my own yet, but in my mind, I’m the second mom of a 22 year old.  I advise her on life, encourage her walk with Christ and remind her that I’m always a listening ear.  We have the “back in my day” talks.  I try to make sure she doesn’t make the same mistakes I did 10 years ago.  I remind her that even if outside people disappoint her, that she can always trust me and know that I’m rooting for her every second of every day.  I let her know when I don’t “like” a guy and don’t want to see him in my home again, and I let her know when I have a prospect in mind for her.  Sometimes my opinion irritates her….but 99.9% of the time, just a day or two later, she thanks me for leading her in the right direction.
  5. You get to share clothes and all that cool girl stuff.  These days, my sister goes shopping a little more than I do.  She has great style and has been in the habit of buying shirts that can fit both of us.  That’s a win, win situation all the way around.  She also readily shares her beauty products with me.  Did I mention she’s also a hair stylist?  Need I say more?
  6. When you’re getting lazy with your goals, she lets you know.  Sisters know our gifts and our skill sets better than anyone else.  When mine sees me getting lazy on my goals or settling for less in life, she lets me know.  She reminds me of what I can offer this world and pushes me to stay at it.
  7. She’s slightly better at TV, technology and all the new “stuff.”  Okay, maybe slightly is an understatement for me.  I’m pathetic when it comes to technology and all the electronics of today.  I know the basics and that’s about it.  She figures out everything from internet files, to iPhone settings to TV buttons for me.  She’s the only reason we have Netflix, and she’s the one who reminds me when “Fuller House” is beginning a new season.  She’s the one wearing the Apple watch reminding me I can check my heart rate at any time.  Basically….without her, I’d still be sporting a Sony Walkman and boasting a TV with rabbit ears.
  8. When you feel like a zero….she reminds you that you’re her hero.  She looks up to you even when you feel like she may be the only one.  She sees the value in you even when you feel like few others do.  She boosts your ego and tells you you’re an incredible cook….even if you’re just a “recipe follower.”  She’s your encourager and your cheerleader every day if you learn how to be a “cool sister” and just let her be.
  9. You have a forever built-in best friend, “Maid of Honor” and plus 1.  Girls can be dramatic.  Really, really dramatic.  Throughout my life, different seasons have made me reevaluate who my real friends are and who they’re not.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I have some INCREDIBLE non-dramatic close friends, but I keep my circle small.  I have a few friends that would have been perfect as Maid of Honors and Bridesmaids, but when it actually came to my wedding day, my husband and I kept things small and simple in that area.  My sister was promised the “Maid of Honor” role since she was born.  When it came to my day, she selflessly treated it with care like it was her own.  She made sure that everything was perfect.  She bought me stuff along the way.  She hosted two showers for me.  She kept me chill, calm and collected throughout the whole process.  Even though I’m now married, I may sometimes still need a plus 1 for important life events.  If my husband can’t go, I know who can, and I know there will be zero drama in the process.  She’s one woman I will never ever have to question and that’s a great feeling.
  10. She always has your best interest in mind.  A good little sister always, always has her older sister’s best interest in mind.  A big sister can always rest assured that if the little sister is advising something or pointing something out, then there must be something to assess.  Though a big sister is said to be the protector and the “second mom,” the truth is, the little sister often takes on these same roles.  She’s the one running to Kroger to get your chicken noodle soup, ginger ale and saltines when you’re sick, and she’s the one checking on you when you were already expected home.
(Photo by Kat Bradshaw Photography)

To sum it all up……having a little sister is one of God’s greatest gifts and should never ever be taken lightly. Treat her great, and she’ll treat you great in return.

(Photo by Kat Bradshaw Photography)

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